
Release Year
Published on the ZX Spectrum with a SAM version on side B of the tape.
This version runs natively in MODE1 not under Spectrum emulation and has a MODE4 loading screen taken from the Amiga version of the game.
Disk image created directly from the TZX files for ease of use.
This program, code, graphics, music and artwork are all copyright of BEYOND BELIEF SOFTWARE. And no part may be copied, stored, transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means, without the express permission of BEYOND BELIEF SOFTWARE.
If you have written a game that you think is good or you are a good programmer then write to Jim Scott, BEYOND BELIEF, 19 Oaks Drive, Higham Ferrers, Northants NN9 8EX Tel: 0933 57998 NOW!
Loading instructions:
Type Load " " Then press enter.
Humphrey has few aims in life. His favourite pastimes include eating a lot, especially chips and other equally tasty bits of tucker. Other pastimes include well, er ... more eating really. This is why Humphrey couldn't figure out why he was chosen to liberate the Princess's gems from some rather unsavoury alien creatures.
Humphrey is rather fond of doing; well, nothing actually! But a summons from the King no less gets Humphrey into top gear. Not because he loves his King, more he'll be be-headed if he doesn't do as he's told.
Apparently, these aliens have taken the Princess's gems to their lair. Inside there are rocks which come in handy for hiding from aliens. There are all sorts of switches, teleports, bombs, blobs and alien generators. Not to mention clocks just lying around. Unfortunately, the lair is built on an earthquake zone ... So when time runs out - blobs, rocks, wall all break up and if there are any aliens around at the time ...
If keyboard: Q for up, A for down, O for left, P for right and SPACE for fire.
Whether keyboard or joystick; R to restart a level. To pick something up or push it: if it were to your left you would pull left (if keys you would press O) and while doing this press fire.
At the top left of the screen is your score.Top right: lives. Bottom left: time. Bottom right: gems left to find. Before each level starts there is a level number and where applicable a password.
A password is issued every 5 levels. You key in passwords on the menu by pressing P, then typing it in. Remember to include !? etc.
Humphrey: Guide him around the alien lair
Gems - Collect these: May be hidden under rocks
Aliens - RUN!
Bombs. Once started run! Will blow up aliens.
Blobs. Will snare you if you're not careful! Not harmful.
Teleport. Beams you about. Some work all the time, others sometimes, rest never!
Rocks. Push these! Will explode if something on other side.
Switch. Throw switches to help you on your way (some hinder).
Aliens come from here! So don't stand too close!
Clock. Gives you extra time or it may take it away! Find out which to help you complete a level.
Solid block. You can't move these.
[Note: See scan of inside cover for items]
Level 5 - KAKAS
Level 10 - EGRET
Level 15 - YA'MA
Level 20 - ZYMIC
Level 25 - ULCER
Level 30 - WOLF!
Note that you must use SYMBOL+7 to get "'" and SYMBOL+1 to get "!"