Fred 50
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Monday, May 21, 2018 - 23:38.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
Copyright Provenance
Issue 50
Item | Author | Description |
Menu | Andrew Collier | |
Magazine | 50th Issue Celebration | |
Letters | 50th Issue Congratulations | |
Screen$ | Pickies | |
Derf | Matt Round | Manage Your Own Magazine |
Invaders | Nigel Kettlewell | Space Invaders Clone |
Taylor | Steve Taylor | Steve Taylors 50th Issue Demo |
Dwc | Marc Broster | Dead Wild Cat Real-Time Vector Demo |
Net | Tim Paveley Brian McConnell | Jokes From The Net |
Cheats | Paul Crompton | Cheats For Snakemania, Waterworks Etc |
Sci-Fi 2 | Graham Goring | More Fiction From Anon Smith |
Chaos 2 | David Zambonini | Demo By Dmz |
Sector Edit | Paul Crompton | Disc Editor |
Fredex | Brian McConnell | List Of Fred Contents |
X's & O's | Nigel French | Tic Tac Toe |
Tron | Paul Axten | Line Game |
Archy Sprite | Andrew Hodgkinson | Archimedes Sprite Converter |
Driver Bug | DRiVER Bug Fix |
CM FRED 50 Here it is, the big five-oh. Wow. I can honestly say that I don't know what to say - partly because of the fond memories of the last 4 years of FRED and partly because I'm doing FRED again (albeit for this issue only) after a two year gap. I guess speechless-ness is not one of the ten greatest aspects of someone doing the editorial for a magazine - but maybe it was my lack of having anything to say that made you start buying FRED all those years ago. I consider myself a relatively un-shockable person, but one thing that has continually shocked me is everyone's religious like attitude to having a complete collection of FREDs - it's not as if they're in limited supply or you get a Blue Peter badge when you've acquired every disc from issue one! Mockary aside, it's also such a good feeling to know that hundreds upon hundreds of people get so much enjoyment out of an issue of FRED - for whatever reason! Thank you all for your continued support for FRED, and most of all, to SAM. CM Editorial In terms of my life, there's certainly been a lot happening recently - my "supposed to be two week, but ended up being three week" business trip/holiday. And I'm STILL catching up on the resulting work! We've got numerous new products for your perusal - and they're corkers, every one. I've also just gone back to University for the third year of my Computing degree. The day after we started, we knew we were in for a really tough year - well, next Summer they're hardly likely to hand my degree to me on a silver platter. So I suppose it was to be expected. I can't foresee this increase in work affecting FRED too much - the worst it would get is a slight delay in replying to people, and not being able to answer the phone as much. CM The Foreign Holiday Although technically a business trip, it's the nearest I'm getting to a holiday this side of getting a proper job. It all started on the first Saturday in September. It was early morning, pouring with rain and I was trying to recover from the "We're getting rid of Colin for a fortnight" party that was thrown in my (dubious) honour. Although the train was only running 45 minutes late that day. I only missed two connections and was left for 2 hours sitting in miserable stations. Hey - it's a lot better than last time! After spending 12 hours on the train without getting ANYONE remotely interesting sitting next to me, I arrived in Swansea in the dark. Fifteen minutes later and Charles (Gill) with girlfriend Emma were on the doorstep looking for a chaperone to the curry house. I did it as a favour, you understand. CM Usually when I go from Dundee to somewhere as far South as Swansea, the weather improves dramatically - I get to sit outside, lie on the beach and enjoy getting a sun tan. On the Sunday, I got to sit on a window sill in the sun for twenty minutes before the sun went on strike for the remainder of my visit. Thanks. After getting up at 5am to go down to the ECTS (European Computer Trade Show) in London with Charles we promptly got lost going into the centre of London. And coming out again. The Show was a nice opportunity to sit and play all the games that will be coming out in time for Christmas, although you know that by the time the next show comes around, all these "state of the art" games are dated and suddenly there's a new "state of the art" game/console - only double the price of the last one. It was a very enjoyable day, if only I had the money I would certainly not be short of toys this Christmas. CM I hadn't been in the house five minutes after getting back from London when Adrian (Parker) and fiancee Catherine were grovelling at my feet for me to join them for a curry. The things you do for friends eh? It's just occured to me that you're only reading this for the mis-adventure stories. Sadly, I have to disapoint you. Maybe it's just not been one of those trips for those sorts of things to happen to me, or maybe I've learned the lessons of life from all the previous