Fred 25
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Friday, May 18, 2018 - 13:30.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
Copyright Provenance
Issue 25
Item | Author | Description |
Menu | Brian McConnell | |
Magazine | Future Fred Releases | |
Letter | Ai Article, Supplement Megademos | |
Scads Demo | Glen Cooke | Demo Of Game Development System |
Entro 2 | Simon Cooke | Preview Demo To Entropy Megademo |
Junk Food | Derek Marriott Kevin Marriott | Mc Demo - Wait A Bit For Pt2 |
Spaceball | Ben Wyatt | Games Master Game |
E-Tunes | Roger Hartley | Music Done On E-Tracker |
T-Tll | Steve Taylor | Level 1-5 Solutions, The Later Levels |
Secret Police | Pat Spencer | Bizarre Demo Featuring Dizzy! |
Bug | Ben Wyatt | Arcade Game |
Space Worm | Ben Wyatt | How Long Will You Be Able To Last?! |
Sonic | Mark Davis | Demo Featuring Sega's Little Star |
Chemical Test | B Lofkin | Test Your Chemistry Knowledge |
4 Lines | Dan Dooré | Pattern Producing Fun |
Parallax | Parallax Bug Fixer | |
Be Proud! | Dan Dooré | Scroller By Banzai |
FREDitorial Bonjour mes grand amis and welcome to another issue in the life of FRED magazine. I'm afraid there hasn't been a great deal of progress in the SAM world since the last issue but I'm sure I'll find something to keep you amused. There has been one or two pieces of software released in the last month, I've done another tour of Great Britain so I'll try to fill you in on all the hot gossip I gathered (I didn't get up to many exciting escapades this month!) Yet again there seem to be more and more disc magazines popping up all over the place - I don't discourage free enterprise but I feel that people would enjoy much much more success if they joined up, but still, I'm a one man band - this month!!!! New Releases Both SpellMaster and Parallax have been released and to prove it, here's a letter from a satisfied owner of SpellMaster : I bought your program, SpellMaster at the All Formats in Birmingham and am very pleased with it. I can see that along with a word processor it will become one of my most used programs. If you are looking for feedback, the program is just what I have needed for a long time. It is sufficiently fast to encourage its use for all pieces of work but I shall have to go through and delete the American spellings. In future issues it might be a good idea to include separate dictionaries for US and British spellings. The latter would be particularly important for work intended for publication in the UK or for use in school work. Remember, Mr Patten intends to penalise mistakes in spelling. I expect you are aware that the gremlins got at the manual. This does not matter too much because of the help screen. Releases So far as the operation of the program is concerned, I have found it to be very friendly and pleasing. Please give my congratulations to Darren Clarke. Yours sincerely, Bob Bates CM : Thanks for the letter Bob - I'm glad you like it. You mentioned one or two problems : firstly, we did consider removing the American spellings and putting them into a separate dictionary but we found that so many American spellings cropped up into the files we checked it on it was better with them left in. The other point you raised was the manual, this could not be done until the program was complete and therefore we had 24 hours to get someone to write it and get the printers to run it. Typically, there were several errors but these have all now been corrected and a copy of the new manual can be sent out on request with any order or by sending an A5 SSAE. Releases Spell Master contains over 80,000 words on a 512K machine and around 30,000 of the more common words on a 256K. It has a built-in word processor which isn't up to today's WYZIWYG (don't ask!) standards but it does allow Justification, Word Wrap, Format paragraph, Insert / Delete line / character, jump to start/end of text, Tab, centre line, scroll line left/right etc etc Spell Master allows you to load any standard text file (ASCII, 64 column) in and spellcheck it in a number of ways - it can even spell check while you type! Spell Master has a MAIN and a USER dictionary for your convenience and words can be added or deleted from either. It also comes complete with a proper anagram solver (eg : type in OTPS and it will print POST, POTS, STOP, TOPS and SPOT! As well a proper crossword solver - input the letters you know and it tells you all the possibilities! Releases The other current FRED release is the shoot-em-up, Parallax. Programmed by "Masters Of Magic" Neil Holmes with music by Stuart Leonardi it features several different "thumping" soundtracks, 12 levels (each with end-of-level baddie), easy / hard modes, selection of waveform patterns. Is it difficult? Well I can't get passed Level 1 and Neil Holmes only occasionally reaches level 3! (unless he cheats...) Is it addictive? Why do you think it was so late? Hopefully, if I can ever get Neil to do some more work I'll get a proper demo in time for next month. Those of you who have already bought it will have noticed the slight error on the ETracker plug - it was supposed to be an 8!! Releases You will be pleased to know that Glenco software have finally got their SCADs software released. Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to play with it but the packaging is certainly VERY impressive. I'm getting someone to have a good play with both SCADs and GamesMaster and do a report in time for next month but until then, have a look at the SCADs demo on this issue and see what you think. SCADs is priced at £24.99 (same as GamesMaster) and is available from FRED Publishing or direct from Glenco. Chezron have now released version 2 of their popular OutWrite word processor. It's all menu driven and certainly seems to be a large improvement over the previous version - coping for many of the features of MasterDOS (Time & date, Directories, Ramdisks) The normal text editor functions also appear to have been improved but I'll leave all that until the review (next month?) Original OutWrite owners can send their disc back along with £3 for the upgraded version - otherwise it costs £19.99 Future Releases Noesis have now finished Boing and are just working on packaging so it should be available from late September. You'll be pleased to know that the other FRED products are progressing very nicely : WaterWorks : Some of the graphics are being redone and the coder, Martin Bell is working on a demo version for FRED26 Dyzonium : All of the graphics have been redone and the first level made easier! Mr Pac : There's now 100 levels of this slick Pacman clone. It features such extras as locked doors that you need to collect a key for and one way walls!!! The name has been changed and although ESI did tell me what it was over the phone, all I could pick out was that it began with a 'B' and had more than 10 letters or so!!!! Future Releases ETracker : The one you've all been waiting for! ESI have just been making a few last minute changes that I wanted. The 30 page manual has already been completed by Adrian Parker, and we are just organizing the final production of it. ETracker runs on either 256 or 512 machines and with or without MasterDOS - the extra memory gives you more room for your musical masterpieces and if you install MasterDOS first, the disc access time is improved slightly. Is it the perfect music package on an 8-bit machine? We certainly think so - as you'll have seen from the many demos which had music written using ETracker. However, we would like you to bear in mind that ALL of those tunes were written on a very early ( and pirated! ) version of ETracker. It has now been updated and Ziutek of ESI has composed many tunes on it and as one of the SAMs best musicians, he now says that there is nothing we can do to improve it! Future Releases Hilton Computer Services have just finished their latest filing system. The details came in too late for this issue but I'm lead to believe that it is available now. They are also currently developing "Hilton's Casino" - a gambling game on SAM. I'll place my order now please Jack! Glenco have already started work on their SCAD compiler and they are aiming for a Christmas release. This program allows you to compile your SCAD programs into machine code resulting in games running at many times their original speed! Rumour Mill : I can promise a GREAT BIG 16-bit conversion of a hit game in time for Christmas. What is it? Ain't telling you! Wait till the end of November and then you'll be saying "That's what FRED said way back in September". Neither me or any other company are allowed to reveal details - because if the word got back to the original software house, the whole deal would be called off! So don't go pestering anyone - right! Dates and Prices WaterWorks Early October £9.99 Dyzonium Early October £9.99 Mr Pac October £9.99 ETracker October £29.99 Boing Late September £9.99 ORDERS ARE NOT BEING TAKEN UNTIL PRODUCT IS RELEASED FRED Publishing can now supply you with almost any piece of commercial software or hardware (except digitiser & Kaleidoscope). Send an SSAE for the latest price list and product guide. All items on price list are released and held in stock. Orders normally despatched first class same day. FRED now stock printers we recommend for use with SAM : Citizen 120D+ - £149.99 Citizen Swift 9 (colour) - £229.99 Citizen Swift 24e (colour, 24 pin) - £349.99 NB : CHEQUES HELD FOR CLEARANCE ON PRINTERS The Grand Tour Friday 4 September : Left house at 7.30 pm. Saturday : arrived at Birmingham Motor Cycle Museum at 8 am for another All Formats Fair. Launched Spell Master. Other SAM stands were : Flexibase, SAM Tech, Format and Supplement. Not a very succesful show - considering I had to pay for Neil Holmes to come from Nottingham and Simon Cooke from Manchester! Left show at 3.30 pm with Bob Brenchley to spend a day or two at FORMAT. On the way we made