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Title Sort descending AKA Biography
Andrew Jones


Photo Andrew McCloud


Andrew Munro 

My Collection on Instagram

User: samcoupe512kb

Andrzej Mielcarek

Musician on

Andrzej Siuda Ziutek

Musician, member of

Andy Brown

Musician for

Andy Davis Alchemist Research

Writer for

Andy Gale

Hardware Designer.

Andy Glaister

Developer of the

Andy Green Phantom Software


Andy Hook


Andy Monk XSD, Xtreme Software Development

Musician, Coder.

Andy Nibbs

Coder/Writer on

Andy Andy Nightingale anightin
  • Sam Coupé User since 2021
Andy Park Andy Taff

Worked at Sam computers Ltd in 1992 also created the loading screen for

Andy Swann

Coder on the

Andy Wright Andy Wright

Dr Andy Wright ran

Anton Andersen Campion Software

Danish Software House.


Anton Javorček Anton Javorček DTA, Antony

Coder with

APB Computer Services

Company of

Apex Developments

Software Producers

Axxent Software Axxent

Software house run by

B Lofkin


B M Parkinson
B. S. E. Software

Software house of