Fred 14
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Thursday, May 17, 2018 - 16:01.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
Copyright Provenance
Issue 14
Item | Author | Description |
Menu | Simon Cooke | |
Magazine | Life down at Samco, Manic Miner | |
Freviews | Impatience, SC_filer v2, mega demo | |
Triltex demo | Steve Taylor | Demo of Fred’s 1st commercial title |
Sim island? | Johnathan Marsh | Build your very own little island |
Screen Cruncher | David Gommeren | The official Fred screen compressor |
128k emulator | Simon Cooke | Don’t get your hopes up… |
Fancy fonts | Simon Cooke | Use colourful fonts in progs |
Sam point 2 | Mouse-driven wimp routine | |
Small text | Andy Green | Use small font for mode 4 text |
Masterteq | Marc Rickard | Spectrum-emulating antics! |
256k dance | William McGugan Simon Cooke | 256k version of dancing Fred from Fred 12 |
Letters | Mark Walker | Disable keywords in speccy emulators |
MC printer | Colin MacDonald | Simple MC example for beginners |
Garfield | Michael Andrews | Animated Garfield |
Reporter | Simon Cooke | Gives technical sam status info |
Rainbow trip | Ian Slavin | Colour-screen effects |
Spacer | Andy Green | Alters text appearance |
Editorial Hello again! And greetings to you all from bonny Scotland (at last!). Yes, this might just mean that I'll get an issue out on time at last but we'll just have to wait and see. Elsewhere you can read just how well I was treated at SAMCo throughout my 10 week stay there but before that I guess I'd better tell you what I know. Revelation have finally come to an agreement with Software Projects and have acquired permission to sell the coupe version. As I speak it is virtually complete (as I understand it) but it looks likely to be nearer Xmas until it's release date. It has over 60 levels (to date) with 20 of them taken from the original on the trusty Speccy. Programmer Matthew Holt (of ZAT fame) has now been working on it for some months but SP only recently agreed to the licence. This and Splat will form the start of a "Golden Oldies" range from Revelation - each will probably retail at £9.99. Editorial For those of you with a mouse you'll be pleased to know that F16 (when and if it's finally released!) will probably be mouse compatible, Tim Humphries is beavering away at his deluxe MIDI sequencer which is mouse compatible, a WIMP system is being developed and the first release from FRED Publications is almost ready to roll - being the generous sort I've arranged for a 2 level playable demo of one of the games on IMPATIENCE - Triltex to go on this disc! The programming and graphics are virtually complete, I'm getting decent music put in, and am currently waiting for the artwork for the inlay to be drawn up then printed - all in all, I'm hoping for a mid-September release. The Price is a measely £9.99 from any good coupe software dealer (any SAM shops in Britain, SAMCo, Blue Alpha, Enigma and of course myself - see special offer later) The entertaining and informative quarterly magazine, CCEG (Complete Computer Entertainment Guide) will, as of this Autumn, be including either one or two "SAM only" pages according to a recent press release. Great Big Cock-ups of 1991 no.1 - the CES Hah! You've probably already heard but I'll bore you anyway - the European Computer Entertainment Show has been cancelled to the public. The organisers who will not make any comment at this point, have made it a trade-only show. So if you've booked a ticket to go to this Show (5-8 September) simply go to the All-Formats Show on the same Saturday instead and sue the CES organisers for a ticket and full travel refund - that's one good way to get your train fare paid!!!! SAMCo goes Half Meg mad! Hah! This HAS to be it! The definitive step to rival the Amiga! Apart from the software, the main physical difference was the fact that the coupe only had 256K as standard - not any more! As of now, all new coupe's sold are 512K standard - and still for the £199.99 !!! Oh, and don't try to be awkward saying that "I paid £250" for my 256K machine 'cos so do I but it's called " making-the-machine-sell-better-so-that-more-games-will-be- produced". I just made that up! Good eh! FRED special offers! Remember all back issues are available for only £1.50 each or you can take advantage of this special offer and save money all over the place! 