happenings. For those of you that are just determine to read disaster stories, fear not, I have the answer .....Amiga Magazines! Not that I'd poke fun at Commodore. Tuesday morning and afternoon were spent with Mark (Hall) of Blue Alpha. He even kindly allowed me to help him build some SAMs up - what a generous guy! When the topic of food came up, thankfully the curry houses were not open so I was only subjected to a meal at Burger King! CM The evening was spent with Bruce (Gordon) - I believe the name may be familiar to some of you....? Anyway, it was good to see him again - he was very interested in hearing how the SAM and FRED were going and was pleased to hear of the progress on the various projects that are going on. During the course of the evening we discussed the 'usual' range of topics : how to obtain perpetual motion with magnets, how to store many, many Gigabytes of information in a grain of sugar, when computers will become more intelligent than humans and destroy all human life because it will no longer have any value. Just your usual run-of-the-mill stuff really. I met Paul (Jenkins) on Wednesday, and after catching up on things, he forced me into yet another curry. I mean, I didn't want to do it, but he's such a good friend I couldn't very well turn him down could I? This was the last curry for a few days while I swallowed ice cubes to aid in the battle the Indian sauces were having with the insides of my stomach. CM I know Brian used to go on about how much I went out and everything and although that was only for a week or so after the student grants came through, I must admit, the next few days in Swansea were spent..... enjoying myself! I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have and I really do feel terribly guilty and I'll never do it again but, hey, sometimes these things happen. A few days later I met this lady doctor - she just so happened to have been married to the vice president of Pan Am airlines, but knew the likes of Richard Branson, (the late) Ayrton Senna, Cliff Richard etc etc personally. As well as retelling stories of the "rich and famous" it turns out she's also the godmother of Bjorn Bjorg's son! Unfortunately, her daughter lives somewhere in Scandanavia ... the search continues! Here's something that MAY interest you - my visit to the very place which duplicated and printed the disc that's sitting in your SAM at this very minute. Sadly, the story doesn't change if you have a pirated FRED - so I suggest you buy the proper thing! CM After getting up at 6am (I just really love all these early mornings on my 'holiday'!) to catch a train at 7, the girl at the train station apologised but that the train had been cancelled (no reason given) and I'd have to wait an hour for the next one.... After getting to Rugby, I was told that there wasn't a train station in Daventry (where the duplicators are) so I'd have to get a bus. Queuing for 25 minutes behind an old lady booking her holiday to Torquay FOR NEXT YEAR was not my idea of fun, but when I eventually got the attention of the woman behind the desk I was told I'd "just missed" the bus - the next one wasn't for another hour! One taxi ride later and I arrive at "DisCopy Labs". First impressions were that it was not massive - maybe football pitch size - but that it was very professional: everything was done in red and grey (the colour of their logo) - the outside, the tables, walls, stairs - everything! CM Despite such a predictable colour scheme, it did actually suit the place - it all seemed so tidy! Most businesses (especially FRED) that I've seen are what I would describe as "organised chaos", in that everything functions perfectly well, it just doesn't look like it would. DisCopy was the opposite - hardly a piece of paper out of place, no coffee cups lying about or anything! Immediately upon arrival I was asked whether I was hungry or not, so sensing a free lunch coming on, I played along and was treated to a bar meal by two of the sales women. Excellant! Getting back to the offices, I got the guided tour - they have around a hundred duplicating machines which can work 24 hours a day, churning out a newly copied disc every thirty seconds or so. Their warehouse was all connected by a "ski lift" type contraption which takes various items from different parts of the company to another. They didn't let me try it out personally - more's the pity! CM They've got a Quality Control department with almost every computer under the sun. Here, about 5% of discs done are tested - which is a very high amount for individual quality tests. Unfortunately, only a handful of the staff there remembered doing any FRED discs - I guess that's either a good sign that they do so many discs, or a bad sign that they're clueless! Anyway, I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed the trip and I now have even more confidence in getting the FRED discs done every month by them. If they were ever going to read this, I would put in a small paragraph thanking the