Fred 22
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Friday, May 18, 2018 - 11:46.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
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Issue 22
Item | Author | Description |
Menu | Steve Taylor | |
Magazine | Fredatives Announced | |
Reviews | SCPDSA Moans, Review Of New Mags | |
Skully | Dennis van Berkel | Music/Screen/Scrolly Demo |
Enigma Demo | Martin Mckenzie Hamish Rust |
Music demo From Enigma Tape Magazine |
Sas Demo | Colin Jordan | Demo Of Sam Adventure System Utility |
Accounts | Luke Trevorrow | Keep Control Of Your Finances |
Mc Pt 16 | Steve Taylor | Search: “MC 16” Common Problems (And Their Solutions!) |
Sound Machines | Roger Hartley, Allan Norton | Tunes Done On Sound Machine |
Toxic Elephant | Stefan Drissen | Converted Speccy Music Demo |
Robocop | Richard Finch, Stephen Richardson | Featuring The Famed Anti-Pacifist |
Bad | Ian Slavin | Zeb Green's Mike Jackson Impression! |
Lemmings Ad | Peter Gallagher | Cute Lemmings Screen + Tune |
Magnifier | Simon Cooke | Screen Enlarger/Reducer |
Etch-A-Sketch | Dan Dooré | Very Realistic Toy Simulation! |
Star Demo | Dan Dooré | Simple Gfx/Scrolly Demo |
FREDitorial Welcome to another "bonny" issue of FRED, and I won't even rub it in that Stephen Hendry beat both the English and Welsh in the snooker finals!!! It's been a hectic month for me but there doesn't seem to be much life on the software side. The FRED Publishing titles are still coming along nicely - a little more speed would help though! (hint to all FRED coders!). For many of you, the E-Tracker demo will have inspired you. That's certainly the response I've been getting anyway. As you are aware, I've been getting a lot of good Sound Machine demos ever since it's release and I think that E-Tracker will bring out the best in people's musical abilities. So, I'll look forward to getting lots of tracker demos for FRED. Another program I am very excited about is the SAM Adventure System from Colin Jordan. I know of a few brilliant adventures that didn't get published, so if you have ordered a copy and fancy earning some cash writing an adventure to specification, get in touch !! DMA? A few of you will have heard the rumours about DMA in this and other magazines. Until recently, I put these down instantly because of the cost and difficulty. Well, throughout my two week Easter stay at SAMCo, I discovered that a member of the ESI team are working on it. Will it happen? I still doubt it but it is something to look forward to anyway. For those who are in the dark about DMA, here's MY understanding of it : Firstly, DMA stands for Direct Memory Access. Now for the techies out there : when an interface sends an interrupt to the processor requesting a memory read / write operation, the processor has to "save" all internal registers, enable / disable interrupts, store the data to be transferred etc before it can access the memory for the operation the interface requires. With DMA, the interfaces send their interrupt request to the DMA Controller (DMAC) which in turn tells the processor to stop what its doing. The DMAC then "takes control" of the address and data buses, the DMAC then performs the memory operation for the interface and returns the buses to the processors. Simple eh ? Dedications's what it takes. As most of you are probably already aware, I spent the first two weeks of April working at SAMCo (hence the reason FRED 21 was actually out on time for once!). Now I'm going to tell you a little story about Alan Miles. I know he wouldn't want me to say this but it's about time people got a little insight into his lifestyle. Unfortunately, I'm not going to tell you about sex, drugs, drink and women you might have hoped for so just listen carefully : The second week I was there, I went in to SAMCo on the Sunday (to let me get some gamesplaying done!), not to my surprise, Alan was also in - and he stayed from late afternoon just into the early hours. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were all normal working days but he worked his 9-5 as well as staying on to at least one in the morning each day! Not much free time eh? But the icing on the cake came on Thursday - just after 5pm a few of us went out for the night and I came back (I had to get a lift from Alan) at about midnight. Alan was still slogging away. Indeed, we stayed until 5 am before leaving for home Dedication... (that's 12 hours overtime in one day) and Alan got up at 8am for another day as usual. Including the work he does at home, that must add up to well over double the normal working hours. So before you have a little moan at Alan, think how you would feel if you had to put those sorts of hours week in, week out just to keep going. OK, that week may have been exceptional but he didn't seem to think so. Just before this issue went out, I got some news that there was about to be a few "changes" at SAMCo. With