6 issues of FRED = £8 includes back issues / subscription 12 issues of FRED = £15 ie any issues of FRED!!!!! Two great mouse games on one pack! Impatience = £9.99 PRICE RRP SAVE Impatience and 6 FREDs = £17 £18.99 £1.99 Impatience and 12 FREDs = £24 £27.99 £3.99 Cheques/POs payable to FRED. No responsability taken for cash. Please send orders to : FRED, [redacted] Last Impressions... Come the 14th August I had to make my way home from "Wonderful" Wales back to "Bonny" Scotland and courtesy of several persons at SAMCo it was certainly a.....memorable day. All throughout my last week, general hints were being dropped that the guys at SAMCo had a tradition of saying "Goodbye" to employees in a funny, Welshy sort of way ie "Hey Mark, remember what we did to the last person that left SAMCo ha ha ha..oh Colin - didn't see you there honest - looking forward to Thursday afternoon Colin?? ha ha ha". Now when that sort of thing goes on for several days solid,one naturally begins to get a bit worried...nervous even - I mean , wouldn't you? Now, it just so happened that on that particular Thursday at about Luchtime I discovered myself all alone upstairs in SAMCo - nothing unusual really, until five people come rushing up one set of stairs and another five up the other. And it so happened there were only two exits from upstairs SAMCo... After finally being captured due to a "lucky" rugby tackle from Chris White I didn't fancy my chances of a quiet lunch. Last Impressions... What more could I ask for? I was sitting in the middle of the car park in a lovely comfy chair getting a beautiful suntan while everyone in the surrounding offices were working hard. There was only a couple of snags. 1) I was bound hand, elbow,shoulder, foot, ankle, knee and waist to the chair 2) Someone had conveniently taped up my mouth 3) Everyone in the surrounding offices had found something better to do than work - look at the guy tied firmly to a chair square in the middle of the car park! At least my face was nice and warm! Just to fill in a bit of background at this point - everyday a lunch van comes round all the offices in the Enterprise Park and it arrives at SAMCo at 1.30. Out of the half dozen or so factories in Lakeside there are quite a few hungry employees tha need to get some grub. So there I was, in the car park all alone until the lunch van came at which point dozens of people would rush over to get lunch - it was rather coincidental that I was sitting (well, it's better than saying "had been placed"!!) just in front of where the van arrived...... Last Impressions... After all these people had offered me pairs of scissors for £20, placed Aero's on my lap telling me "don't eat it all at once now!", people asking the SAMCo guys what I'd done wrong and after hearing "he's Scottish!" simply replied "Oh! That's all right then.!" etc etc I was finally rescued. Mind you, it's amazing how much attention you get from the female factory workers after something like that.... But that's another story. I would now like to thank everyone at SAMCo (in general) and in Swansea (not so general) for the best 10 weeks of my life - the fact that it was ten weeks without parents is another matter entirely - of course! I wish SAMCo and all those involved with it the very best of luck for the next twelve months (not that you'll need it after the great job you've done over the previous 12) Free Plugs! This time it's to a new disc 'zine called "Grunt!" for god knows what reason and is run by Matthew Craven - another 1 man band 'zine! He's just produced the first issue - details below. Unfortunately, Grunt! suffers in the light of disc magazines today including many other ones but all things considered it is reasonable. As it's Matthew's first issue all the programs are his own so it would be unfair to expect Outlet 2 but to be honest it's a lot better than either issue 1 or 2 of FRED so there could be a future in it. Issue 1 features a FRED comic, half a dozen or so of Matthew's tunes, a new (and fairly lengthy) Trip-a-tron as well as a couple of reviews, hints, tips and cheats etc It's not fantastic but it's got a better future than FRED! It costs £1.50 from Matthew Craven , [redacted] Cheques/POs payable to Matthew Craven and if you must send cash, sellotape the coins to a large piece of card as no responsability can be taken for lost cash. SC TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY (15) So, for the first time in aeons (or possibly since Colin tried to go to the cinema in Soho, and nearly got arrested), FRED goes to the movies. And for possibly the first time in movie history, all of the hype surrounding a film has been justified. This is the most expensive movie of all time (rumours have been flying around, the most reliable of which says $130 million, but other figures like $100 million and even $60 million have been floating around as well. I'm sticking to the $130 million, though). The special effects alone cost over $17.5 million - and a hell of a lot of that was in computer generated s/fx - so realistic, you'll be amazed! Those of you who saw The Abyss will have seen an example of these amazing graphics in action - the water snake was