DisCopy staff for the day. But they won't, so I shan't bother... Before returning to Swansea, I made a short stop in past an old friend in Swindon - which I thoroughly enjoyed, so I stayed for several days instead of the intended one night! CM The rest, as they say, is history. Nothing much else happened during the Swansea stay - I managed to do a fair bit of work, as well as catching up on all my friends down there. I even managed to find a while to enjoy myself. On route to Dundee, a short stop was made at Gloucester to see Bob and Jenny at Format. As per usual, I sat and played games on the PC there - just so that the name FRED would appear in every entry in the high score table! We did get a small amount of work done before I hit the road and ended my Summer Holiday, and came back to Dundee. It was raining when I came back. And it was cold. Home sweet home. I'd like to thank all the people everywhere that I went out with, stayed with, met, embaressed and generally conversed with. I had a great time seeing you all, and I really do appreciate it. But no, you can't have a loan. CM And now, the news I really havn't got the hang of this heading thing have I? Just as well I won't have to do any more for a while! You'll all be pleased to hear that the launch of WaterWorks 2 has gone (relatively) smoothly and it is now selling almost as well as the first one. So if you fancy a bit of a mind bender which needs a few quick reactions, grab your copy as soon as you can. You'll be able to get this and the other products I'm about to tell you about at the Gloucester Show on Saturday 22nd October. This should be this Saturday, but I fear I've left this issue a little late. So here's hoping you've enjoyed the Show! If you do get this before the show and want to go, refer to the last year or so of FRED or FORMAT for full details of how to get there - it's at the same venue : Quedgely Village Hall, Quedgely, Gloucester. CM Cue Drum Roll.... It's been six months in the making. It's the next licenced product from FRED. And now, as it's due to be released any day now (at the Gloucester Show to be precise) we can exclusively reveal that the next item to be added to your shopping list is : "OH NO! MORE LEMMINGS" The demand from the original Lemmings was simply so great that we couldn't ignore those of you that were eager for more levels, more hair pulling, another chance to kill those lovable creatures, so we can present THE FIRST EVER 8-BIT version of the follow-up to Lemmings, Oh No! More Lemmings. This is a set of another one hundred mind-boggling Lemming saving levels which loads from the original game. If you enjoyed the first lot, no matter how many you got through, you'll love these - new graphics, traps, puzzles etc etc. It's even been improved over the original slightly! CM Oh No! Like I said, no other 8-bit version of Lemmings ever had this version released, so we will try to proudly advertise this fact in the British Trade magazines again, helping West Coast to attract new customers. The hundred levels are split into five catagories : Tame, Crazy, Wild, Wicked and Havoc. Through sheer necessity and many, many months of playing and testing these levels both Chris White and I can (proudly?) announce that we've gone through every single one many, many times and are now sick to death of the game. What we'd like you to do is take all the copies from us. I mean, come on, these things have been driving us mad for months of constant playing to ensure your complete satisfaction, the least you can do is take them out from under our noses! Oh No! More Lemmings retails at £14.99 (cheaper than the 16 bit versions!), or £13.99 to FRED subscribers. You do need to have bought Lemmings to play these extra levels though. THIS IS AVAILABLE NOW - OR GET IT IN PERSON AT THE GLOUCESTER SHOW! CM Fun, Love and Money???? The new FRED football game has just got an airing as well, entitled "Football League Manager", or FLM as it's acronym, which proves useful for making up sad headings on news pages. FLM is, as you may have guessed, a football management game. Programmed by newcomer David Handley, we've taken the best features from all the great football games like Football Director 2 and Football Manager, and added dozens upon dozens of new features - sponsorships, advertising boards, design your own kit, watch your stadium grow in capacity as you battle for your team to come top of the league. Being a new SAM game, we've also glorified it with stunning graphics by Steven "Pickasso" Pick and erm, suitable, footbally-type music. It's got brilliant mouse/pointer control if you happen to own one of the little rodents, although those less fortunate can still 'manage' (groan!) with the keys. CM FLM Although we've not been able to get any screenshots in time for this month, we should have some for you next month. Although why not play it for yourself at Gloucester? David, the programmer, will also be down to show you round the main features as well as fielding any questions