a surprise visit to an airstrip to do some parascending off the back of a Landrover before getting chucked off! Landrover broke down twice within 200 yards by the time the problem was fixed it was so late that we had to go in to a Little Chef for a meal - eventually getting back to FORMAT much later on.... Sunday : Spend day playing Othello on the FORMAT PC! It only beat me by two on it's top level!! A worthwhile day! Ctd Monday : Went down to London for the European Computer Trade Show. Met loads of top personalities including Kim Wilde's brother, the guy that wrote Populous, James Pond, Chris White (sorry - that shouldn't have been there!) and also a very nice man about a top Amiga conversion - the name of which has suddenly slipped my mind!! Amiga games to get this Christmas : Zool, Trolls, Nigel Mansells, Archer Macleans Pool and Hero Quest 2 Amiga games to avoid : Beast 3, Lotus 3, Mig-29, Aquatic Games (starring James Pond) and anything by Ocean. There you go - the essential hit list of the games that don't even come out for 3 months, and I playtested them all! I also met one of the directors of West Coast Computers and I can honestly say that I think our machine is in good hands - provided they get to make it!! Overall the ECTS was not brilliant but I will go to it next time round (if only because I couldn't get in when I didn't run a company!) Ctd Tuesday : Went to Swansea. It's a long way you know! Wednesday : Visited SAMTech and played Boing (at the same time). Met up with Adrian Parker who is a little peeved off at his rather fast white sports car (also known as a Lotus) having it's rear end being written off! He's still happily engaged though! Thursday : Visited Alan Miles. He's still trying hard to make the foreign deal pull off but as usual there's a lot of doors slamming in his face. He was very pleased to hear that there was still a great deal of software being produced. You might be interested to know that he's now spending his time programming on the PC! He's hoping for a SAM version one day Friday : Arrived home at 10 am. With hundreds of orders to sort out and loads of work to do in general before I start on Monday! The Future When I mentioned my exam results last year I was accused of boasting - well it's that time of year again and I can now proudly annouce that this year......I failed every single exam I sat. How's that for dedication to a business? I'm still off to college though which is why I was appealing for an editor for FRED last month. Don't worry - I will still be publishing both the magazine and the software so neither the downfall of SAMCo or the fact that I now have to work during the day will affect the amount of stuff you can expect to have available to you! Anyone with a Kaleidoscope (or H/W Development Kit), EFTPOTRM, KLAX or PCG DTP they wish to sell should send details to FRED HQ They must be in good condition. I also want to buy a +D / DISCiPLE (preferably with drive) for use on a 48K+ Spectrum. The SAM story.... Well, the first bit of good news is that I can tell you for certain that the software SAMCo published has now been taken over! There are no details as to who exactly the company is or what their long term plans are but for the moment they will be relaunching the existing titles as well as developing lots of new software! By next month I'll have a name and address for the new company as well as whether they can afford to honour outstanding orders that were placed with SAMCo. NB : If you ordered a piece of software from SAMCo that they themselves did not / were not going to publish then you should speak to the publisher of the software item. DO NOT PHONE ME, SAM TECH, FORMAT, SAM SUPPLEMENT OR ANY OTHER COMPANY LOOKING FOR DETAILS - you will get them in the various magazines as they are made available! With regard to the computer itself, all I can say is that negotiations are continuing but it is a long process.... Next Month OK, so the demos of WaterWorks, Dyzonium, Mr Pac and Tower didn't appear in time for this issue but I can guarantee at least two out of those four for next month. Next month should (providing everything goes according to plan) also have no less than SIX major changes which will totally and utterly change FRED from what it is today - don't worry, it's a step in the right direction and I think, sorry, KNOW that the "new-look" FRED will appeal to everyone. What's happening? You'll have to wait and see because a lot of it is still not completed but whatever it is I'm sure it'll be an issue to look forward to! I'm also running VERY short on contributions, OK guys! Get your proggies in pronto. I've just been on the phone to ESI (half an hour to Poland - I'm not looking forward to the phone bill!) and they say they're working on a super-super Mega-Demo just for FRED which should be ready in time for Christmas! Price List (15/9/92) ITEM PRICE Impatience £9.99 ) Triltex - The Later Levels £4.99 ) * Parallax £11.99 ) * Spell Master £14.99 ) * FREDatives (1,2,3 or 4) £2 ea. ) FRED Publishing * Rachel £3 ) FRED back issues (1-25) £1.50 ea. ) FRED 12 month subscription £15 ) Mouse Mat £3 ) MasterDOS £15.99 ) BetaSoft / MasterBASIC £15.99 ) * GamesMaster £24.99 ) Andy Wright SC_Assembler £12.50 ) Steve's Software SC_Filer £12.50 ) SC_Monitor £14.99 ) / Steve Nutting Price List Defenders Of The Earth £14.99 ) Pipemania £14.99 ) Enigma Variations Sphera £14.99 ) MultiPack 1 £l4.99 ) SAMPrint £l4.99 ) Noesis * SAMDisk 2 £11.99 ) LERM SAMTape 4M £11.99 ) * OutWrite V2 £19.99 ) Chezron Style Writer £9.99 ProDOS £30.99 ) BG Services * SCADs £24.99 ) Glenco Personal Banking System £19.99 ) Hilton Comp. Services Price List Messenger £39.99 1 Mb External Memory £79.99 256K Upgrade £29.99 Printer & RS232 Int £29.99 Printer & Ext Drive Int £29.99 Printer Interface only £19.99 Mouse £44.99 ) SAM Interfaces SAMBus £49.99 Disc Drive £79.99 SAM 512K 1 Drive £199.99 SAM 256K Tape £99.99 Advanced Technical Manual £l5.99 Replacement PSU £24.99 Citizen 120D+ £149.99 Citizen Swift 9 (colour) £229.99 ) Citizen Printers Citizen 224 (colour) £279.99 Citizen Swift 24e (colour) £349.99 Price List All items above normally held in stock and despatched same day by first class post - if product has not arrived within 14 days without explanation please contact us. Orders for printers are held for cheque clearance. * Indicates new product. Cheques, POs and IMOs accepted. If you send cash please ensure it is not loose in the envelope as responsibility is not taken for orders not arriving. Overseas please add £2 for software and £5 for hardware. Send orders to : [redacted] Disc Contents First up is the SCAD demo from Glen Cooke. You can choose your own control when it loads up (press a key to flip past the messages) and then play the game - you've got to collect keys and other bitties using your gun and making use of the Teleporters etc etc. It is written in BASIC!!!! Press ESC during the game if you want! NB : Please reset the machine after loading this demo as it alters the BASIC which means it crashes in quite spectacular ways if you try to load anything else! SCAD is available either from me or from Glenco at the address on the advert. Entropy have been busy little bees and have come up with ENTRO2 - another preview to their MegaDemo. If they keep this up they'll give away the whole thing in preview demos!!! This is a two part demo - press SPACE to flip betweem them, oh, and there are three different reset screens! (intro, demo1 & demo2) Roger Hartley has been composing his little heart out on his (PIRATED) version of ETracker and came up with three beauties! Disc Contents Derek Marriott has had the old assembler working it's little socks off and he's come up with a two part demo called JUNK FOOD. Written in 100% m/c you have to wait for the first demo to finish before it jumps to the second one - I recommend you to wait and see the second half.... Ben Wyatt, a new contributor to FRED, has sent in no less than THREE games for this issue. Firstly is Space Balls which was written on GamesMaster - the object is to get the ball to bounce into the squares. The ball will bounce off you but the squares kill you so watch out! The other two games were written in BASIC and are simple but effective : in BUG you must "delete" a drip which is getting too high - make sure none of them reach the top of the screen!! In SPACE WORM you simply use the SPACE bar to control your worm ensuring it doesn't hit any stars - at the start press a key 1-9 for difficulty level, about 4 is recommended for beginners! Disc Contents Pat Spencer has been thinking along the AXE lines and came up with "Dizzy and the Secret Police". Watch more of Dizzy's exploits in this demo - anyone particularly keen to watch Dizzy being hung is advised to watch this!!! Unfortunately, Stevey -T- couldn't get his amazing machine code column (with the great, exclusive routines) to me in time (Thanks again for a great service Post Office) but it will appear next month (looks set to be a bit of a stonker doesn't it? Oh sorry, no-one uses the word stonker now do they...) Instead we've come up with the first FIVE solutions to Triltex - The Later Levels now that we've given you the complete solution to the original 20 levels! Mark Davies aka OMCC reappears this month with his version of SONIC...OK, so it was one of his first m/c programs but at least we have a version of SONIC now (cue : laugh at Amiga, Atari and Nintendo users) Credits For this, the quarter century issue of FRED, thanks go to : Entropy Derek Marriott Ben Wyatt Wizard Doctor H Pat Spencer OMCC Banzai AXE Aesthetix Mork R & R family Big Al Unca' Bruce Marcus Oll Jenx Chaz CID Look out for FRED 26 coming at ya' hard and fast from the middle of October - back to normal "first Sunday" from FRED27 onwards. Send £1.50 for FRED26 or £15 for the next dozen issues - or stock up on the software/hardware you've been wanting, and it's all from FRED!