completely computerised. But for T2, these graphics have had to be totally revamped, as a large amount of other tricks have had to be done by the T1000 series terminator (made of a liquid metal "intelligent" alloy). Seeing is believing, as they say. SC TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY (15) But enough of the jaw-dropping effects - if you want to know more about them, there's always the film to go and see, or of course the book which has been released called (aptly enough) "The making of Terminator 2" (£6.95 - from WH Smiths and all other good bookshops). So onto the plot. The film is set in 1994, ten years after the first attempt to remove human resistance leader John Conner from history. Again, two people have been sent back through time - one being from the resistance to protect the ten year old Conner, and the other having been sent to kill him. As you've probably guessed, this time two virtually indestructable Terminators have been sent back - and it's their battlings which make up a good part of the film. People make a welcome reappearance including old Arnie, the psychiatrist from the first film (watch his tendency to show a little too much of a video tape show through in his usual way) and Linda Hamilton (Sarah Conner - she's now so mean, that if SC TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY (15) you even looked at her with a slight frown, she'd probably try to blow you away!). Michael Biehn (from Aliens, Terminator1, and The Abyss) was due to make a cameo appearance in a dream scene, but for some reason, it was cut out of the British version of the film (I think it was in the American one though). Robert Patrick (my sister swooned at the sight of him) plays the T1000 Terminator (Arnie of course plays the T800). Not only is the action very (um) active, but there's a lot of comedy in there too (and I really filled up near the end (bwah!), namely because it gets very emotional there, and very moving!!!). If you have read all of the articles on the film, then just for you there's a nice little plot twist, which no one has mentioned, so in the words of Arnie's disguise in Total Recall "GET READY FOR A SURPRISE!!!". Overall, this is a brilliant film. Not overly violent either (Arnie has to look out for his "caring" image you know) but lots of fun, and very, very good. Go and see this film. SC A small (!) plea for help! Now I don't know about you lot, but things that involve lots of complex maths in machine code confuse me. Things like 3D graphics, a subject that many people tend to stray from when asked, saying "Are you sure you don't want to know how to move sprites really fast?" with a certain amount of nervousness in their voices. Yep, it's a toughie alright, but I'd like to know more... Keith Goodyer (I hope that's spelled right, Keith!) has written F-16 for SAMCo, and he seems to be able to do the job, but if anyone else knows how to do the business, please, please please don't hesitate to put finger to keyboard and type out an article or five. It doesn't matter how long it is, as long as you let the rest of us in on the secret! Of course, a demo to go along with it would be brilliant, but we can't expect everything. So, if you would like to write a column on stuff like that, get writing - I'm sure it would be much appreciated! Just think, with a little help we might get Starglider II on the Coupe! FRED Letters Phil Glover [redacted] Dear Colin, I've been corresponding with fellow SAM coupe user Dave Whitmore lately, as we're both keen adventurers, and we're looking into the possibility of setting up a SAM coupe adventurers club, and a disc magazine for members. The club would probably have free membership and the disc will be cheap, only having to cover costs. The club would exist to stimulate interest in playing adventures on the SAM coupe. The emphasis would be on Spectrum games for obvious reasons, but if more coupe adventures were written, they would have priority. Contents of the disc would include news, reviews, hints and tips, possibly some programming help and a sizeable letters section.If anyone is trying to write an adventure for the coupe, we would like to offer any help we could, such as putting them FRED Letters in touch with other people who may be able to help with programming advice, by offering to playtest the adventure and so forth. Being a club, we'd like to encourage members to discuss all aspects of adventuring in the magazine, so they can enjoy adventuring to the full. We intend that the disc magazine should compliment, rather than compete with, other publications. At the moment we are trying to find out if anyone else would like to join us on this project, as the more help, ideas and support we can get, the beter. Dave has already written a decent