from you Football Director 2 die-hards! We've gone to so much trouble to ensure that people that did like FD2 would like this, that we actually conducted tests prior to the music and graphics getting put in. Almost all of the testers preferred FLM overall - we suspect the one who didn't has some kind of enjoyment disorder. Of course, I've got to boast the fact that in this game you can choose whether to be in the English or Scottish leagues! There are 150 teams in total, each with their own characteristics so there's plenty of challenge out there whether you're an up-and- coming Graham Taylor, or just someone that likes to sit down for a couple of hours and enjoy a good game. CM FLM The price? Sadly, it's £14.99 (£12.99 to FRED subscribers). We wanted to bring the price down but there's just been too much time and effort gone into it that we didn't have any choice. However, as a FRED subscriber, you'll get it for a lot less than FD2 cost - and that's not including inflation! Due to the huge rush of producing this issue, I've lost my sheet with the list of features of FLM on it - with any luck it'll turn up in time for the Newsletter or FRED51. Although the sensible option would be to nip over to the FRED stand in Gloucester and play it for yourself - you won't be disapointed! CM Something for the SAM user... Inside your SAM, there is an ASIC chip (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). This is more or less the heart of SAM and does the bulk of the tasks. This chip, designed by Bruce Gordon, cost MGT many, many hundreds of thousands to complete because of it's very complex nature. It is still held in extremely high esteem by VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) , the makers, because of the high percentage of the ASIC which is actually used - the large majority of a normal chip is simply casing. In order to test the work Bruce had done was accurate, and to supply developers with early machines, MGT commissioned 40 prototype ASICs to be manufactured at a cost of £50,000 - that's over a thousand pounds a chip! These ASICs have become known as gold-dust in SAM circles, not only because they are gold in colour (the ASIC inside your machine is a mass produced one, dark grey in colour) but because very few people had one - even SAMCo only had one! CM ASICs Limited After a large amount of searching by me and Bruce Gordon himself, we have recovered 20 of these gold ASICs. Considering their 'collectors item' appeal, we thought it would be nice to have them put in a display case. Originally, we were just thinking along these lines so that we could have one each for our walls. But we've decided to buy up the rest of them and make them available to dedicated SAM users. The result is the gold ASICs are mounted in a gold picture frame with a small plaque (printed in gold) explaining what the ASIC is. Each of these plaques has been individually signed by Bruce Gordon, who you all know as the designer of the ASIC, the SAM as well as many of it's interfaces. As an interesting fact, these few chips (or prototype engineering samples to give them their proper name) are actually of much higher quality than the mass produced ASICs, purely because they were made individually! CM ASIC Although the ASICs have been very elegantly mounted, the main cost was the chips themselves, and the complete package is being sold for £80. We know this is a lot of money, but I'm sure you'll agree that what you're getting is something very special. Assuming we can sell the rest of them, Bruce and I will be able to keep one each for ourselves at cost price - which was the main objective in the first place! We know that these chips are going to be in demand, particularly because of their few in number. They will undoubtedly become worth more as time goes on, and so as not to 'sell out' everyone that's supported the SAM over the last few years, we have to stipulate a few conditions for the purchase of one of these : You must be a DEDICATED SAM user - for this you will probably have had a SAM for at least two years, and preferably know some of the higher standing people in the SAM community. We are NOT interested in selling to people that have not followed SAM through it's ups and downs. CM ASIC We can also only allow one per SAM user. We will have a few of these at the Gloucester Show for sale, so please bring proof of identity. If you wish to purchase one, phone the FRED line to confirm your suitability, and their availability. DO NOT just send off a cheque for £80 in the post. We hope that the dedicated SAM owners will take pride in joining myself and Bruce in being one of only twenty to have a gold ASIC hanging proudly on your wall. Just to remind you, the cost is £80 exactly, and it is approximately A5 size. Another interesting fact is that, should you wish to, you could take one of these gold ASICs out of the frame and use it in your SAM - it would function as normal! BM Hello!!! Well folks - we made it! Issue 50, the big half-century, is now