Fred 82
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Wednesday, May 23, 2018 - 12:15.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
Copyright Provenance
Issue 82
Final issue.
Item | Author | Description |
Magazine | George Boyle Bill Rutherford Gavin Smith Colin Piggot | Under New Management from George Boyle, Atom |
Letters | Hello and as it turned out also goodbye From George Boyle | |
Mr Pac | Maciej J. Wołoszyk Andrzej Siuda | Pacman Demo before it was rebranded as The Bulgulators |
Mc Tutor | Steve Taylor | M/C Tutorial |
Bumpy | Converted Speccy Game | |
Zx81 | Martijn Groen | More Zx81 Games |
Help | George Boyle | Plea For Help |
Modules | Bill Rutherford | Amiga Modules |
Net Text | Bill Rutherford | Teletubbies and Daleks |
GB INTRO FIRSTLY I MUST APOLOGISE FOR THE LONG WAIT FOR THIS ISSUE. There are many reasons as to why it has taken so long. Let me BEGIN ........ ---------------------------------------------------------------- INTRO ---------------------------------------------------------------- It's your new FREDdisk Distributor George Boyle here. Treasurer of Fred Publishing* & Director of FREDsoft & FREDdisk. For all previous FRED(s) & all previous titles from Fred Publishing, please contact myself. * Any products owed from Fred Publishing before take over of treasury of Fred Publishing to myself. Please discuss with myself. As far as I am aware, all products paid for under Fred Publishing have been issued. N.B: I am not prepared to pay for GB INTRO products from my own pocket, when I have not recieved any monies due for these products (apart from mag subs, of which I will try & honour) A little confusing, but that was the only way in which I could take over the magazine & be happy about all the contracts & proposals etc. The delay of taking over Fred Publishing & re-launching as FREDsoft has taken some time, and by this, is why you are reading all this drivel! (Sorry Everyone.) Even now as I type the contracts for Fred Publishing are still not fully sorted out. I still don't have all of Fred Publishings software, and also I'm unable to get hold of copies of Saturn Software's products, which are now rightfully mine. ANYONE HELP ON THE ABOVE ? As of now I have taken a step in my own good will to keep all GB SUB's etc FRED readers going with FREDdisk from issue 82 onwards. I will try to honour all subs as I recieve the finances to do so. Most of these have been met out of my own pocket to date. I will try & honour everybody that I have PROOF of that is still owed FRED, in the best possible way that I can but don't forget this is costing me money. When I state honour, this includes all the people that I have on the FRED database stating that they are owed issues* *Except exceptional circumstances. Anyone that re-subs, which I hope you all will, will be honoured in full, as they pay myself as FREDsoft supplying FREDdisk. This will obviously benefit all FRED readers in the long term, as well as meaning that I don't have to keep dipping into my own pockets to keep the magazine going! GB SUPPORT ? To keep FREDdisk going I need all the support & contributions that I can get from everybody that owns a SAM Coupe/Elite/PC etc. I'm not a money grabber. The only interest that I have is in keeping the SAM community up & running, thus I have taken FRED on off my own back. But obviously, I can't keep dipping into my own pocket for funds, and likewise - I need input for the magazine. If there is nothing to go in, then the disk wont appear until there is. It's as simple as that. I understand that some people may have sent contributions in to Darren. If so, I'd appreciate if you could re-send them. I have not recieved any material for future issues and that as you can appreciate is a pain in the neck. GB FUTURE FRED ? ---------------------------------------------------------------- FUTURE FRED ---------------------------------------------------------------- Let me begin. That's all the rubbish of my chest, let me tell you what I plan to do in the future. George Boyles *** 5 *** FREDsoft Pledges, but I'll stick to them, unlike RAMSAY BLAIR. (And that's coming from a true Labour person) 1 : REDUCE THE COST OF ALL FRED PUBLISHING TITLES 2 : GIVE CONTRIBUTORS GOOD REWARDS 3 : PAY ALL PROGRAMMERS A GOOD ROYALTY PERCENTAGE UNDER FREDSOFT* 4 : PROMOTE NEW PRODUCTS, IRRESPECTIVE OF PUBLISHER 5 : MAKE FRED BI-MONTHLY (To make sure it arrives on time) [Contributions depending!!!] GB PROMISES, PROMISES * Any contributors owed any dues should contact D Wileman (previous FRED