disc magazine frame-work, and copying and distribution shouldn't be too difficult as we both have printers, MasterDOS and so on. If any FRED readers would like to contact me, I'll reply to all letters, enclosing up to date information. Even if we only have a small membership, we should be able to enjoy adventuring in greater depth, and help each other with various problems. We'll wait and see if anyone else would like to be in at the start of the club, then we can put our heads together and get the club and disc running. FRED Reply The adventure club sounds an excellant idea as up to now the only decent alternative was ZAT's adventure column and being a printed publication they are always limited in the amount of space they can spend on each aspect of computing. I might be a good idea to put on Spectrum adventures as I know that there are a good few Speccy adventures that although were brilliant, never took off and hence the author would probably be more than happy to settle for a minimal fee or simply a small royalty rate for each of the discs with their program on it. This would most probably give rise to a price increase from your initial expected price but would most certainly be a good feature. I'm always pleased to see someone else "take the plunge" as it were so you can count on full co-operation from FRED! I would appreciate any further details you decide on eg release date, would you attend shows etc. One more thing - want your first member right now? Best of luck Phil and Dave. FRED Letters Mike Haine [redacted]. Hi Colin! Many thanks for putting my letter in issue 13 and, especially, for making your own response to it. Let us hope we can get some further response from some of your many readers! Just a few brief comments on yours. Firstly I was not directing my comments on REVIEWS at yourself, but to all reviewers. I am sorry to suggest you get your review copies for nowt. I would have thought the suppliers would have the sense to make use of the publicity byt sending out copies for reviewers. I still stick to my words that reviews should be more critical and especially should make some suggestions for improvements. I'll try and find time to send you an example of what I mean. On MGT:- Yes, I know the history. I had hoped that having spent some time in Swansea, you would be able to answer my queries; do they have a technical back up service? If so how does one access it? Are they updating the tech manual? You say you cleared the backlog. With respect You didn't deal with my letter to them of March 3rd. (Dump attached).I have received no response whatever! FRED Letters You say your position with them has been filled as will be announced on the HOTLINE. I don't use the latter as it is mainly concerned with games (in which I have no interest) and is too expensive. They issue fairly frequent News sheets, but these make no mention of technical matters. I understand that their main concern is with sales, but surely a good technical back up can only promote sales. In any case I am sure the sort of back up I (and, I feel sure, many others) are wanting could be handled largely by volunteers or the mags? We expected that FORMAT would fill this bill but, alas, they do little to fill the bill. (Considering they started off largely as a mag for disc users, it is incredible that they are still not on disc?). Finally, with MDOS Fred can be moved to RAMDISCS, which helps a lot! With very best wishes....Mike. FRED Reply Dear Mike, Thanks for writing in again - people don't seem to bother writing letters (OK, wp files!) for me to include. SAMCo's technical backup service : All phone or letter enquiries received since the beginning of June were dealt with - as will all future enquiries, so you can get help by either phoning or writing to SAMCo. Obviously it will take a few days longer, but if you write you at least get a hard copy of all the info so I recommend writing. Until I went to Swansea, SAMCo were worked off their feet trying to do all the various tasks it needs to and, unfortunately, as a result there simply was not time to reply to some letters. I did clear a huge backlog that dated back a few months but I did not see your letter, however a copy has been passed on and you should receive a reply shortly. Just as a passing thought - everyone expects handouts of technical info from SAMCo, but did you write to Sinclair / Amstrad asking for similar? Would you write to Commodore / Atari / Acorn for information expecting a reply? No, I didn't think so. SAMCo are FRED Reply trying very hard to please everyone and although they've let down some people in the past they are getting there. There have been a couple of Technical Manual updates throughout MGT etc but to my knowledge one is not planned BY SAMCo for the near