luck, these shall be for the better and I certainly hope thousands more SAMs are sold. Just before I end this article, I will rid any doubts you have that I am "sucking up" to Mr Miles - because I know he doesn't have time to even think about reading FRED and I would request that anyone else in Swansea or indeed anywhere would not mention this article. SCPDSA - not anymore!! You will all remember that I made it quite clear several months ago that I was less than pleased with the service offered by the SCPDSA - I even went to lengths of pulling issues 18 onwards out of the catalogue in the hope that he would "pull his socks up". Sadly, the SCPDSA has now decided to stop it's order distribution service and become a disc magazine - named SAMSATIONAL SOFTWARE. Hence the name SCPDSA no longer applies. How does FRED stand? Well, when I was sent the catalogue (NOT by Brent Stevens I might add!) I found that he had decided to "forget" to include FRED discs! Other than Enceladus and a few smaller disc magazines, this only leaves his own products! Unfortunately, the quality of the disc is not incredibly high to say the very least which leaves it dubious as to whether it is fair for him to judge the quality of others. Naturally, I am biased so I suggest you wait for other magazines to comment. Lazer-Mania! The craze that seems to be sweeping the nation - indeed England and Wales as well! The craze? The lazer game where you wander about in the dark shooting everyone for ten minutes! Having sampled the "Laser Dome" in Swansea and the "Zap Zone" in Dundee, I bring you my conclusions : Swansea : 22 people in a largish maze which features 3 levels (using ramps not stairs). The name of the game is every man for himself , 10 points for every time you hit and -5 for every time you get hit! You have unlimited shots and prices are 3.50 for 20 minutes. Brilliant. Dundee : 18 people in a smallish maze with two levels (stairs). You get 4 lives, every 20 shots you fire or every time you get hit, you lose a life. Lose all 4 and you must return to the "energiser" downstairs. You play in two teams, points can be gained by shooting the opposition or if you get lucky - hitting their base! Lazer-Mania Price is 3 for 15 minutes. Still good but has much much more limitations to the player than Swansea. Now, like I was, if you havn't been to one of these before you'll be thinking that it's all kids stuff and you'll look daft if you go. Just try it once and I guarantee you'll go again!! People of every age go and although it's not something to boast about - it's still good fun! If you've been to a "Lazer Zone" or "Zap Zone" or whatever in your area, then we'd love to hear about it - what style is it, was it over-hyped, is it worth travelling long distances to. Anything really! One thing that does "excite" me is all this Virtual Reality stuff. Having done a lot of research into it I would like to hear from anyone who has been to one - preferably in an article so everyone else gets to know about it as well. All Format Shows To your very delight, here's a list of all the All Format shows planned for the rest of 1992 : May - 16th at Esher, 17th at Bristol June - 7th at Glasgow, 17th at Haydock July - 19th at Birmingham September - 5th at Birmingham, 12th at Esher, 19th at Donington October - 3rd at Washington, 4th at Leeds, 10th at Glasgow, 11th at Edinburgh, 17th at Hammersmith, 18th at Bristol, 24th at Haydock Park November - 1st at Leeds, 7th at Esher, 8th at Southampton, 14th at Hammersmith, 15th at Bristol, 21st at Donington, 22nd at Washington, 28th at Haydock, 29th at Glasgow December - 5th at Birmingham, 12th at Esher All County Shows ctd Yup, that's right, they've now split London into North and South shows and added Edinburgh and Southampton - and are trying to put one in Cardiff!!! Overdoing it slightly! Here's where they are : Glasgow : City Hall in Candleriggs- 10min walk from bus / train. Edinburgh : Assembly rooms - off end of M8 apparently. Birmingham : Motorcycle Museum (J6 / M42) either take bus 900 from city centre or go to NEC and walk it (10 mins) N London : Novotel, Hammersmith. Take the tube. S London : Sandown RaceCourse, Esher (J9/10 - M25). Tube or bus. Bristol : Brunel Centre, Templemeads (M32). Opposite train stn. Leeds : University Sports Centre - end of M1. Washington : Northumbria Centre - A194M. Haydock : as in Haydock Park Racecourse J23/M6. Donington : as in Donington Racecourse J24/M1. Southampton : "via M3" location unknown!! Public Discs! Sam Buchanan, the user behind the "small but perfectly formed" magazine, "PUBLIC" has released a few compilation discs. The first is a demo disc which is the best demos ripped from other mags - if you're a regular FRED reader you've got all the good ones anyway. The other one available is the "Picture Disc", at just a quid for "almost 60" piccies you can't complain - or can you? Quality unknown but mostly digitised. He