in your mits. Who'd have thought it, all those years ago. Not me or Colin, that's for sure! So. How's Colin looking after you? Bit of a culture shock after two years of incessant wibble from me, I'd imagine. I've seen one or two of the items Colin's got lined up for this issue, and I know this issue's going to go down a storm. For me, the highlight of the entire issue - perhaps the highlight of owning a SAM - is Matt Round's fantastic FRED simulator! Yes, now you too can pretend to be Brian McConnell (it's fun!). You can marvel at how precariously the FRED finances are balanced, tear your hair out when nobody's sent you any good software for the overdue FRED, and have a celebratory beer when an issue sells well. BM Hello!!! This sim is truly brill. You would be surprised how realistic some parts of it are. Thanks Matt - top stuff. Uni has started again; in fact we've been here about a week now. Maths is getting very weird and we're learning a proper language (C) in computing at last; no more Pascal! Psychology has been binned for several reasons, the main one being we had to make room for another course which is necessary to get into honours computing. Also the lecture theatre was too small and too hot, and it took up my lunch hour. Apart from that, hey, it was fine! The Gloucester show is looming; it is so unlikely that this will have arrived before you go to the show that I don't know why I'm even bothering to write this, but if you're going I'll see you there. I may even be persuaded to do the Show Report again. We'll see. It's been a very interesting month musically. I know this should really go at the and of the issue, but what the heck. BM Hello!!! You might have been following my transition towards "bleepy" music of late; this finally came to a head last weekend at an event called Meltdown in Arbroath - basically 4 hours of hardcore techno with PAs by Q-Tex, Bass-X and the fantastic Ultra-Sonic. These are huge "bands" in Scottish techno, believe me. The place was mobbed. Packed. And it was incredible. If you've never been to something like this and don't know why on earth people listen to techno/rave/dance, one nugget of advice: go. It's brilliant. Secondly, there's an Ultra-Sonic album out, and it's great. A pretty even mix of hardcore with lots of shouting and violent drums, and the more intelligent techno associated with Europe. A must buy for techno fans. And if you don't like techno, buy this and give the band some cash for being excellent. And I do believe that's my FRED 50 contribution finished. Bye! - BRIAN CM Contents Well - that was short and sweet! Seeing as I have the freedom of speech for once I would just like to wish Brian all the best in whatever he does. You've done a great job with FRED over the last two years and I'm sure you'll soon find something else that you'll excel at. And also to Colin Anderton - all the best with the new editorship, you're following a hard act to beat, but I'm sure you'll do it. Now I'm half way down the page I titled 'Contents', I should really move onto what goodies are actually on the disc for you! As mentioned by Brian, the ubiquitous Matt Round has developed a brilliant FRED simular called "DERF". God knows what inspired him to even try to make a game out of something like FRED, but in true Matt Round tradition, he's done a splendid job of it. CM Contents The instructions for the game are all available upon loading, so there's not really a lot for me to say about it. As an interesting experiement, I got Brian to record the details of his best two games of DERF, which were : Average sales : 504 Bank Balance : £1015 580 £236 It seems I've not quite lost my touch, because my best two games were : Average sales : 580 Bank Balance : £400 704 £7306 This last score is NOT made up - it is the result of playing it for weeks on end solid, determined to get a brilliant score. Incidentally, in that last game (704, £7306) I achieved a best ever issue sale of 1541 !! I'm open to challengers........! CM Contents Nigel Kettlewell, author of "Days Of Sorcery", has come up with a very polished and authentic version of Space Invaders just for this issue. Controlled by joystick keys, if you don't know how to play this, then you need to go out and buy a games console - you're obviously not up to playing real games. Steve Taylor interrupts his hard-working schedule to put together an effective little demo celebrating this being the fiftieth issue of FRED. Surprisingly, you don't have to do very much on this. Just load it up and sit back. Now here's a different kind of demo altogether - DWC. Without offering an explanation, this stands for Dead Wild Cat, and it's been put together by Marc Broster who's name has popped up in the FRED archives more than occasionally. The thing about this demo is that it takes up almost 500K!! Being a little pushed for disc space, it was decided not to include it in that form, so we've compressed it down. Seeing as the decompression takes about 5 minutes, theres a program