future - but I suggest you keep a watchful eye on other people. I must agree with you on the hotline - I never phone it because a) I don't agree with 0898 numbers and b) FRED never has and quite possibly never will have a mention on it. What I had expected to be announced on it was details on who was taking over my job and how everything was under control. As far as I know this didn't happen but things are under control anyway! You're quite right about the mags supplying tech info. SAM supplement is the best qualified to do so with Dave, Andy Wright, Simon Goodwin and a host of other techy people contributing. I will always try to help anyone who needs it though. Anyway Mike, it's great to have an exchanging of views at last in FRED - thanks. I just hope someone else takes the hint Cockups no.2 - last issue No, I don't mean that issue 13 was one big cockup (near enough though!). For once there didn't seem to be many undiscovered bugs, although a few days after It went out I got a letter from The President who had something to say about his QL convertor... "About the QL>SAM convertor - it needs updating again! "Ohhh, God. When will this jerk make up his mind!" I hear you scream. But now I promise that this version is really working! -'onest!" The new file is on this disc called "QLSAM" so simply copy it over the version on Issue 13. Just as a passing thought : Richard Robinson has come up with a poke for some versions of EFTPOTRM. Before you load anything simply type the following : BOOT 1 LOAD "AUTO*" LINE 999 45 POKE 38903 , 0 RUN This gives infinite credits for both players!!!! The Disc contents The Gremlins screens this month come from E. Dybacz and the others are from Ron Deeks. There is an Impatience demo on the disc but check out the "review" for details. Jonathan Marsh has come up with SIM ISLAND. What you do is simply select the piece you want, the vertical height you would like it at and then the position on you island - and it magically appears! Hours of fun for everyone! There are two files on this disc (CITY1 and CITY2) for you to have a sniff at if you're interested. Lord Insanity / David Gommeren brings you the Screen Cruncher which is now used to compress the screen$. Just follow the menu options or if you want to use it in your own programs then full instructions are in REM statements at the end of the program. Simon Cooke has almost finished his 128K emulator! And exclusive to FRED readers, he's put on a copy! OK, so I lied a bit but you'll discover that for yourself...... Steven Taylor brings you another peek at m/c for the people that want to learn it - makes sense really! The Disc Details Again from the chocolate biscuit - sorry, Cookie ( I know you've been dying for me to say something along those lines! ) is a couple of "Fancy Fonts" for your own use. The program includes a full demonstration and instructions. Andy Green aka Phantom Software has modified the SAM Point which appeared a few issues back to work with the SAMCo mouse. Again from Andy is a neat routine which allows you to print small but neat and readable text on the screen. Full instruction are included. The Bits 'n' Bobs this month come from all over the place : a m/c routine from me! (?) a reporter utility from Cookie a text spacer from Phantom Software a "Rainbow Trip" from Ian Slavin / AXE a 256K version of the great FRED dance utility originally by William McGugan - mod. by Cookie for Garfield fans, here's an animated demo from Mike AJ a handy Spectrum ROM mod for those of you who hate using the Spectrum's keywords - from Mark Walker. MR MasterTEQ information This is a fairly large program - unfortunately without instructions - so here's a brief summary: When you want to load a 48K snapshot,you load this program and select the first option. This gives a screen allowing the file- number to be entered. Pressing EDIT allows you to swap between ths Spectrum 48K ROM and the EMUL rom (a file containing the dummy ROM set up by SAMCO's emulator.)The second option simply returns you to a Spectrum game. By selecting the third option, you can enter 'Multiface Pokes' (which are installed into a code file.) A scrolling list appears - simply select the relevant game and choose the pokes required from the list. Select the game's name to continue. You can enter a required game by pressing RETURN then entering the name. Pressing EDIT allows you to directly enter pokes. Select option 4 for the 48K hacker program which allows you to zip through the 48K memory altering whatever is necessary. Option 5 selects a menu of disk-options - pretty straight- forward. MasterTEQ information Select option 6 to save. To quit the program (and reset the computer) select option 7. This is a modified version of TEQ (3.1) - so that Messenger users can use it. It