Sheriff Gunn

Release Year
Adventure Game.
Screenshots from the demo on SCAC Issue 5.
Your Sinclair review, (Recovered) courtesy of the YS Rock 'n' Roll Years YS84
Sheriff Gunn (SAM) Axxent £9.99 Dec 1992
Sheriff Gunn is just the thing you need to help chase away the post-crash SAM Coupe blues. It features 16 colour graphics and 64 column text, so it looks pretty nice, and it's good to see a SAM adventure, and not just an emulated Spectrum game make an appearance!
The game comes in two parts - you can play each part independently of the other and there are, according to the blurb on the inlay, over 80 locations. A word about the packaging: it's one of those large double size see-through cassette boxes (containing one disk) and has full colour (gasp) artwork!
The game itself is also pretty colourful, fun and fast paced. The main aim is to try to catch the notorious outlaw, Poisonous Pete. There are all manner of obstacles in your path, and the characters you meet on your travels either help or hinder you. The graphics are pretty tiny, but still manage to help add a bit of atmosphere to the proceedings. The only big minus point about the whole game is the price. £9.99 is a bit steep, but that seems to be a typical SAM price.
Sheriff Gunn will win no prizes for originality, but it's good fun, and what's more is one of the only SAM specific adventures around, so do yourself and your SAM a favour and buy a copy. If it sells well then it will undoubtedly encourage Axxent Software to release more SAM titles. They are already responsible for the excellent SAM Adventure System, so if you are ordering this game then ask for information on that. You never know, the next great SAM adventure could be written by you! In the meantime, whip out your six-shooter and go gunning for Poisonous Pete. Yeee-har
Verdict: 60%