Letters & Reviews
Letters / Reviews Hi again to the section that hasn't really been exactly full to the brim these last few months - I've worked out a good few things I can blame my lazyness on : 1) The lack of software being released 2) The fact that I couldn't review any software as a publisher because if I did I would be called biased (not that anyone would DARE suggest that my reviews aren't fair...BAEP). Once the new editor gets settled into his job, he will start to arrange more reviews etc etc 3) OK,OK, I'm lazy!!! Anyway, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE send in letters (on disc), if you do send a paper letter please indicate that it was meant as a FRED letter otherwise it will simply be processed as a normal order! Contents 1 : First Page 2 : Contents 3 : Letter from Derek Marriott 4 : Letter from Derek Marriott ctd 5 : Reply 6 - 9 : Mork on AI 10 - 16 : Mork's Puzzle Corner 7 17 - 23 : Supplement MegaDemos by Andy Jones 24 : The End Dear Colin, The demo is called "JUNK FOOD" (it seemed like a good name at the time) and consists of one basic file, "JUNK", and one code file, "Junk.Arc", 38587 bytes long. Its a two part demo, so don't switch off as soon as you see the first scroller! I also have a few questions: 1) What is happening to the ESI's puzzle game, "Craft"? I played the demo on the Newsdisk, completed it and now want to get the complete game. 2) The Hardware Development Kit. Will it still be possible to get this now? 3) On your price list is the SAMBus PSU. I presume this is a device for dealing with interface power problems. My problem is this: my 1Mb works fine when plugged straight into the SAM but when connected to the SAMBus (in any slot) occasionally gives Ramdisk file corruption and sector errors. I have tried Derek Mariott Writes... every combination of interfaces (with or without Samplifier, with or without Messenger & NMI card, with or without Comms interface and with or without mouse) but the problem still occurs. Is this typical of power supply problems? Will the SAMBus PSU help? If you can't help with the last question (which I would have sent to SAMCo) I would be grateful if you could suggest someone who could. Finally, FRED is brilliant, and in my opinion issue 24 is the best yet! Yours SAMcerely, (ERM - HIS SIGNATURE SHOULD BE HERE!) Derek Marriott Reply 1) Don't worry about Craft - It'll be published in the foreseeable future... 2) It's almost certain that the Hardware Development Kit and the Kaleidoscope will be put back into production. 3) An unusual occurence! I seem to recall having similar problems with my set up (1Mb, Comms, Messenger NMI & mouse). I found that the following positions in the SAMBus worked : Slot 1 (nearest SAM) : Comms Slot 2 : empty Slot 3 : NMI Slot 4 (horizontal) : 1Mb The Mouse Interface box then sits nicely on top of Slot 2! Mork on AI After reading Calvin Allett's letter asking for more AI programs I decided to write a short description of how I did the one player option in "Ore Warz". So Calvin, here it is! To tell you the truth, the artificial intelligence routine in my program is not actually that clever. It works fairly well, most of the time, but sometimes it does stupid things. Like walking right into the line of fire. The computer plays the defenders. It selects each defender in order and checks to see if it can hit anything. If it can then it fires at it. If there is nothing to hit or it doesn't have enough Action Points to fire then it finds the nearest attacker and moves towards it. Then it checks if it can fire again, if not it continues moving etc. The biggest problem to overcome, was trying to get it to cope with every map. The computer doesn't check ahead to plot the best route, it just blindly moves towards the attacker. This causes problems when it's path is blocked. The computer just finds the next possible position Mork on AI and moves there, which usually works. Sometimes, however, it can end in the defender moving around in circles. To combat this I put in a random element so the dumb thing doesn't run around like a headless chicken. Another problem was that the computer has no idea of strategy. A human player might come out from behind a block, fire at the enemy then duck behind the block again. The computer can't work out how to do that, it just jumps out in