Fred 23
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Friday, May 18, 2018 - 12:00.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
Copyright Provenance
Issue 23
Item | Author | Description |
Menu | Colin Cameron | |
Magazine | Computer Shopper Show | |
Letters | Jokes, Puzzle Corner | |
Hot Butter | Simon Cooke | Entropy Demo |
Triltex | Steve Taylor | Solutions To Levels 1-9 |
Invasion | David Simmonds | Shoot-'Em-Up |
Sam Mines | Colin Cameron | Puzzle/Strategy Game |
MOM Demo | Actually screens - MOM demo on Fred 24 | |
Sound Demo | Roger Hartley | The Sound Machine Music |
Assembler | John Moore | Simple Assembler |
Bobs Unltd | William McGugan, Steve Taylor | A Form Of Bob Demo |
Banzai | Dan Dooré | Collection Of Programs By Banzai |
Joe 90 | Ian Slavin | Screen Effects + Joe 90 Music |
Bats | Calvin Allett | Arkanoid Variant |
FREDitorial Good day to all merry FRED readers once more! It's now the Summer, and we've all been out enjoying the plentiful sunshine recently leaving less and less time for our coupe exploits. Especially me! Unfortunately, this issue is another "rush job" but I hope to keep you all entertained for a good while anyway. Sadly, the last four weeks have only made a pretty awful 1992 even worse - the recent London and Birmingham shows simply managed to diminish the FRED funds even further. So, as the occurence of All Format Shows dries up for the Summer months, I am yet again forced to consider whether I can continue my high attendance level. There are numerous people who feel it unfair when I do not attend a fair, however I would like to explain that the costs of each fair exceed £100. To cover that I have to take at least £200, something I very rarely achieve. In addition, it takes me AT LEAST 12 HOURS to travel to either London, Birmingham or Bristol so each fair takes 36 hours of my time - most of which is spent without sleep and on a coach! Don't worry, I'm not looking for sympathy, just appreciation!!! FRED News Unfortunately, I don't have many further details on FRED projects. What has happened though is : The spelling checker has temporarily been given the title "Easi-Spell" for no apparent reason other than it was the only name we could think up, at present it's being programmed with a dictionary of 20,000 words but we're about to buy the rights to about 60,000 words from a PC firm! Easi-Spell will be compatible with Outwrite as well as all other major word processors. All the usual options for spell checking are included (change all, ignore all, rejustify text after alterations etc etc) and a few bonus utilities are lined up : an anagram and crossword solver - simple type in the letters of the word you know and it will come up with all possibilities or enter the anagram and it will print all possible words made up of those letters!! It should be released around the start of July priced at £14.99, but as a special offer, if you order it before 1st July, we can let you have it for only £12!! FRED News The shoot-em-up is progressing nicely, it's been provisionally entitled "Purge" because it's being coded by the Masters Of Magic. The details are a bit sketchy but here's what I know : 3 level parallax backgrounds 15 aliens on screen multiple power-ups Mode 4, full 16 colour graphics 6 channel music Animated main sprite 50 frames a second Again, release date is expected to be around the start of July. It's going to be priced at £11.99 but as another special FRED offer, if we get your order during June, you can get it for £10! Only three pages into this months magazine and already you can save nearly a fiver!! FRED News You may be interested to know that Rob Holman has finished Boing for SAM Technology. We don't know when it will be published but it's supposed to be pretty hot! Anyway, Rob was feeling kind of bored so he thought "I know, I'll write a game for that brillo software house, FRED Publishing". OK, I lied. But he is working on a game for FRED and although we havn't decided which one he'll be doing he has already started work on a driving game! In case you're interested, it'll be out in 2 months. I havn't heard anything about the beat em up for a while so no news there I'm afraid but we should have a demo of the Role Playing Game, called "The Tower", for next month. It won't be out for a month or two but work is steaming ahead... Remember, if you have an idea for a game, a character, a plot whatever - send it in and if it gets used you'll earn some cash as well as get famous! Misc In case you're interested when your subscription ends, grab hold of the envelope this issue arrived in and take the last two numbers of that six figure number at the bottom of the label. That's the number your subscription runs till, so if it says 23, you'll also have found a re-subscription form in here! For your records, the first four figures is your membership number which does help if you place an order but isn't necessary. If anyone knows a suitable charity that I can