Serial Numbers
From Colin MacDonald taken from the Sam Coupé Scrapbook
“As far as I remember, what was used at SAMCo to gauge the age of a machine that came in was the serial numbers - the actual machine used Bruce’s birthday with three zeros at the end for the first serial number, whilst the disc drives used Alan’s birthday with three zeros.”
The Comms interface had a similar serial numbering scheme 041066xxxx.
Bruce Gordon's Birthday | 17/07/1947 | 170747000 |
Alan Miles Birthday | 07/08/1950 | 070850000 |
Adrian Parker's? Birthday | 04/10/1966 | 041066000 |
SAM Coupé Serials
Serial | Number | Owner/Seen | Details |
SAMP001 | N/A | Simon Goodwin | Prototype machine is running with the production ASIC |
SAMP003 | N/A | Originally Nev Young, now Dan Dooré | Prototype machine is running with the prototype ASIC, see Golden ASICs |
170747003 | 4 | ebay | link |
170747039 | 40 | Tony Preston | Twin drive, 256K, ROM 3.0. Purchased from SAM Coupe Users Group (Facebook). Boxed and includes FDD boxes and instructions |
170747113 | 114 | Andy Nightingale | belonged to Search: “Andrew McCloud'” |
170747175 | 176 | ebay | link |
170747212 | 213 | Dave Compton | Purchased direct from MGT 16-Nov-1989 for £169.95. Motherboard s/n: 002/0268. |
170747275 | 276 | belonged to Simon Field | |
170747311 | 312 | Martin Pritchard | |
170747472 | 473 | Steve Payne | |
170747595 | 596 | ebay | link |
170747597 | 598 | James R Curry | |
170747615 | 616 | Gary Frost | |
170747919 | 920 | Russell Pitman |
Boxed and came with external ATOM interface. |
170747938 | 939 | Craig Harrison | Bought as Not Working. Just needed a Drive Belt. |
170747981 | 982 | ebay | link |
170748000 | 1001 | Miguel Angel Rodríguez Jódar | |
170748025 | Lars Persson NoName Anotherguest | Bought original, lost box in move. | |
170748037 | 1038 | Search: “Guy Black” | |
170748499 | 1500 | Michael Andrews | |
170748500 | Mark Heslop | Working, with new SCART and PSU | |
170748692 | Richard Gadd |
Owned from new. Lots of modifications: 256K upgrade. HDMI interface - internally mounted and wired RGBtoHDMI board. Gotek with Rotary knob with my own custom FlashFloppy firmware. On Screen Display (using an STM32 board) to duplicate Gotek OLED over HDMI. Mouse Interface - internally wired and mounted in the top case with an Atari ST TruMouse USB adapter and a wireless receiver. 4 ROM image 128K EPROM 27C010 with ROM Switcher (using an STM32 board). Custom Fast BOOT ROM. Internally mounted DALLAS RTC using a GAL16V8. Custom code (to handle port decoding and access) compatible with B-DOS. Quazar Mechanical Keyboard. Quazar Trinity Ethernet Interface (v1.2 upgrade) with custom Auto BOOT that re-instates the stripes. Quazar SID Interface Card. |
170748885 | Paul Finn | Owned from new | |
170748911 | 1912 | ebay | link |
170749049 | 2050 | Marcus Andrews | |
170749087 | 2088 | Carlo Brini | 256K, ROM v1.0, faulty keyboard (missing backplate) |
170749140 | 2141 | Dennis van Berkel | 512K |
170749516 | 2517 | Dan Dooré | "Bob" |
170749061 | 2062 | ebay | link |
170749661 | 2662 | Dan Dooré | "Vincent" |
170749687 | 2688 | ebay | link |
170749754 | 2755 | ebay | link |
170749837 | 2838 | Martin Fitzpatrick | |
170749902 | 2903 | Search: “Emmerson Maurilio” | |
170750019 | 3020 | Stefan Schomburg | SAM #7 |
170750156 | 3157 | Search: “Kevin Allen” | ROM 3.0. Bought as 256K/1 drive, upgraded soon after to 512K/2 drives. Also have mouse and comms interface. Fully functional as of 21/Jan/2020 (with 2 new belts in the drives). Lots of other home-brew hardware also made (Z80 PIO, Z80 SIO, Z80 CTC, 8255, EPROM emulator, LCD interface). |
170750410 | 3411 | Gordon Wallis | ROM 3.0, bought as 512K with 1 drive, 2nd drive added later (fussy 2Mb drive, pink LED, later traded in for replacement). Atom HD interface switched out after HD failure in storage, now using Trinity for mass storage |
170750440 | 3441 | Colin Anderton | An eBay purchase when I couldn't get my first Coupe working brilliantly. |
170750489 | 3490 | ebay | link - 512K belonged to Dennis van Berkel |
170750822 | 3821 | ebay | link |
170750925 | 3926 | ebay | link |
170751022 | 4023 | Chris Pile | |
170751117 | 4018 | Peter Gallagher | |
170751216 | 4217 | Search: “Jeffrey Lam” and Jason Lam | Owned from new |
170751293 | 4294 | Search: “avinnicombe” | Owned from new, bought in John Menzies Maidstone early Jan 1990 |
170751332 | 4333 | Robert Morrison | eBay 01 Aug, 2022 ROM 3.0, 512K, two SAM Drives |
170751404 | Darren Bullivant | Finally managed to acquire! Looking to fix & restore. | |
170751440 | 4441 | Search: “Adam Martin” | Owned from new |
170751483 | Dean Payne | ||