which prompts you to put in CM Contents a blank disc and it will copy the full version of the demo onto it for you. Usually, I don't like this method of including items but this demo is just too impressive to miss! When you eventually get to load DWC you'll find that you are in control of a number of 3D objects in space. Using impressive real-time calculation routines, Marc has coded this so that you have virtually complete control over them. This does also include a fair few keys for all the features, which I'll explain on the next page. In particular, the objects you want to spend time playing around with are the spectrum analyser, NO_ERRORS message, House, SAM and the FRED disc. By the way, the fewer stars you have on screen the faster and smoother the demo runs REMEMBER TO UNPLUG YOUR MOUSE BEFORE LOADING - FOR SOME REASON THE DEMO DOESN'T LIKE IT AND TENDS TO LOCK UP AND CRASH CM Contents Keys for DWC : Cursors : Adjust angle . : Normal zoom & angle F0 : Zoom In J : Speed up response F1 : Zoom Out S : No. of stars F2 : Stop Rotate M : Change music F3 : Bring to face F : Frame count F4 : Spin on Y-axis C : Cycle colours F5 : Spin on X-axis 6/7 : Rotate X-axis F6 : Spin on Z-axis 8/9 : Rotate Y-axis F7 : Spin on Y-axis 0 : Rotate Z-axis F8 : Spin on X-axis SPACE : Next object F9 : Spin on Z-axis Hold down S for maximum Continually press the Spin keys number of stars, then press to increase speed on spin. again for none. And that's that! CM Contents You will no doubt know the name of David Zambonini, or "Vodka" to use his alias. He's done another one of his great demos with some nice effects and excellant music : Chaos Demo 2. You might be a little surprised when it loads up, but just bear with it.... Paul Crompton has been getting annoyed with other, less useful Sector Editing programs, and so has come up with his own. The instructions are all self-explanatory really because the keys are listed on-screen. If you don't know what you're doing, then it's best not to play around with this type of program because you can lose a lot of data. Brian (McConnell - still remember him?) has kindly done the most up to date version of FREDEX, which indexes all the programs etc which have been on FRED to date. Instructions are available from the program itself, but it's pretty straightforward anyway. CM Contents Taking a detour from the usual FRED, there's no ETunes, MODs or Adverts this month - never fear, they will return. But this was due to time and space considerations. Paul Crompton crops up on this disc again with the third in the series of his Cheats programs for all you lousy games players. Anonymity Smith rears his head this month as well as he returns with more funny scripts from everyone's favourite sci-fi programmes. There is some stuff pinched from the Net (courtesy of Mr Paveley and Mr McConnell), which I'm sure you'll enjoy - and hopefully not take TOO seriously! I've also managed to squeeze on a handful of Bits'n'Bobs items this month. But seeing as I'm out of room on this page, I'll just fill what's left with complete drivel and continue on the next page..... CM Contents Nigel French has done a surprisingly clever X&O's (Tic Tac Toe) game which randomly selects whether you or the computer plays first. It is possible to beat, but using the same strategy does not always guarantee success. Paul Axten has sent in another Tron program, BUT before you all start groaning, this one is slightly different in that not only is it all one line of code, but it is also a two player version! Player one is on joystick, while player two using QAOP. See if you can figure out how a two player program could be written on one line, then take a look for yourself. Andrew Hodgkinson has sent in an Archimedes To SAM converter for sprites. The Archy file has to be on a SAM disc, but those of you with Archies should find it useful. . CM Contents Some of you who have bought Revelation's excellant Driver package may have found a bug which corrupts the icons. Although Steve Taylor has been trying to fix this ever since the package was released, he has not been able to. What he has done therefore, is create a small 'bootstrap' program which gets around the problem. Revelation know that this is not an ideal solution, but there is nothing else they can do. They apologise for all inconvenience caused and hope that this bug fix will let all Driver users continue to enjoy their WIMP system. Before I knock off, I'd just like to thank Andrew Collier for the menu which he did this month - it was really nice to have a couple of scrollies on our big issue rather than just a static screen without even music! CM Credits Done by Colin Macdonald (wow!) Eternal thanks and gratitute go out to : Brian McConnell Matt Round Steve Taylor Nigel Kettlewell Marc Broster Tim Paveley Anonymity Smith Paul Crompton David Zambonini Nigel French Paul Axten as well as the people, I've no doubt forgotten. FRED51 will be out sometime in November from : [redacted] (remember the new 01 code....)
