WaterWorks 2

Release Year
Use logical thinking to connect up the pipes and complete the level, but watch out for any aliens who might like to pay you a visit!
Being a sequel to the original WaterWorks, this game is a lot harder. Below is a list of the additional features which have been implemented in this game. All the other features were in the original, which you were so good at that you bought the follow-up. We have enclosed a copy of the original instructions for your convenience.
I hope you thoroughly enjoy the game, and no, we don’t offer a “how-to-do-a-level” service!
New Features
Jeep: The jeep is similar to the helicopter and submarine except it cannot fly - it can only travel horizontally. Lifts have been provided to allow the jeep to move up or down, although for small drops gravity can also help here. Drops of more than two blocks will destry the jeep.
Lift: The lift can move the jeep vertically, although they do not affect the helicopter or submarine. Lifts are triggered by a switch.
Spike: Immobile, but deadly.
Barrel: Wooden barrels float on water. The jeep can travel across these like a bridge or becauase the barrels float on top of the water, if the jeep is on one, it can use the barrels like a lift.
Player positioned blocks: These act like normal solid blocks, but can be moved around like pipes. Because you cannot move onto a block, simply moving onto an adjacent square and pressing fire will pick up a block. These are extremely useful for building water reservoirs, water barriers and platforms.
Review by Graham Goring from the Sam Coupé Scrapbook
See the review of Waterworks
And now onto the somewhat connected subject of WATERWORKS 2, this one is really and truly as above, but it has several new features…
- BLOCKS - These are solid blocks which can be picked up and put down in any empty space. Adds a whole new, and almost unwelcome complexity to the game.
- JEEP - A new vehicle to keep you occupied, can be half submerged in water but it feels gravity. Cannot fall too far.
- BARRELS - Very nice idea these, float on water, and can be used as a sort of lift by the jeep.
- LIFTS - These are switch activated platforms that either rise or fall when the switch is activated.
There's even more but, by golly, my sieve-like memory has forgotten them. And finally, after that rather brief bit.
Area | Score | Comment |
Graphics | 64% | By Neil Holmes, not his best work… hmmm… |
Addictivity | 78% | Where it not for the stupidly hard level 3, it’d be 85% |
Instant Appeal | 93% | It still has that old magic… |
Sound | 83% | Lovely Craig Turberfield music, same terrible FX, though. |
Overall | 82% | This only suffers, as it can be unreasonably hard at times. |
Over a decade later, and I still haven’t worked out how to complete level 3.
2. Whatto
3. Lockan
4. sweept
5. beehiv
6. clockt
7. goodlu
8. lovean
9. standi
10. billan
11. oneone
12. sixxtw
13. badluc
14. dlucky
15. fififi
16. tensix
17. drivin
18. nexton
19. lastle