requires a copy of the Spectrum ROM - called "zxrom.spx" - Messenger users should press key "G" on the Messenger menu. Program and instructions by Marc Rickard. Remember people - I'm running out of proggies again because everyone's out relaxing on the beach eating ice creams. So as soon as it starts raining / hailing / snowing or whatever, nip onto your coupe and start programming/writing. BASIC programs are just as welcome as ever so don't feel you'll get left out all you Basic programmers. In fact how about a m/c free issue - say issue 17 ???? I would still have to use m/c for compression/decompression routines though but other than that it's all yours...... Auf Wiedersehen! And don't bother writing in if I've spelt it wrongly because it's about the only German word I know! Anyway, as everyone's already been credited along with their programs I won't bother listing your names - I'll just say "Thanks" to you all. Maybe. I'm off on holiday the middle two weeks in October so get your orders in sharp - or face delay! Issue 15(oooh isn't this exciting?) will be out the first week in October and will cost the usual price of just one and one half quid ie £1.50. Send orders/subscriptions/programs to : FRED [redacted] Send complaints to : Michael Gorbachov, c/o The Russian Salt mines.... Keep reading for some other "specialist" articles............... SH WWF UPDATE So then, instalment three! As opposed to listing the various wrestlers, I'll just let you know the news from the wrestling world and tell you what you need to know. So then, let's go! I don't know about you, ladies and gentlemen, but around this time of night I like to tell you about Summerslam '91. This is an extravaganza of wrestling with about thirteen events with the superstars fighting each other. (Normally they fight people that aren't well known - affectionately reffered to as 'toast'). Usually at least one of the title belts (there are 3 in all) is up for contest and at Summerslam '91, two are up for grabs. I'm not sure of all the fights, as they've not all been announced, but here is the line-up so far. 1: BRET 'THE HITMAN' HART V MR PERFECT This is for the Intercontinental Belt. What I want to know is why this bloke with the big groin guard gets to fight the other bloke with the big groin guard before Davey Boy does. Affectionately dubbed as 'The Battle of the Packets', this should be a good fight, just as long as Perfect gets his face kicked in. SH WWF UPDATE 2: THE MILLION DOLLAR MAN TED DiBIASE V VIRGIL Ted DiBiase is a loaded millionaire (honest..) and a 'Baddie'. Virgil is his former bodyguard who rebelled against him. Now DiBiase wants to fight him and is staking his belt (Which he had made for him when he couldn't buy the World belt) on this match. Reputedly worth a million dollars, if (i.e. when) Virgil wins it, he will be a millionaire.(Honest..) 3: NATURAL DISASTERS V THE BUSHWACKERS (With Andre the giant in their corner) Get this - the Bushwackers are the new WWF Tag Team champs! I didn't believe that the title would change hands before Summerslam, but still, c'est la vie. Watch out for Andre in the Bushwackers' corner - he had a bit of grief with Earthquake and will get his own back in this match. Oh, by the way, Luke and Butch might not be the WWF TT champs - My source (Cookie) isn't quite sure. Wanna know what I think'll happen in the match? While they're in mid-fight, Jake the Snake Roberts'l come down and kick of on Earthquake for squishing Damian the snake (ha ha)
STOP PRESS AS A LAST MINUTE ITEM - THE M/C ARTICLE FROM STEVE TAYLOR DIDN'T ARRIVE IN TIME FOR INCLUSION (IE I'M WRITING THIS ARTICLE JUST BEFORE I'LL SEND OUT THIS ISH!) PRESUMABLY DUE TO HIM BEING BUSY ON "OTHER" PROJECTS - WHICH I'M SURE YOU DON'T MIND. Back to lower case now! Instead of that, I've stuck on a couple of piccies from M. Nickells and any others I can get my paws on... Commodore have plans for a C65, which, according to various sources is based on the C64 but has enhancements and a 3.5" drive!! The standard A500 Amiga now has 1 MegaByte of memory as standard. Rumours in the press say Amstrad are killing off the Spectrum series completely,although Spectrums have not produced any for 6 months now, they deny the claims. There is a hot rumour flying about the FRED office that I will be writing the next Pulic Domain Section in Sinclair and SAM Computing! It's worth buying just to hear more from me!!!!! Very few companies will be attending the Glasgow Show. The only three confirmed appearances will be FRED, SAMCo and the ever popular FORMAT. STOP PRESS As yet, the finished versions of F16 and Keypress have still not appeared on my doormat (any volunteers for reviewing Keypress - The Mulit-Level Educational Word Processor?). Prince Of Persia still hasn't seen the