Letters & Reviews
Lee Willis Dear New Editor-Blokey, HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO, and welcome to my first ever letter to FRED. Shocked or what!?? Anyway, the reason I've actually been motivated (and believe me, I do take some motivating!) to write (type?) this letter to you can wait till later! (ALL THAT FOR NOTHING?! - CM) Before I get to the point (which would take a considerable amount of time at this rate) I'd like to complain about the remarkably good quality of most of the articles on FRED49. It was just too good, and stopped me from doing my homework, which considering I've got a parent's night in two days time is not very nice of you. Admittedly it had it's less interested bits, but as a mag that caters for a wide variety of people I'm confident that someone else though they were brill. Anyway, getting absolutely nowhere near the point (am I being a tad silly now?) (WHAT DO YOU THINK - CM) Lemmings is a very good game, as is Tetris (yes, I do still play it!) Lee Willis The point : The ETunes section on FRED49 contained some music written by me, but you got the titles a bit wrong (trivial... bear with me!). For some reason known only to you (or your predecessor) you decided to add after the title of each "Converted MOD". Now that was blatantly untrue, they were all original pieces of music. Admittedly Hallucinations Remix was based on the MOD Hallucinations but I think caling it a converted MOD is going a bit too far! Enough of the complaints though, FRED is still a dead good mag, and Happy 50th Birthday to you! Lee "Bubel" Willis CM Reply to Lee Willis Sorry about the homework - we are actually in the completion stages of the FRED masterplan which will provide the entire computer industry with games and programs so enjoyable that no-one will ever be able to drag themselves away, the entire world economy will collapse, and myself and Colin Anderton will rule the world. Until of course, some pesky kids come along by accident and ruin it all for us. Glad to hear you can appreciate the wide audience FRED has to cater for, and I'm especially glad to hear that even so we have to do this, you still enjoyed the mag. Sorry, am I wittering on in response? I apologise. The point : Very sorry - Brian cocked up. Martin Fitzpatrick Dear Fredders, Hi It's me again - Don't groan you love me really! Anyhow, Why am I writing? To make you all jealous thats why. I'm off on my hols again - Where to? The Olly Olly Land Of Funny Old Men In Trench Coats Who Spend Their Life Eating Sausages. Yup you got it - Germany. It's all part of a school trip, which mightn't bee so bad if Mrs Maude (Coffee addict supreme champion 1000BC - 1994AD) whos idea of fun happens to be reciting the German alphabet to herself wasn't coming. Well you may think that would put a deadener (if thats how you spell it) on everything - And it probably will, but who cares? It's my Burfday on Monday (the 5th Sep) so that generally makes this month the worst one of my life - Unless of course I get egged, It might be a bit of a laugh then! CM (Reply to ) Martin Fitzpatrick Well I think that rounds of another letter..... .........So Long! Martin CM : Well, Happy belated birthday and I hope you enjoyed your holiday. I haven't got the postcard YET, but I'm sure it will arrive...... Then again, I always feel miserable for days on end when I get a postcard from someone in some exotic location. Phil Glover Dear Colin, Sorry, once again, for not being able to attend the Gloucester fair, which should be very good. I'm sure I'll soon catch up on the news, as I know two or three others who will be going along. I'll simply take advantage of BT's cheap weekend phone rates! Good luck with issue 50. As you may recall, I must have been one of your earliest readers, and have every issue of FRED to prove it. To say that FRED has improved greatly must be a bit of an understatement, but the massive progress reflects well on your enthusiasm and commitment, and has been of great benefit to SAM in general. All the very best, Phil Glover CM Reply to Phil Glover Never mind - I'm sure you'll be able to make the next show, but there should be a fair bit of news going about after this one so make sure you start phoning around at the start of the weekend! Many thanks for your words of support, it's nice to know the effort is appreciated. But to be honest, it's not me that's done the bulk of the work in FRED, it's everyone that does the brilliant games, demos, utilities, screens and music that have really made FRED into what it is. I just hope everyone will continue to support FRED and SAM so that we can all have many more years of enjoyment out of our favourite computer! Classifieds Stuart Burton is after a SAMBus. Can anyone with one for sale, give him a ring on the following numbers : [redacted] It must be in good working order. Letter from Stewart Skardon Dear Colin, Many thanks for your recent phone call with regards to the position as editor of FRED. May I take this opportunity to ask you to congratulate Colin Anderton on my behalf, and to wish him every success. I shall of course remain faithful to my SAM, and shall remain a subscriber to FRED for as long as my bank account can cope! Perhaps it is just as well I did not become editor, because my bank account wouldn't have been able to support a visit to the Gloucester Show. Best Wishes, Stewart CM Reply to Stewart Skardon I'm sorry you were pipped at the post by CA for the FREDitor job - if it wasn't so impractical, I would have let all three of you been editor! Glad to hear you're supporting CA and intend on continuing your help - perhaps I'll meet you at one of the Shows some day? Sadly, that's all the letters for this month. Please send in all your letters for FRED51, because from then on, Colin Anderton takes over as the new editor.