170751705 | 4706 | Dan Dooré | On the outside of the box only, inside was unit 170749516 |
170751829 | 4830 | ebay |
link - 256K/ROM 3 Black feet |
170751852 | 4853 | Paul Tommy | |
170751853 | 4854 | Search: “Dusan Sidlo” | |
170751906 | 4907 | ebay | link |
170751940 | 4941 | ebay | link |
170752013 | 5014 | ebay | link |
170752087 | 5088 | Colin Anderton | Not my original sadly (it disappeared after a house move), but one a mate let me have |
170752098 | 5099 | ebay | link |
170752140 | 5141 | ebay | link |
170757099 | 10100 | Philip Wood | Purchased from MGT for Christmas 1989. Not used since ~1992, no idea if it still works. |
170757102 | 10103 | Dave Park | |
170767061 | 20062 | ebay | link |
170767112 | 20113 | ebay | link - 256K |
170767301 | 20302 | ebay | link |
170767304 | 20305 | Anton Javorček | |
170767314 | 20315 | ebay - Premier Audio | link |
Different | |||
070857062 | Search: “Marcello Cruz” | FDD Serial? | |
070857100 | Stefan Drissen | v1.1 board, bought in Reading including FDD - the FDD does not have a serial on it | |
070857170 | Steve Bennett / Greenford Computer Club | v1.1 board, ROM 3.0, 512K, cool grey keyboard, black feet. Included 1 FDD (no serial number) and Format Publications branded Mouse interface and Parallel printer interface. Startup screen says "SAM Computers Limited" | |
070857181 | Robert Morrison | v1.1 board, ROM 3.0, 512K, cool grey keyboard, black feet. Included 1 FDD (no serial number). Startup screen says "SAM Computers Limited (c)1991" | |
070857191 | Search: “Andrew Munro” | ||
E961148 | Stefan Schomburg | SAM élite | |
Unknown | |||
Unreadable | ebay | link |
Comms Interface
Serial | Number | Owner/Seen | Details |
0410664112 | 4113 | Tony Preston | |
0410664295 | 4296 | Andrew McCloud | |
0410664325 | 4326 | Dan Dooré | |
0410664370 | 4371 | Stefan Schomburg | |
0410664466 | 4467 | Dan Dooré | |
0410664499 | 4500 | Search: “Andrew Munro” | |
0410664516 | 4517 | Stefan Schomburg | |
0410664551 | 4552 | Dennis van Berkel | |
NSN | Stefan Schomburg | SAM Computers Limited logo | |
NSN | Gordon Wallis | White 'SAM interface' enclosure, v1.2 board (1989) | |
170751172 | David Figueiredo |
Sam Drive
Serial | Number | Owner/Seen | Details |
NSN | N/A | Dan Dooré | In Protoype SAMP003 |
070850067 | 68 | Andrew McCloud | |
070850089 | 90 | Search: “Adam Leach” | |
070850726 | 727 | ebay - shipping from Italy | |
070850796 | 797 | Michael Andrews | |
070851799 | 1800 | Ebay | link |
070855018 | 5019 | Gordon Wallis | Bought with SAM, Yellow LED, in need of belt replacement, possible blown capacitor |
070855280 | 5281 | Dave Compton |
Make: Citizen |
070855552 | Dean Payne | ||
070855623 | 5624 | Dennis van Berkel | |
070856130 | 6131 | Andrew McCloud | |
070856134 | 6135 | Andrew McCloud | |
070856662 | 6663 | Robert Morrison | Blue door and button Make: Citizen Model: U1DA-01A Serial: 1A01A 006115A-0Z |
070856772 | 6773 | Robert Morrison | Black door and button Make: Citizen Model: U1DA-01A Serial: 1A01A 007128A-11 |
070856880 | 6881 | Anton Javorček | |
070857238 | 7239 | Search: “Jeffrey Lam” and Jason Lam | 1st drive but belt was too difficult for me to replace so is now non-working 2nd drive |
070860048 | 10049 | Russell Pitman | |
070860065 | 10066 | Search: “Kevin Allen” | Came with my SAM... |
070860181 | 10182 | Search: “Kevin Allen” | ...added as a 2nd drive not long after. |
070860558 | 10559 | Dan Dooré | |
070860617 | Paul Finn | Owned from new | |
070860711 | 10712 | Search: “Jeffrey Lam” and Jason Lam | Bought as 2nd drive but is now 1st drive as belt was easier to replace |
170751172 | Search: “David Figueiredo” |
One Meg
Serial | Number | Owner/Seen | Details |
174 | Dan Dooré | ||
NSN | Dan Dooré | ||
NSN | Stefan Schomburg | ||
NSN | Chris Pile | v1.1 | |
NSN | Gordon Wallis | SAMco/SAMtek v1.1 |
The Messenger
Serial | Number | Owner/Seen | Details |
170762078 | Gordon Wallis | Blue button | |
170762089 | Stefan Schomburg | Red button | |
170762185 | Peter Harkess | Blue Button | |
170762291 | Dan Dooré | Blue Button | |
170762468 | Stefan Schomburg | Blue button | |
170762474 | Ebay | link | |
Bare board | Dan Dooré | Version 1.0 | |
NSN | Russell Pitman | Black Button |
External Drive Interface
Serial | Number | Owner/Seen | Details |
290655215 | |||
290655256 | Russell Pitman | ||
290655414 | Stefan Drissen | ||
290655507 | Andrew McCloud | ||
NSN | Dan Dooré |
SD IDE for use with HDOS
Serial | Number | Owner/Seen | Details |
000 | 1 | Colin Piggot | Original first unit from Nev Young |
100 | 101 | Dan Dooré | |
172 | 173 | Russell Pitman |
Serial | Number | Owner/Seen | Details |
3156 | Dan Dooré | ||
A200417 | Steve Bennett / Greenford Computer Club |