light of SAM although programmer Chris White who was in SAMCo for over 2 months has now moved out but still cannot be contacted for details.... Tilt - a game by Codemasters on the Spectrum which was one of the few Speccy reviews I did (FRED 2) is all set to be released on the Amiga sometime in late October. Nintendo opened up a hotline some months ago to help frustrated games players with their favourite game. The hotline (which is NOT an 0898 number) has proved extremely succesful and now requires 8 full time staff! The Leeds show was apparently quite good although the entry fee has now gone up to £4 which angered many show go-ers. At least those who enjoyed can look forward to another Leeds show sometime in the near future. Urgent news : I've run out of news! Never mind, there's still quite a collection here! CM SC_FILER V2.0 The "Old-Timers" amongst you will remember that I reviewed SC_Filer when it first came out - in issue 9. So I won't bore you all with a complete re-review but instead just a brief mention and what it does better... The manual has been updated to deal with the new features by about 4 pages which makes it very competent as manuals go - especially as it's been professionally written, type-set and printed. The first obscurity which struck me was that SC_Filer automatically assumes a V3.0 ROM, 512K and a 24 pin printer attached. Alterations have to be made for other systems but surely it would be more straightforward to have 256K and 9 pin printer automatically? Whilst using the database, the difference is speed is noticeable - naturally as this is now 99% m/c, so it should be. This especially helps whilst sorting records - normally this would appear to be a very labourious task but SC_Filer seems to tackle it quite nicely. SC_FILER V2.0 Alterations : If you wish to search the database for a string or whatever, you do not have to indicate which field is to be searched as it searches them all! Brilliant! Steve has added in another superb feature - a sort merge function. This lets you merge two files together which are of similar format and it sorts the final database as well! It might sound extremely handy - it is! But the only snag is that you need a Meg, 512K and MasterDOS to be booted! Not many people can afford that just for one database feature. The conversion from LERM and GM files is a bit more complex so Steve offers a free conversion service for this new version. Also, Matthew Holt (Manic Miner guy) has updated Humphrey (now called Hump-three !!) so that it reads the disc super-fast and also has a mega-fast Shell sort routine! SC_Filer costs just £12.50 (Cheques / POs to Steve Nutting) Steve's Software, [redacted] MEGA DEMO - DATON , £3.99 From the editor of SAM Supplement comes yet another bargain priced disc. Dave Tonks (DA-TON groan!) has obviously been burning out the cables porting stuff from the Amiga and ST up (note the careful choice of words!) to our coupe. Sadly, the disc is 512K only (but seeing as there is a tremendous amount of stuff set to be 512K only it might be worth getting your mits on one now - perhaps even with SAMCo's 10% if you've ordered the Birthday Pack!) but for your couple of quid you get three demos. Firstly, there is the Frog demo from the Amiga. I very cute and detailed little demo of a frog swinging back and forth on a swing. Ahhhh! This is usually the demo the Supplement put on to attract people away from the FRED stand... The highlight of the disc (for me) was the Stealth bomber. This is a magnificent view of a Stealth Bomber (in true 3D full colour vectored graphics) performing a breathtaking flypast. Not only is the plane there, but you get all the usual freebies - sky (solid blue), grass (solid green) and as a special bonus : trees (OK, they're real enough!) MEGA DEMO - DATON , £3.99 The last demo on the disc is the "Newton's balls" demo. As you all know it's the series of hanging steel balls and when a ball at one side is set in motion it swings then collides with the rest of the pack which sets the opposite ball in motion so I won't even hint at any corny jokes. This is the only digitized demo on the disc but the only niggle I have is that Dave recently entered it in Outlet's competition and won himself a tenner so it appeared on last months Outlet! Being demos, there isn't much use to them after the initial excitment but they're all quite impressive (especially when you show your Amiga owning friend this and the Megablast music on FRED12 !!!). Compared to the average PD disc this is certainly better in quality but for £4 it'd have to be. NB It is not PD! If you like good demos and don't mind paying a few quid for them, then I'd recommend this as one of the best demo discs around albeit one of the more expensive. Send your cheques/POs to Brian