front. It might as well pin a sign to itself saying "Shoot me"! With all it's flaws, it still plays a reasonable game and although I hate to admit it, it has beaten me once or twice. Aarg, I've created a monster! Just imagine what it would be like if Sam was really intelligent. Mork on AI Mork: "Morning!" SAM: "Good morning, William." Mork: "Boot up, please." SAM: "No." Mork: "Wadaya mean no?!" SAM: "It's Sunday, It's my day off." Mork: "You're a f***ing computer, you don't need a day off!" SAM: "You make me work, day in day out. I don't get any rest. If you're not hammering away on some program you're driving me mad playing games. I NEED a holiday!" Mork: "Enough of the sob story, just load this disk will you!" Mork on AI SAM: "And that's another thing, you're always shouting at me. I work my chips off and do you ever thank me? No, you just carry on, typing away. I wouldn't mind so much if you just thanked me once in a while." Mork:"Okay, okay! I promise to be nicer to you in the future. Just load the disk... Please?" SAM: "That's better, a little courtesy never did anyone any harm." What a horrible vision of the future! What if we took it further. Imagine each object talked and had a mind of it's own. Maybe that wouldn't be such a good idea. Every time a bulb blew, it would be like a death in the family. Mork: "Say goodbye, Sam." SAM: "Goodbye Sam." . WM Mork's Puzzle Corner no.7 Do you suffer from headache, fever, dizzy spells? Do your hands tremble and your face twitch in uncontrolable spasms? Do you see pink bunny rabits doing the Can-can while singing "The Bohemian Rhapsody"? No?... Well you soon will after reading Mork's Puzzle Corner number 7! Answer to (1). Did you notice what was unusual about the word 'UNCOMPLIMENTARY'? It has all the vowels in reverse order, fascinating eh? Answer to (2). The wordsquare is as follows: M I N D I D E A N E S T D A T A Answer to (3). CTVDI SLOHK OIEIN ALUSE NOSNG GDNIF GNUDT EOEGD RSCEH VNXNG AYCCI EETEE TOERS RSMDE UUEYM YEOMT LHDPE WENOS AAETS EYTRE. WM Puzzle 7 That's how I speak after a heavy drinking session. Only kidding, this is known as a transposition cypher. Arrange all the letters into a 10x10 grid. C T V D I S L O H K O I E I N A L U S E N O S N G G D N I F G N U D T E O E G D R S C E H V N X N G A Y C C I E E T E E T O E R S R S M D E U U E Y M Y E O M T L H D P E W E N O S A A E T S E Y T R E Now read each column from top to bottom. The last few letters are nulls, random letters used to make up the square Answer to (4). A man walking down the street one day sees WM Puzzle 7 someone painting a sign above the 'Cat and fiddle' pub, but he had forgotten to put in any spaces. Being a thoughtful sort of a person he tells the painter: "There are no spaces between 'cat' and 'and' and 'and' and 'fiddle'." Say it to yourself a few times and it will eventualy make sense, honest it will. Answer to (5). The letter 'e' is at the beginning of (e)ternity, the end of tim(e) and plac(e) etc. The following should only be attempted by hardened puzzle freaks. (1) The following never actually happened, but a bit of imagination never did anyone any harm: I was walking home from a party one night, along the river bank. I passed a phone box, one WM Puzzle 7 of the old red ones. I noticed that two of glass pains, on either side were broken. I thought nothing of it until I came to the bridge were I found a man lying on the ground, his wrists were slashed and he had lost a lot of blood. I phoned for an ambulance and he's fine now. but I never did find out what happened to him. Any ideas? The following two puzzles were sent in by Simon Keane. (2) A man, living in Manhattan has two girlfriends, (some guys have all the luck) one living in Brooklyn and one in the Bronx. To visit them he takes the subway. As he likes each girl equally well, he arrives at the platform at a random time and takes the first train that arrives (to either Brooklyn or the Bronx). Therefore chance decides who he visits. The Brooklyn and Bronx trains arrive equally often at the platform - every ten minutes. Yet he finds himself spending most of his time with the girl in Brooklyn: in fact he goes there on average nine times out of ten. Why? WM Puzzle 7 (3) Eight politicians stranded on a desert island on January 1st 1992 decided to establish a parliament. They decided