send a pile of used stamps to, I'd be grateful if you'd write and let me know. Many people have had problems with dumping the magazine text to a printer - the problem has been that it doesn't work! However, the code on this and FRED22 does let you print it out. All you've got to do is alter the 'mag' and 'dcp' filenames in the text loader (on FRED22) to the names of those files on previous issues. Turn the page and I'll give you an example.... Explain it Colin! Put in the FRED22 disc, type BOOT 1, to boot DOS. type LOAD "FRED22" LINE 10, to load in the file while stopping the autorun you should get the program : 1 POKE SVAR 321,0: MODE 3: CLS #: LOAD "DOCREADER" CODE &8000: LOAD "I22F.MAG" CODE: LOAD "I22F.DCP" CODE: CALL 32768: BOOT All you've got to do is change the "I22F" to the name you require. And to make it dead simple for you, here's all the names you need to change it to : For issues 17,18 & 19 change it to "PAGE" For issue 20, change it to "PAGES1" For issue 21, change it to "PAGE1" eg on issue 20, ......LOAD "PAGES1.MAG" CODE: LOAD "PAGES1.DCP" ...... get the idea? It's "pure dead easy"!! More Misc For anyone under 30, I can highly recommend the film Waynes World. It is very funny provided you've got a half decent sense of humour. "Old" and "boring" people will not enjoy it but most FRED readers should love it. I suggest you keep Terminator 2 in mind for one part of the film and going when the cinema's full gives a much better atmosphere. As of yesterday, I've gone off to Swansea (again!), full reports will continue in future FREDs but meanwhile address all orders to "FRED Publishing" otherwise they get sent to me. Don't worry, my little brother has been well informed as to how to run FRED!! Can I just let it be known that the esteemed, sensible, careful and level-headed editor of FRED has gone completely barking mad and changed his hairstyle - to dreadlocks! I don't say this to recommend it to anyone but it's fun and a nice change but it's also expensive and a pain in the neck!! Sorry to ruin everyone's angelic picture of me - but it HAD to be done! New Modulator At the recent London show, John Flood came up to me with something I've wanted to see for a long time - a way of seperating the TV modulator from the PSU. As many of you know it is the RF noise from the power supply that causes the interference in sound on a TV set. John has worked out a way of splitting them up safely and cheaply. John supplies a kit of electrical bits and bobs and full instructions for just £12. However, a good two hours work is needed to complete the seperation. To do this, you must have had some experience using a soldering iron - I'm far from competant but I knew what I was doing. It is also recommended that you get hold of a multimeter for testing, I didn't use one and the results are fine but I would advise it. In the end, it took me over 4 hours instead of the usual two, but I feel it's been worth it - the noise interference has been much reduced so that I can now word process without the sound muted! After I finished I did discover I had 4 screws and a "p" clips left over though.. Modulators away! There are some very tricky bits involved - you have to drill 2,5,10 and 15 mm holes in the plastic box as well as having to know about braids and shrouds etc. If you use a TV and have, or know someone with, a bit of electrical experience then I highly recommend this kit but as we're messing about with 240 Volts, if you don't feel too safe with soldering and electrical stuff etc then I would steer clear. To get the kit of all the components you need as well as full instructions, simply send £12 ( £l0 plus £2 p&p) to : [redacted] New Stuff Many of you seem to quite like Astroball, indeed I played it to death last time I was in Swansea but sadly could only get to level 20 - sniff! For the cheats among you, apparently you can hold Space which toggles the pause hence slowing the game right down! Also, Paul Smout phoned up and told me about a few messages you might like to type in on the high score table to get various replies! : BALOR KNIGHT, HELP, CHEAT, ASTROBALL, HELLO, ESI, S**T, CHRIS P, JADE L, DONT TAKE THIS PERSONALLY BUT F**K OFF as well as just pressing Return. The SAM Adventure Club recently sent me their latest release - "Deep Waters". This is a collection of about TWELVE emulated adventures - all of which are thoroughly brilliant! If you have any interest in adventures then I very strongly advise you to send of £6 for it. Just the "Davy Jones Locker" kept me hooked for hours! If you want to order Deep Waters or find out more about the SAM Adventure Club, the address is : [redacted] As many older FRED readers know, I usually detail all my Show adventures in the magazine. Well, on the recent trip to London nothing adventurous happened. By that I mean than this time I wasn't arrested, thrown off my bus, lost in Soho, walking around London with Ian Slavin and Ged Corner (a fate worse than death!) or any of my