Mumford, [redacted]. BUDGET - Dansoft , £6.99 Quoted as being a program to really help you sort out your bank balance, Budget did not impress me right from the start - Dull Mode 3 screens, continous prompting for verification "Correct Y/N?" which isn't a bad thing but when it happens after almost every single question you are asked you quickly end up wearing out the paint on your "Y" key. What does it do? You select which month and year you'd like your year long budget to start with, input the total incomes and outgoings for each of these months then at the end, you get a nie little result table drawn up which shows you how far in the red you are. Of course, it doesn't end there - you can if you like, create a hypothetical budget. This is basically a practice budget. ie yu can copy all the data from your real budget into this hypo budget and mess about with how much you spend and see how much you'll have left at the end of the year. I suppose someone might have a use for it but I'd imagine most people would want to try to keep their outgoings to a minimum which renders this function a little bit useless really. BUDGET - Dansoft , £6.99 As I said before "Of course it doesn't end there". Well actually it does seem to. All else I could do was change around some of my account details or start again. As you may have noticed I didn't consider this program to be much use - there isn't even any DOS on the disc!! The manual is a small blue 4 page affair and the label on the disc simply lists the disc directory! Even the auto file which does little more than load the program proper!!! I can be completely honest and advise you to spend this money on a SAM Supplement subscription (once you've subscribed to FRED for a dozen or so years) because there are lots more USEFUL programs on that which you will not get by buying Budget. If you want a really good banking (watch the spelling...) program then wait for Hilton's Personal Banking System which although will be a bit more pricey will most certainly be, by far a much more worthy program. In fact to save you the temptation of wasting your money I'm not even going to tell you where to get this program!!!! Impatience - FRED , £9.99 Now, some of you may think that it would be a little unfair fo me to review my own program. So I won't. However I tell you that Impatience will be reviewed in the next issues of Enceladus and SAM Supplement and will be given at least a mention in the "News" section in FORMAT. As well as the demo appearing on FRED, it will also be in the SAMCo birthday pack and variations of it might pop up in other places as well...... About the demo : mouse is automatically selected if you have one present otherwise use joystick or keys Q,A,O,P and Space. Click on the Keyboard to redefine the keys. Since the demo was written, Triltex ( one of the two games on Impatience ) has been vastly updated. The music is presently being written by either Frantisek Fuka or Sean Conran (because the present music is a tad monotonous). The main graphics have yet to be touched up ie in the latest version there is a spinning FRED logo whenever you load up the game. Impatience - FRED , £9.99 Other things have still to be changed - at present there are 20 levels (although 2 specially designed levels are in the demo) but this will probably be expanded to 26. The complete game will be ready about the last week in September (once the artwork is completed and I get the inlays printed). This game WILL NOT appear in FRED - I am simply trying to start up something else.... Impatience is available direct from FRED or you can order it through Blue Alpha or SAMCo. Or if you feel really energetic, pop down to your local SAM dealer and buy it from him for the all round price of £9.99. Orders sent direct to FRED : Chqeques payable to FRED-. Your copy will be sent out the very same day it is released. Check out the finished product in shops around the country from October 1st..... .
Machine Code Print Routine
M/C PRINT ROUTINE Welcome to Colin's very first m/c proggie - and it shows! I just thought that I'd show you what can be done with a lot of attention to what Steve Taylor says and a little bit of thought! The source file is on this disc to help you understand just why it is so awful because one thing I've noticed is that there isn't enough source files about to learn from. So from now on I'll try and include a source file for any m/c program which is on FRED. This routine is simply reading the keyboard port, outputing values to the border port and using RSTs to print text at different positions on the screen - with the result of a scrolly which would be twice as good from BASIC but never mind -I tried! Press "D" for a demo or any key to return to FRED. PS: The source file is called "m/c source". .