Publishing Manager), as anything up to take over apart from magazines subscriptions to the best of my knowledge is not my responsibility. ************************* FRED'S PROMISE *********************** TO KEEP THE SAM GOING & PRICES AFFORDABLE **************************************************************** The SAM is about getting everyone together & working together. With combined ideas & hard work this machine will stay until I reach 82, as FRED has (if I reach that old?), but too much alcohol, cigarettes & a combination of working alternate days & nights and other pleasures in life might just prevent that. Anyway less of the drivel. GB/BR FREDSOFTS PROMISE WELCOME BACK ... to FRED as FREDdisk, running under FREDsoft. & enjoy the mag ? Ok enough waffling crap enough is enough. Be back soon, it's FRIDAY NIGHT. I've just finished work, I should be in the PUB, that's where I'm going, and I'll be speaking to you all soon. On that note I'll pass you over to my co-writer Bill Rutherford (BR) to tell you about scenes beyond the outside world of FRED. YAAAAAAAWWWWWWWNNNNN!!!! Sorry Boss, that was getting a little too long for me! BR SAM News etc So then, what's been going on around and about the SAM scene? There seems to be some pretty neat software on the cards with a new title from Colin Piggot... the clever chappy behind that whizzy 16 bit sound card - the Quazar Surround sound card... The game all the fuss is about is Stratosphere... and what can you say about it? It's big (4 disks). It's 3d (proper mode 4 wireframe 3d). It's £17.99 and it's a great game! It's recommended here to anyone.... until the next FREDsoft release anyway! See the demo elsewhere on the issue for more info..... (GB: This refers to previous management) Speaking about FREDpublishing releases,an ex-Fred title "Colony" now seems to have a new home .... BR Re-Colonisation? Yup, our former release, Colony, is now available from Persona. Malcolm Mackenzie says: (contracted down from a 90 minute phone call... Does he know how to talk or what????) (GB:This refers too previous management) "After discussions with the author of the game, I learned that the terms of his agreement - such as it was - where not being honoured to his satisfaction. He was quite willing for Persona to release it, and as the law was on his side, I was quite willing to see what I could do with it. "After some talks with Colin Piggot, we decided that the game could also benefit from the addition of Quazar Surround Sound enhancements, so in addition to other minor improvements, this was added." Colony is now £7.50 and is available from Persona. See the ad in the SAM Scene section. BR More News... There's some interesting new software and hardware turning up since we've been away, including: The Atom: A new internal Hard Disc interface which has been designed by Edwin Blink. This allows up to 8 Gig (yep, the same as about 8,000 odd floppies) to be accessed dead quick from inside the SAM itself! The interface uses Bdos as it's operating system, which is a SAMDos compatible operating system. It has a fair few bells and whistles, but more improtantly the dos is free! The Atom is available from Persona (again!) and there's an ad for it in SAM Scene. [GB: FREDsoft will be supporting the Atom with some conversions of some titles to run on the Hard Drive. More information soon!] BR/GS More News... SAM Community! And here's some more news that I'm sure you'll all find very interesting: this time of a new project that seeks to unite all SAM users. Take it away Gavin Smith! SAM Community Introduction ------------ (GB: Gavin, you have my full support, see letters) How many SAM owners do you think are left? Not many of course, but perhaps more than you might think. Only problem is, they're spread out all over the world. For some time now, we have needed some way to unite everyone, bring everyone together for the good of the SAM. If we don't do it now, by next year the whole thing could be a distant memory, with everyone's SAM tucked away in the loft somewhere. Something needs to be done and quickly, and the SAM Community could be the answer. What is the SAM Community? -------------------------- GS SAM Community! The SAM Community is an attempt at bringing EVERYONE who owns a SAM, together, into one community, regardless of where they live and regardless of whether they are best machine coder or simply the best gamer. The SAM Community has 5 main aims. 1) To ensure SAM survives and thrives. 2) To support ALL companies involved with SAM. 3) To support ALL users who own a SAM. 4) To unite an often divided community. 