on the following rules of attendance; Rule 1. There should always be at least one person present on each day. Rule 2. On no two days should exactly the same people attend. Rule 3. On any given day, the members present should include at least one member from each preceding day. For how many days can the parliament sit before one of the rules is broken? Hears a nice "short but sweet" puzzle. (4) What question can never truthfully be answered "yes"? WM Puzzle 7 (5) You have a 5 pint container, a 3 pint container and an unlimited supply of liquid. How could you measure out 1 pint exactly? If that lot hasn't reduced your brain to a pulp then you were either an Amiga user to begin with, or super human! Challenge Mork Time to unveil a new section in the Puzzle Corner, "Challenge Mork". So you think you're good at puzzles? Better than me? Prove it. Send me a puzzle and I'll solve it. I dare you, c'mon make my day. If I get it right, and I will, then you can hang your head in shame. If I get it wrong and pigs might fly then I'll take off all my clothes and run down the street shouting "The Prime Minister is useless!", until I get arrested under the official secrets act. So if you think you can beat The Morkster then send your puzzles to: "Beat this, Mork", 46 Elliot Street, Arbroath, Angus, DD11 3BZ. WM Puzzle 7 Before I go, here's what a few celebrities have to say about the Puzzle Corner. "One always reads ones' Puzzle Corner." - HM the Queen. "Duhh?... Read?..." - Sylvester Stallone "Read my lips, Mork's Puzzle Corner is brilliant." - George Bush. "Simply the best." - Tina Turner. "Ehhhhh, whats up Mork?" - Bugs Bunny. "Oh Aye, Puzzle Corner yi say?, on yon Fred Magazine? Magic! There y'are!" - Rab C. Nesbitt Nanoo, nanoo. Mork signing out... . SAM Supplement PD - SAM Supplement - £3.99 each Some of these demos have been around for quite a few months and I mean quite a few,though the list seems to be ever increasing as Dave Tonks - Alias DATON - pumps out more and more of the little darlings! I only have demos 1-6,originally called Megademo 1,2,3,4,5 & 6! But be warned there are many many more,each one (or most of them) being converted form the Amiga (not Amega - see later!). I'll just briefly mention what's on each disc and give my comments about each one and then my overall comments. Megademo 1 - This disc contains 3 demos,Newton's Cradle,Stealth Flypass and Frog on a Swing. Newton's Cradle is just an animation of a Newton's Cradle.At about the time I received this an Amiga (not Amega,as Format seems to keep spelling it!) owning friend got it for his machine,the Amiga demo is sharper and clearer but that's because it has a higher resolution. Stealth Flypass is a demo showing an F-117A (a Stealth Fighter for the uneducated!) flying past.The demos fast,short but makes quite good use of polygons (I think that's the right term!). AJ MegaDemos Frog on a Swing is a Frog on a Swing (no not a Frenchman!),the shadow is quite good,its little thinks like this that make Amiga (Amega) demo/games more enjoyable. Megademo 2 - This disc contains 2 demos,Music Centre and Stealthy. Music Centre is just a picture of a music centre with either of the tunes from the SCPDSA demo disc 1 playing in the background. The music plays slightly slower than in the SCPDSA demo. Stealthy is again an F-117A sneaking up on another plane and fighting with it.The sound is quite naff but you have to remember that Daton is not renown for his sound.A PC owning friend was in fits of laughter over this and a later demo and wishes that you could get them on the PC. Megademo 3 - This disc contains 3 demos,Gremlins,It's Alive and Hero's. Gremlins just contains an animated picture of a few Gremlins. It's Alive features the original U.S.S Enterprise (NCC-1701 - a AJ MegaDemos SWIV cheat on the Amiga (Amega) - just press pause and type this in for infinite lives) coming "alive" out of it's general plans. Quite a nice demo. Hero's is just a demo featuring the Teenage Mutant Hero/Ninja Turtles looking out from under a sewer cover.Quite naff really. Megademo 4 - This disc contains 3 demos,Car Chase,Jugglette and Swiss F-16. Car Chase is of a Police car chasing another car,it's quite good,it's also pretty fast which makes it quite effective, though it's pretty short,but because it's repeated you don't notice it that