is also planning on doing a disc of the best Mouse compatible programs - I'd like to see him try to use some of the ones from FRED! The latest issue of the mag costs £1.30 [redacted] Supplement Software! is the new name for the software which editor Dave Tonks is turning out these days. First up we have no less than eleven of his "Mega Demo" discs, the first of which was reviewed last Summer. Each one is purely graphics ripped from the Amiga / ST and animated on the SAM. Quality suffers badly in conversion but there's still enough to get a giggle out of you. Hopefully, I'll find someone to do a complete rundown on them for next month but in the meantime I recommend you try one or two. Each costs £2 and a list of all titles can be obtained from : [redacted] Also ask for details about their first "3-day" software release - games which are released 3 days apart!!! It's quantity that counts with Dave, not quality! COMPLETED ALREADY??? A mere six weeks after the launch of "Triltex- The Later Levels" , I received a letter from a "local" reader saying that he was stuck level 17. I was totally amazed!! As I have said before, I can only get as far as level 4!!! Naturally, I helped out which allowed himto progress to level 18 - and theres only 20! Almost exactly two months after the release Andy Jones (the occasional FRED writer) phoned to "boast" (sorry Andy!) that he managed to reach the dizzy heights of level 20, but could I please,please, please tell him how to do it! Naturally, I refused and cackled wickedly (just like the Witch of the North did to Dorothy).The very next day, Chris White phoned from that little software house that I cannot quite remember the name of - something to do withdoing all in-house games for Domark, nothing important though. Anyway enough putting down, he also made his claim to getting through to level 20! Was I knockedy that he had defeated the final level. Congratulations Andy! Both you and other Triltex players will be pleased to know that the Triltex level editor will appear on FRED Magazine sometime soon! Misc Maxis, the people who programmed Sim City, Sim Earth and Sim Ant are now going to be doing Sim Body!!! SAMCo have changed their phone line times to Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings and Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Xtreme software want me to say that a 2 player "Crackdown" type game is being done..... Fancy yourself in the TV hit Knightmare? If so, and if you'll be under 16 on August 1st, phone Broadsword on [redacted] for an application form. And get 3 mates together as well. Hilton Computer Services have plans to compile software lists for the Speccy and SAM as well as organizing representives to sell all available software at local All Format Shows. If you want to sell KLAX or EFTPOTRM then write to Nicholas Bay, [redacted] More FRED discs???? I'm afraid so! Remember the Puzzled game from FRED 20 that you all loved? Well, you may remember the author was FORCE 48 software. He has put together four "FREDative" discs which are discs in the FRED style but with all the programs by him. As you saw from Puzzled, he can program, he can draw and he can compose - leaving a polished presentation to say the least! The discs mainly include games, demos and utilities. I will add that none of it has appeared anywhere before (except for the game on FRED20 of course). So if you're looking for more value from your SAM, get your paws on these. There are four in total and you can get them for £2 each or get the lot for only £7! It is recommended that you have MasterDOS and preferably MasterBASIC - and if you have the SAMbus and the external Megabyte then these will suit your system perfectly!!! Only available direct from FRED Publishing. Misc. ctd Issue 10 of Enceladus popped through my door the other day, and although I have had only a skim through it, I was not nearly as pleased with it as I have been. And that's also the impression I've had from what you've been saying. While I'm at it, I may as well say that both writers for Enceladus owned up to being Tory supporters! It's a pity they aren't old enough to vote!! Everybody's seen the Burger King advert where the "pop star" asks for the bouncers to be in pink. When, in one of the Bowling Alleys' in Dundee, they really do wear pink! Yes, bright pink jackets!!! I would like to remind you again to send orders to FRED Publishing, and if you have a personal letter for me then address it to Colin Macdonald. This means that someone else can sort out FRED orders when I'm away (not unusual!). Le issue ou FRED nombre vingt-deux! As all French speaking persons can tell, I can't speak French but I fancied a change. Anyway, as I said in the scrolly, this is avery musical and machine codical issue! Yup, lots of both! So, lets get cracking shall we? The DVB have polished off another demo for FRED and here it is! It's called Skully, and features the usual scrolly, animation, music and sampled speech (the skull says "Hello, I am Skully", I think!). Remember Enigma Tape Magazine for the Speccy? Well, I stumbled across one of their SAM demos and as I hadn't seen it before I presumed not many of you would have either. It features numerous nice tunes ripped from the Speccy as well as a scrolly. I might as well point out that it was written 2 years ago!!! In order to let me use this demo, Enigma held me at gun-point and made me swear I'd give them a plug - I told them to !