usual antics. Nope. This time, I went to the All Formats Show in Esher (Surrey - South London) until 1pm then disappeared off to the Amiga Shopper Show for the afternoon. After spending many, many hours exploring the intrepid depths of Wembley, we (I was with Jon Pillar - he who "writes" for Your Sinclair) we found the Show. Before I begin, I'll let you know that the only shows I have been to are the 19 All Format Shows I've been to over the last 18 months. This place was big. Sorry. This place was BIG. Take half a dozen Amiga stands and you could fit an entire All Formats Show in! Commodore launched their new A600 (incidentally, the A500 and A500+ are no longer being manufactured so grab 'em quick!) as well as trying to show off Amiga Shopper Show their CDTV (I say trying because in my humble opinion it was crap - and not many things make me mad enough to "swear" in FRED! Future (the comic book publishers - YS etc) were also there so that everyone could laugh at Matt Bielby and Andy Storer (an ex-YS editor and pillock wearing shorts respectively) Many well know faces made small-talk while standing on a stage, these chaps go by the names of Electronic Arts, Jeff Minter, Virgin, Sensible Software and Bitmap Brothers. The Bitmap Brothers also challenged loads of people to play them at Speedball 2 but considering they wrote it, nobody did very well! Other companies such as Silica Soft and Citizen also did a very poor job of making me spend my money at their stand - in fact they both failed miserably. There was plenty of software around and most of it at very reasonable prices - except for PD! I picked up an excellant Sound Sampler for almost half price as well as a bundle of goodies! There were two "different" stalls though, and for them you must press the right arrow key to find out more.... Shopper Shows The first was the "Super-X", you know, the hydraulic cab which crams in a dozen people and shows videos of fast driving, skiing, rafting etc etc. This cost £1, so we didn't have much to lose but despite being jolted about all over the place ten feet in the air, it didn't really have much more fun than trying to cram everyone into the side of the cab when it lurched to one side! A bit sad really! The other "different stand" was a Virtual Reality stand. Now, as you know, VR is something I am very enthusiastic about so I had to have a go! The game I played involved me walking about an obscure landscape trying to shoot a computer-controlled opponent. It was very good despite being slightly slow (if it had been faster I would have been brilliant - honest!). It cost £3 and I got about 2-3 minutes which proved fairly expensive but it was a show. The other machine was a "sitty-down" shoot-em-up style game. I would strongly recommend you try to get at least one shot at a VR machine - it certainly proves what VR could do in the future, the possibilities are almost endless. Just while Shopper Show, well, hi-tech gear really! I'm on the subject of VR, if anyone goes to see the first ever VR film "The Lawnmower Man", one of Britains few films, please write a review for the next issue! A bit of coincidence here, because I'm just listening to the radio and the DJ has just done a brief talk about "Flotation Chambers", the jist of it seemed to be that you get shut in a pitch black room and then get gravity taken away from you! I've no idea where these are in the country or of cost but, it comes recommended from DJ Nicky Campbell so if you try it - let me know! I havn't heard anything from any of you about the Laser Quests that are sweeping the nation!! I know the one in Nottingham is the same as Swansea so that is worth a visit and I've now had a second opinion that the Dundee version is rather sad. Come on readers - what fancy computer gear have you used recently, what amazing new technology centre has opened near you or have the price of a tin of beans just gone up in your local supermarket? We want to know! More Special Offers??? Am I content with only saving you a fiver? No, I am not. So now, let me give you another chance to save money. Most of you will have at least heard of the magazine SCPDU. Well, having had a bit of a chat with Justin Ash, the chap who puts it all together we came up with a scheme that should interest everyone. His issue 4 will be out by the time you read this. Not only is this his best issue yet but it is also a double disc issue! How much would you pay for two discs? £3? £4? £5? Well, for as little as 36p you can hold of this issue!!! That's right, all you've got to do is send two stamps to Justin and he'll send you back the two discs of issue four! Because of the generosity of this offer it only stands to FRED readers and only if you send off before the 1st July 1992. So get stamp sending to : [redacted] Oooops!! Last month there was a slight mistake made! As many of you will have noticed, on the FRED22 menu, if you held down a key for more than a split-second, it locked up! So what you had