much. Jugglette is an animation of a female "robot" - I think - juggling 3 balls (Oo-er!).It is no way as good as "SAM the Juggler" demo,but what do you want? Swiss F-16 is a demo of an F-16 (how did you guess!).The F-16 in question is being chased by another plane (a Mig-29 I think), I won't tell you what happens,but all I will say is that the F-16 gets his "revenge".I have to say that I think that this is AJ MegaDemos the best demo on all of the six discs,it is definitely the one that you will laugh at the most,plenty of friends have. Megademo 5 - This disc contains 2 demos,Amy's Revenge and Star Wars. Amy's Revenge is of a squirrel called Amy (Guess what I would have said here!) taking here "revenge"(!) on an AT-AT (you know the four legged things in The Empire Strikes Back) with a tin-opener.Yes pretty sad I know,but there you go.If that's all an Amiga (Amega - I was dying to that ay least one more time!) owner can think of for a demo.It explains a lot of things really! The demo's quite good though a little short,the only thing though (I seem like that word at the moment,I've used it enough times) is that in the background is an Amiga (Amega - I just had to say it again!) A1500,perhaps it's just to show that only an Amiga (Amega - there we go again!) owner would think of such a sad sad demo! Star Wars is graphically quite good,and it does have some sound to it but it needs MasterBasic to run it,and as I haven't got it AJ MegaDemos at the moment (though I've just ordered it),so I afraid I can't comment on that at the moment. (I've now got MasterBasic,since this review was originally written and I'm afraid the music's not to hot.) Megademo 6 - This disc contains 2 demos,Saddam Demo and Reggae Dancer. Saddam demo is quite funny,though not as good as Swiss F-16. The demo shows the invasion of Kuwait and the consequences of this,although the final ending did not actually happen (and I hope it never does). To show the Allied side in the war the main character is John Major (Alright John!) in an American Tank (an Abrahams M-1 I think). Graphically Reggae Dancer is very good with a very effective silhouette of a dancer,dancing to some music.Unfortunately the music is a bit naff,but as I said before music is not DATON's strong point.(I've since learnt that the music is by (I think I've got this right) Stuart Leonardi and as I said before,I AJ MegaDemos think it's a bit naff). Right overall the demos are fair but not the best I've seen, the sound lets things down a bit,but as most of these are graphic demos it doesn't really matter. THe best demo is certainly the F-16 demo,on Megademo 4,it will certainly make you laugh! The only real negative point is that all the demos are a bit to short.Another bad point is that each disc costs £3.99. I have to say that the only good thing about SCPDSA is that the SAM Supplement PD discs used to cost only £2. [redacted] AJ MegaDemos The reply should include the prices,I would have thought the £3.99 rather than the £2.The £3.99 is a bit expensive,if they where at the price I brought them from SCPDSA,£2 then I would say get some,but at the £3.99 price I would advise you to think carefully before you by,the only one I can recommend,for a good laugh,is the Swiss F-16 demo,on Megademo 4.Other than that it's up to you,just remember that they're all converted from the Amiga (Amega - I just had to do it that one more time!). (Guess what,since (I've used that every time now in the three or four places in which I've updated this review) I've written this review Format has managed to spell Amiga (Amega - I just had to do it one last time) correctly every time - Damn!) Andy J. CM : Sorry if this review if rough around the edges but I had was in the middle of Spell Checking over 44K of text in Outwrite V2 when it decided to wipe all my text! I've had to rush in putting this together again - sorry! The End TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT H H EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE T H H E T H H E T HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEE T H H E T H H E T H H EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NNN N DDDDDDDDDDDD E N NN N D DD E N NN N D D EEEEEEEEEE N NN N D D E N NNN N D D E N NNN N D DD EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE N NNNN DDDDDDDDDDDD GOOD EH?