@#$$ off and plugged my fist into their face. However, I will tell you that their latest development is a puzzle type game for the Speccy Contents (although CPC and C64 versions are planned) which is, naturally, SAM compatible. I havn't actually seen it but one of the graphic artists told me "it's very good". Hmmm..totally unbiased. Seriously, YS seem to like it (a demo appeared on last months) and it goes for the mere price tag of £3.99. If you give them a ring on [redacted], they'll tell you what to do with your money. There, plug over. And now, a Sam Adventure System advert - called SAS if you couldn't work it out! From another Liverpudlian, The Lord Blackadder comes an accounts package. It's dead easy to use (either TAB or Q quits!) AND if you are lucky enough to have MasterDOS, there's a special version for you! The filename is "ACCNT MDOS". No probs! That strange man from Perth (goes without saying really) has conjured up another spell-bindingly astonishing machine code lesson. Don't call for Superman, call for WIZ-MAN. Contents The sound machine demos have been going down so well, I thought I'd keep the section going. So today, we have Roger Hartley with his "Call Me" by Blondie (I think it's by Spagna) and Allan Norton with "The Days Of Wine and Roses" by someone who is probably dead. Another rip coming up! Those of you who still load up tapes will have seen the TOXIC ELEPHANT demo on the previous YS. Well, Cookie has converted it to SAM. Wahay!! Ahem, naturally permission has been obtained from both YS and the authors Steve Anderson and Gareth Jayne. (I don't do anything dodgy!) Another team comes to FRED! This time they're called "THOSE TWO" and they have produced excellant screens and sound samples. Their first animated demo is one of Robocop and features Robocop! Yes, well. Lastly, AXE managed to complete ANOTHER brill Zeb Green demo!! Animation and music in the "BAD" demo!!! Pump up the volume. Contents Just to round up : most demos have music, so if, like me you normally keep the sound turned off because of interference, now is the time to turn it up because we've got some great music for you here!! I would also like to apologize in advance for the hassles you will have - as some of the programs (4 to be exact) are in machine code, they won't return to basic so you'll have to reset your machine after loading : Skully, Enigma, SAS and Toxic Elephant. Sorry about that folks. On the bits 'n' bobs side, we've got a Lemmings advert from Peter Gallagher (if I can fit it on!), a magnifier from Cookie and a thing or two from our good friend BANZAI - who's looking for a new logo incidentally! The screens will be credited as they appear. Many thanks to all contributors, and remember, whatever you do : music, grapics, games, utilities, demos, articles etc FRED would like to have them - but as it's non-profit making you'll only get fame OK?! Lots of Juicy software! For your selection, you can pick up the wonderful Impatience (given 90% in YS, 88% in ZAT, 150% in SU etc etc) and get totally addicted for weeks on end for a mere £9.99. If you already have it then you MUST buy the Later Levels, for only £4.99 you get an extra 24 levels as well as a few hidden extras!!! FREDatives cost £2 each or get all 4 for just £7. All back issues cost a mere £1.50 each. Subscriptions cost £8 for 6 issues or £15 for 12 issues if you want to save some real money! Mouse mats are now back in stock, so stop your mouse from slipping and getting the ball filthy for just £3. All prices include postage, packaging and all that malarky. Credits The usual grateful thanks go to : The DVB AXE Banzai Cookie Wiz-Man EDS Lord Blackadder Jon Pillar Total Eclipse Those Two Force 48 Roger Hartley Peter Gallagher Andy Jones Allan Norton And all the people I've forgotten that I told "no, I won't forget to credit you again". The next issue of FRED will hit your doormat sometime in the first week of June, provided you send me £1.50 (or if you've planned ahead and subscibed!). The address is : [redacted]
Letters & Reviews