to do was either tap the key very lightly or press the required key when the logo appeared. Because of the nature of this problem, I never encountered it - but when I sent out several hundred copies and received half of them back I realised I had a problem and a half!! As was pointed out in issue four of the SAM Coupe Adventure Club magazine, there was a little extra file on last months disc. Normally, very few people rake through the directory but because a lot of people had problems with the menu, they had to! I therefore apologise to those who were "disturbed" by the appearance of that little file - and I can safely say that about half the issues of FRED have had little freebies hidden away!! So get DIRing!!!! Happy Birthday!! As I write this issue, it's been exactly two years since I started FRED. For those of you that thought next month would be the 2 year mark, remember that there was a 2 month gap between issues 10 and 11 because of my exams which was why issue 11 became a double disc issue! Anyway, I would like to make a proposal to everyone that reads FRED - if you have ever thought about doing anything for FRED, do it now! I want issue 24 to be the biggest and bestest issue ever, draw birthday pictures, write articles, code demos, compose music, devise routines or even just write a letter!! Issue 24 is a great acheivement for me, because it's 23 issues than I thought I'd be. I would like to see some contribution from everyone,no matter how small (the contribution , not you!) Remember, I do FRED as a non-profit making magazine and if you want FRED to keep going, send in something - even a letter would be fantastic. Just something. Thank you. More dosh saving offers! Once again, it's time to remind you all of the wonderful software FRED publishes : Coming roaring up into the lead is Impatience - compatible with the SAM Mouse, Joymouse, joystick, cursor keys or redefinable keys. It features 24 mind-bogglingly hard levels, music from Frantisek Fuka as well as a classic bonus game "Viking". Your Sinclair rated it 90% - the same as Prince of Persia!! And at £9.99 that makes it great value for money! The demand was so high that we couldn't refuse! We got a flood of letters demanding more levels to Impatience, so we set Steve Taylor to work again and once more he came up with a masterpiece that scored 84% in Your Sinclair and still only costs £4.99 But, if it's money-savers you're after then we can supply Impatience and The Later Levels for just £13. That gives you a YS review of a massive 174% for less than the average price of a SAM game! How can you refuse??? We're still not finished! Hot off the press are "Force 48"s FREDatives, featuring games, utilities, music, graphics, articles etc etc they're just like issues of FRED - but done entirely by Andrew Hodgkinson! Numbers 1 - 4 are availavle at just £2 each or get all four for £7. If you've bought a mouse then you'll need a mouse mat, which we can supply you with for £3. Remember, all back issues of FRED are available at just £1.50 each, £8 for six or £15 for twelve. Get your FRED as soon as it's released for £8 for 6 months or £15 for 12 months. As a special "June" offer, if your order comes to over £20 for any of the goods listed on the last 2 pages, you can take 10% off! But remember, only before the 1st July 1992 !!!! Disc Contents As you'll all be aware, it's now exam time again. Our young friend Cookie in Manchester has actually given up computing for three months just so he can study for his exams! So don't send him any discs for a while! Anyway, in the seconds before his computer was snatched from under his nose, he knocked up a "Good bye" demo which he oddly entitled "Hot Butter", anyway it's quite good and as with all good m/c demos these days, it's got a reset screen - hold down the reset button! Both my good self and Wizard of Wizards Steve Taylor have been receiving so many letters asking how to do various levels of Triltex 1 & 2. Steve, being a thoughtful chap, has come up with the solutions - in demo form! All you've got to do is select the level you want to see and it'll show you how it's done!! Over the next 6 issues or so, we'll include all the levels, so if you don't want to see them - close your eyes! Disc Contents And now, to introduce a new contributor to FRED, David Simmonds, for this month he's written a BASIC shoot-em-up, No Way Back style called "Invasion" .Good FX and graphics but I can't get very far!!! From the person that did this months menu, Vampire, comes another BASIC game. Called "SAM Mines" it's based on the old Speccy classic Mined Out. Control is using the function keys but if you read the instructions you'll find out that as well as a lot more! Unfortunately, due to his exams, Steve Taylor is unable to do a machine code column this month. The Masters Of Magic had programmed the "best demo ever" just for this issue but the good old Post Office let me down again - so I'll put in a few pictures instead! Sorry folks! Demo AND column next month!!!! Disc Contents You know the problems - you're a potentially first rate m/c programmer with all those routines simply bursting to get out but you just can't afford an assembler. Well, exactly a year ago we brought you a dissassembler and now, thanks to John Moore, you have yourself an assembler!! It's not brilliant and it takes a bit of getting used to, so rather than me spending 8 pages explaining it I suggest you figure it out, after all, if you can't figure out how to work it, you're not going to write the next Lemmings are you?! Everyone seemed very impressed with the ESI Surprize demo when it appeared - except for people "in the know" like programmers, and me! Now, Mork has surpassed himself in doing a similar unlimited bobs effect (with help from Steve Taylor) and in BASIC! A clap of the hands there methinks. He's also done a various pattern demo so they go quite nicely (hand in hand as t'were). Disc Contents More Sound Machine demos!!! I think this will have to be about the last of these both because everyone's getting fed up of them and because E-Tracker SHOULD be coming out soon and will inspire a whole new array of talent from you all!! This months tunes come from Roger Hartley. Our good friend Dan Doore or Banzai as he likes to be affectionately called once more pours more of his blood, sweat and tears into programs for this months FRED. This issue, I've given him a section all to himself! Named "The Banzai Bunch" it includes a super-smooth scrolly with Total Recall piccies, a "4-Line" AXE-esque type demo and a Horace Goes Skiing demo!! In the letters section this month we have one or two letters as well as a few jokes (clean this time!) as well as Morks ever popular Puzzle Corner! Credits It's now 6am, Thursday morning and I'm very, very, very pleased that I've finished off this issue in time as well as not waking up anyone else in the house who's sleeping!! The usual temporary thanks go to : Mork Cookie Wizard David Simmonds Vampire Masters Of Magic AXE Mork Roger Hartley Banzai John Moore Claire Hossack Those Two BitaByte Issue 24 will be out the first week in July and you can get it for just £1.50 from : [redacted] And remember, if you have to talk to me - I'll be at SAMCo not home until October!!! CM
Letters & Reviews
Intro This month, we've got one letter, one reply, a pile of jokes and the traditional puzzle corner. Not much of a letters section but then again, I don't get many letters. Not much of a reviews section either but then again, what is there to review??? There should be a review next month because I'm still waiting on a few reviewers to write up a few things. From what I can remember this will include Batz n Balls, ProDOS and SC_Monitor. OK, write as much as you can for next month, OK people? [redacted] Dear Colin, You said in FRED 17 at the end of my computers article that it complemented the Dream Machine and Equinox, I am very interested in artificial intelligiance and would like to see some programs, (no matter how simple) in FRED which are seemingly intelligent, but as my programming skills are somewhat short of my expectations of a program I think you should set a challenge for FRED readers to do their best at AI programs. Now that I have 512K I would like to see on FRED more 512K programs/demos, I realise that to have too many 512K programs on the disk would be unfair to the 256K owners but I am sure that one or too small program's every other issue wouldn't put anybody's nose out of joint. I have included some jokes on this disk as well as I know that most people don't like a disc to be totally full of serious stuff Calvin Allett I was glad to see a few of your machine code programs a few issues back as I think you should include more of your own programs as people like to see what Da Edd can do. When I purchased the 256K extra memory the other day I also bought Prince of Persia, the thing is that Prince works fine when I reset to 256K but when I attempt to load it in 512K mode it won't even load in, it just makes the disk drive go mad and start vibrating (as though there is a track error or something), could you please tell me whether it's my copy thats faulty or whether it's not supposed to work in 512K, and if it is supposed to work in 512K is there any extra features. PLEASE BRING BACK THE FRED PROGRAMMING COMPETITIONS YOU WOULD GET MORE ENTRIES NOW AND YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE Yours Faithfully Calvin Allett Reply I'm also very interested in AI and I would love to see more of what you and other programmers can do with it! I found the X 'n' Os game a few issues back pretty clever but limited. I've included a few of your jokes over the page.... There have been quite a few 512K only demos on FRED but it's only when you try to load them in on 256 that you know they're 512 only!! Personally, I havn't had any hassles with Prince in 512 - perhaps you have an old ROM? type PRINT PEEK 15, if the answe IS NOT 