[redacted] Dear Colin, As you and, I suspect, many FRED readers maybe getting the latest (and I MEAN late) SCPDSA catalogue disk soon, you maybe thinking that this disk will be up to the standard of their demo disk given to you when joining. Think again. This disk is the biggest waste of money I have ever seen. The catalogue part is very irritating to use, and when you do use it you will find it either saying "Write to PD company for more details" (very useful that) or you will find that it only lists about half the disks available at that library (even more useful). Then there was the demo. All it was was about seven digitised screens from the Karate Kid movie displayed in sequence backwards and forwards. Instantly forgettable. Then there were Nick Humphries the digitised pictures from The Running Man. They would have been OK if Brent hadn't recoloured them in. Now they just look like yesterdays curry after being thrown up. Also, there was the news that Brent has decided to stop the order service due to a lot of people using it. Now he's only selling the Fastline and Masters Of Magic disks. So that leaves one question - what is the SCPDSA's purpose now that it has relegated itself to a diskzine? Not a wise move since the SCPDU disk is doing a better job covering the new PD disks. My advice to them is to improve the disk by getting a full, easy-to-use catologue on the disk and THEN filling the space with demos, instead of the other way around. Either that or go back to the old paper format, which I feel is more appropriate for a catalogue. So,the verdict on the new-look SCPDSA: large(and I mean LARGE) room for improvement. In a few issues time it will have got its act together, so I advise any people thinking of joining the Nick Humphries SCPDSA to wait until then before filling out their cheques. Yours in a multitude of interesting ways, Nick Humphries. P.S. Can I just give a quick plug for CursorDisk One? On it is a Pacman game (with five levels, great music and two opportunities to win prizes worth over £20!), a sliding puzzle game, an easy to use database and a bonus fractals program. Only £2, that's 50p a program. Can't be bad considering that the Pacman game could have easily sold for £2.50. Make cheques payable to Nick Humphries and send it to the address at the start of the letter. CM : THIS LETTER HAS NOT BEEN EDITED IN ANY WAY OTHER THAN CORRECTING SPELLING MISTAKES. I WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT THAT I COMPILED THE ORIGINAL SCPDSA DEMO DISC AND THAT FRED IS DEFINITELY NOT INCLUDED IN THIS LATEST DISC. RH More independent disc mag reviews! Yep, it's ol' Roger back to haunt you all again. Or sort of. Actually, I'm not very happy at the moment as I've been told by more than one person that I'm more than a little bit boring. So I'll try and make all these reviews brief and snappy (sniff!) Arcadia 4 For some unexplained reason I stopped buying this after issue 2. It's not that there's anything wrong with it as such. Maybe me "economising" caused it. I always did like this to be honest. It has always had good editing, great graphics and is generally well put together. All this and a reasonable £2 price tag. My only moan is that it is generally a bit lacking. Whilst being competently put together, and not being bad as such, it just seems a bit bare. Sadly, this does still apply, although it must be said that it has improved. I actually think this mag should appeal to almost anybody. It doesn't have incredibly childish writing (unlike some mags!), Roger's Reviews but is still humourous. If you're looking for another disc mag to subscribe to, and are already a regular reader of all the "big" mags like FRED, SAM Supplement et al, then this could be for you. Why not try it? Public 1 Hey, a £1 disc mag! I think this is now the only one to be able to claim that. I think you'll find two general sorts of comments about this BEFORE trying it out; (1) "For one pound it must be worth a go" and (2) "It's bound to be rubbish at that price" Having seen it, I'm unsure. Obviously I wasn't expecting too much at that price, but I'm not sure whether that is the right attitude. Surely I should take a good, critical look? If I do that, then it's not good. I think the disc mag area is too crowded, and to be honest we don't really need another. To be fair, the editor Sam Buchanan seems to almost realise Roger's Reviews this, which most probably explains the price. Whilst I think the guy sounds OK, the mag isn't. It certainly doesn't compare to some of the other better disc mags, but I don't think I should hold that against it. OK, so the writing isn't very good (schoolboy-ish!)and the demos aren't exactly Lord Insanity, but I can't help liking it. I really think you should give it a go, you might find you like it (although if you're an older reader, I doubt it) and you certainly haven't got much to lose. It's fair to say you'll get what you pay for. SAM Amateur Programming and Electronics 2 Cor, what a title! Not generally the thing I'd go for, a bit too straight faced. As I keep repeating, I love a good demo. However, I was surprised with this. It doesn't have much on the demo front, but it is very professionally put together. It does feature mainly text, but it's how the text is written that Roger's Reviews