30, then you have an old ROM. No, Prince is the same in 512 as 256. I'm glad someone likes my feeble attempts at m/c programming. I did enjoy writing them it's just that I havn't had any spare time to do more recently, but if I do, I'll definetely stick them on FRED! JOKES (BY Calvin Robert Allett) There's an Englishman, Irishman and a Scotsman and there walking along the street on the way to the pub, on the way they come to a playground and the Irishman suggests they have a swing on the swings, just as they are sitting down a genie appears and say's to them "You can each slide down the bannana slide and whilst on your way down call out what you wish to land in!." WeyHey says the Englishman and down the slide he goes shouting out beer, and just as the genie said he lands in beer. The scotsman slides down and shouts out whiskey and so he lands in whisky. So next the Irishman has his go and just as he slides down he calls out Weeeeeee. There's an Englishman, Irishman and a Scotsman and there at the top of a high tower and the Englishman makes a bet, "I bet I can drop my watch out of the window and run down the stairs in time to catch it at the bottom", "Go on then" the Scotsman and so the Englishman dropped his watch ran down the stairs as fast as he could but when he reached the bottom his watch was broken on the ground. "I'm faster than you!" said the Scotsman and so he Jokes (By Calvin Robert Allett) dropped his watch and ran down the stairs three at a time but alas he was too slow. "Let me have a go" said the Irishman. "Go on then" said the Englishman and the Scotsman in unision and so the Irishman dropped his watch and slowly walked down the stairs pausing half way down to scratch his forehead, when he reached the bottom he stood looked up and caught his watch. "How did you do that" said the Scotsman, and the Irishman replied "Easy, my watch was five minutes slow" There was an Englishman, a Scotsman (called Colin) and an Irishman and they were out sniping (they were soldiers) and just as they crept up to the camp of the enemy they were spotted and thrown in the dungeon, the next day the Englishman was taken out to be shot, he was put against a wall and the General shouted READY, AIM and the Englishman shouted TORNADO, the marksmen began to panic and started running around in a panic , while all this was going on the Englishman made a run for it, the next day the Scotsman (who was called Colin) was taken out to be shot, the General shouted READY, AIM and the Scotsman shouted JOKES (By Calvin Robert Allett) EARTHQUAKE, the marksmen again began to panick and while they were running around in hysterics the Scotsman ran away, on the third day the Irishman was taken out into the courtyard and the General yet again shouted READY, AIM and the Irishman shouted FIRE! A classroom of children were sitting listening to their history teacher all morning, at the end of the lesson the teacher asked Billy (who had been sitting day dreaming) who had knocked the walls of Jerico down and he promptly replied "It wasn't me miss!", surprised at his answer she went to see his mother that night and told his mother what his reply to the question had been, to which his mother replied "If our Billy said he didn't do it then he didn't do it!". An Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman were walking through the jungle when they were attacked by a group of pigmies, the pigmies said they were going to kill them but they had one chance to live, "If you pick 100 fruits of the same kind then JOKES (By Calvin Robert Allett) you can live", "thats easy!", said the Irishman, the pigmies replied "When you have picked 100 fruit you must then push each one up your behind without laughing!", the Englishman went and picked 100 small berries then proceeded to push each one up his behind without laughing, the Scotsman went out and picked 100 gooseberries and pushed 95 of them up his behind and then burst out laughing, "We will have to kill you now for laughing but tell us why did you start to laugh when you were so close?", the Scotsman pointing to the Irishman replied "Have you seen that stupid idiot, he's picked 100 coconuts!". OK, so you see, almost anything and everything gets printed in this magazine so send your text files in on disc and I'll put it in the next issue - no problemo! Morks Puzzle Corner no.5 Greetings and salutations! Sorry there was no Puzzle Corner last month but better late than never, as I always say. I'm in a particularly joyous mood right now as I've left school. No more Miss Pont breathing down my neck! (the school battle-axe). Just a few months of R & R and then I start university (Bsc in Computing Science at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh if your interested.) Enough of my prattle, here's the answers : Answer to (1). Own up, how many of you said 50 days? If the pond weed doubles it's size every day, then the day before it will be half the size. Therefore the weed covers half the pond after 99 days. Answer to (2). A tricky one this. You have to visualise what the snail is doing. It's going up 3, down 2, up 3 etc. On the 26th day it goes up 3 and gets to 29 metres, it slips down 2 metres that night to 27 metres. The next day, the 27th, it goes up 3 and gets to the top. It slips down two metres during the night but it still reaches the top after 27 days. Morks Corner Answer to (3). The egg drops 5 metres above a concrete floor, but the floor is 5 metres, 1cm below the egg! Answer to (4). No, this doesn't mean one of the kids is half boy, half girl (don't ask which half). All the children are boys. Answer to (5). As any five year old knows; you can't dig half a hole! Answer to the Classic Puzzle. There he is. The thief is standing at the bridge, crapping himself. The guards are almost on top of him (nudge nudge, wink wink). What does he do? A brain-wave hits him. He throws the gold rings in the air and juggles them, that way he only carries two rings at one time. After getting across the bridge safely he cuts the rope to stop the guards following him and breaths a sigh of relief. Don't you just love a happy ending? Morks Corner Computer Puzzle Solution. There's no clever way about it I'm afraid. You simply have to try every single combination. Here's my solution but you may have done it a better way. 10 LET year=1993, found=0 20 DO 30 LET year$=STR$ (year), rev$="" 40 FOR r=LEN year$ TO 1 STEP -1 50 LET rev$=rev$+year$(r) 60 NEXT r 70 IF rev$=year$ AND year/4= INT(year/4) 80 PRINT year$ 90 LET found=found+1 100 END IF 110 LET year=year+1 120 LOOP UNTIL found=3 Morks Corner Prize Puzzle Answer I'd like to say I received a lot of entries for this competition, but I didn't! In fact I reveived the grand total of zilch, zero, no entries. Come on, it wasn't that hard! Here's the answer Just to recap; A German officer has just discovered a lieutenant stealing provisions. "Aha, vee hav a lier!", said the German officer, "zee German army vill not tolerate a lier! Your last vords vill be von sentence. If you tell a lie you vill be eaten alive by rats, and vill die a horrible death. If you tell zee truth you vill be mercifully shot." The lieutenant thinks he is going to the big army barracks in the sky, but being an intelligent chap he comes up with a cunning plan. He says "I vill be eaten alive by rats." The German Oficer raises his gun, he looks puzzled and lowers the gun, then he raises it again, lowers it, raises it, lowers it Morks Corner etc. This goes on for a good five minutes. The Officer screams, bites the pistol and pulls the trigger. What a bright spark that lieutenant is. If you haven't got it yet, just think. If he is eaten alive by rats he's telling the truth, so he should be shot. But if he is shot, he's lying, so he should be eaten by rats. But if he is eaten alive by rats... No wonder the Officer wanted to meet his maker. I'm actually running a bit short of puzzles, so I thought it would be a good idea if you, yes you, sent in a puzzle or two. I couldn't pay you but you would have the honour of having your name in print in the only Coupe disk magazine worth a second look, or failing that; Fred. If you do come up with some fiendish mind-benders then send them to me, William W. McGugan, at the address below. Ta very much. Morks Corner You'll need psychoanalysis (is that spelt right?) after attempting these puzzles. (1) Two Indians, "Running water" and "Standing bull", are walking through the forest. "Running water" is the son of "Standing bull", but "Standing bull" is not his father. How? (Indian speak there!) (2) There are two trains on the same track heading on a collision course. The crash right on the border of two countries. Where are the survivors to be buried? (3) If your neighbours pet Peacock lays an egg in your garden, who does the egg belong to? Morks Corner Prize Puzzle I'll try and make this one a bitty easier, it's also a computer puzzle. A two-digit number, read from left to right, is 4.5 times as large as the same number read from right to left. What is that number? If you think you have the answer then send it to me at this address: [redacted] The Prizes The prize is a copy of SmartFile and SmartPhone and I'll send you every other SmartSoft program I write. This also gives me a chance to slip in a plug ( I'm sure you don't mind, Col ). Morks Corner "SmartPhone" is a Address/ Phone manager with a difference. It's completely mouse controled with menus and windows, it's very fast with automatic sort. It's main feature is the dialing facility; this program will dial any phone number for you. Simply hold the phone to the speaker on your monitor/ TV, select dial and your through in seconds! Ideal for the home user. SmartPhone works with any DOS/ memory and costs £5. Send a cheque or postal order to the address above, and mark the envelope "SmartSoft". I'll sign off in my usual way. Nanoo nanoo... Thanks once again to Mork - may your Smartphones sell in millions!