makes a difference. This mag is not your everyday disc mag, and I imagine it will not appeal to most people. But then, it did appeal to me! I find myself agreeing with Colin, that it makes a fascinating read. It has an excellant feature on the Z80 (the SAM's processor) and Zilog's other, later processors, which I found quite compulsive reading. One common complaint which applies is the lack of a good text reader (this also applies to Public, and maybe Arcadia). When you are scanning through tens of pages for a little detail, you don't want something that seems to take an age for printing pages, and has limited options. Sorry! I'm unsure of price details for this one, and as I said, it won't appeal to everybody. If you DO go for more technical types of mag, then this may well be for you. If they can continue with such well written features, then I would advise anyone finding most current disc mags "empty" to try this one. "A refreshing change" Roger's Reviews SCPDU 2 I got the first issue of this, and wasn't too impressed I hate to say. I found the text to be childish, and is a little like my writing; tries unsuccessfully to be funny. It's a style which I think is becoming far too common, even if I am an offender myself. In fact, apart from containing notably more than Public, there is hardly any difference between the two. They really are alike, and I feel they shouldn't really be seperate mags. I do get the impression that the two editors are in the same school, and they really tend to plug each other. I haven't really got much to say for this. Whilst the front end makes it look like the disc features a lot, it seems very un-fulfilling. At the end of the day, I think I'd feel a little ripped off. Oops, I forgot to mention that there is a freebie demo disc with this one! Although I'm not sure whether it's worth remembering. This is simply a BASIC (although quite effective) Roger's Reviews demo with the ol' Fuxoft music (aaargh!) and some sprites. But when you actually take it apart, you see Brent Stevens (yes, the SCPDSA) cheated! I'm sorry, I can't find anything worth recommending. Two discs for two pounds may seem good value, but you'd be better of leaving this alone. Still, no doubt some youngsters will find room for it. Public 2 I've only just got this one, and it's actually a big improvement! There is a little more in this, although essentially the same style has been kept. Alright, it isn't that big an improvement! I was just impressed by the "Tetris 2" game on it, which I've never seen before. Apart from that and a good music demo, it has nothing else to make it stand out from the crowd. The samples don't impress either! As I've never seen the Tetris 2 game, I can advise anyone to buy at least this issue. It's still only £1, and as I've already said, it's hardly going to burn your pocket! Roger's Reviews Primus 1 Oh dear! Whilst at first I thought this might be good (it is on two discs at least), I'm not at all impressed. It's just like Public, SCPDU, SAMdisc etc. It does have a lot of demo material, but I've seen it all before, and it's driving me crazy! Apologies to the editor, as he's not done all that bad a job in that area. I know it's impossible to get a good disc mag on your own, but I see this as another teenager attempting to cash in. I could just say exactly the same things as about the other said mags, but I won't bother. All I'll say is that at least one of you will have to go! Am I the only person to think you'd be far better off sending stuff to an established mag? I know I'm being unfair here, it's not really worse than all the other similar mags, but it was last for review. I can't really recommend it, but it gets exactly the same line of comments as SCPDU. I feel sorry in a way that I got to this last. It's just another mediocre disc mag. Roger's Reviews Final comments... Arcadia is the only one of these likely to make an impact, with the possible exception of the very different SAM Amateur Programming and Electronics. The other 3 are almost identical, and only the low price of Public makes it recommendable. None of them are real competitors to say, SAM Supplement or FRED, but funnily enough, most are better than the early issues of said mags! None of them are going to replace your current faves, but of all these reviewed here, Arcadia really looks promising. ALL OF THESE REVIEWS WERE WRITTEN TOTALLY INDEPENDANTLY BY ROGER HARTLEY, AS USUAL, THE REVIEWS HAVE NOT BEEN EDITED. IF YOU FEEL ONE OR MORE OF ROGER'S COMMENTS ARE UNFAIR - WRITE FRED A LETTER OF COMPLAINT! HOWEVER, IT MUST BE SUPPLIED ON DISC AS AN OUTWRITE FILE OR SIMILAR (TASWORD, SAMSCRATCH, SAMWORD, SECRETARY). YOURS TRUELY, CM. Addesses over the page.... Addresses [redacted] Prices as stated, or send the usual SSAE to them for the low down on their mag. And if you buy, review it for FRED!! .
The menu's palette cycling Fred logo was also used in Triltex - The Later Levels.