5) The SAM Community will be entirely non-profit making. 6) To do all these without favour or bias towards or against any person or any company. If it's good for SAM, we will support it. The SAM Community is centered around the SAM Community newsletter, but has some other sections. Each section is listed below: GS SAM Community! 1) SAM Owner's database - This is the most basic section of the SAM Community and is the foundation block. It is an attempt to get a pretty accurate idea of exactly how many SAMs are being actively used, and details about the owners of those machines. Details such as hardware/software owned, any computing talents, what they enjoy using their SAMs for most, what products they would be interested in buying in the future etc etc. It is an indepth questionnaire but your privacy is promised and you do not have to answer any questions you do not wish to answer. We will also withold information from any individual or company that you wish us to. Indeed, the only information that you HAVE to supply is name and address. This, in itself is useful, as it adds 1 to the total of interested SAM owners out there - something that companies will take note of and be encouraged by. GS SAM Community! 2) SAM Community Newsletter - This 4 page A4 newsletter will be published bi-monthly and costs only £2 per year (6 issues). Inside this newsletter you will be able to read news and information on EVERY SINGLE news item that is related to the SAM. NO company will be left out for any reason. We will go to great lengths to ensure that you will miss NOTHING relevent to the SAM world if you read the SAM Community Newsletter. It is entirely non-profit making, and its only goals are to provide you with information on what is happening in the rest of the SAM scene, and therefore to support any companies involved. No opinion or review will be expressed in this newsletter, only news and information. The newsletter is designed in such a way as to not compete with any SAM magazine, disk or paper and will do everything it can to support them. It is not necessary to buy the Newsletter to be a member of the SAM Community, but at 2 for a whole year, it is very highly recommended that you do. Issue 1 (Oct/Nov issue) GS SAM Community! will be published in the first week of October. 3) SAM Community on the Internet - The SAM scene is surprisingly active on the Internet, and we believe the Internet is a very good thing for the SAM. For this reason, the SAM is supported on the Internet with - a Website, a mailing list, and a chat channel. Full information on each of these will be given to you when you join the Community and we hope you find them enjoyable and useful. 4) SAM Community File Service - Whilst the Internet section will obviously only be of use to those with Internet access, this section will be of use to those WITHOUT Internet access! SAM owners who are on the Internet will probably know that many SAM files are available on the Web, mostly from the NVG Ftp site, but also from other places. We feel that it people who don't have access to the Internet, should not be denied access to these many programs, screens and other SAM files. Therefore, the SAM Community File Service will GS SAM Community! provide a full listing of all SAM items on the Internet that we have not been denied permission to distribute. If you request any of these items, all you need to do is send us an SAE and blank disk and we will download and send you the requested items for free. Plans are to include other PD and shareware into the File Service to form a full PD library but this is under discussion at the moment. The SAM Community is basically a user group, and is perhaps the last chance we have of getting together as one community. No-one will gain financially from SAM Community (likewise, no company will be damaged by it, as the SAM Community is deliberately structured so as not to compete with anyone, but simply aid them). It is easy and totally free to join the SAM Community. Simply send us an SSAE, and we will send you back, the same day, a questionnaire. When this is filled in and returned, you will have access to all the sections of the Community, and you will receive your SAM Community member number. GS SAM Community! The first SAM Community Newsletter will be published in the first week of October - the Newsletter costs only £2 for a year (6 issues) and I hope you will agree that it is worthwhile. Send SSAE and £2 to: SAM Community, c/o Gavin Smith, 34 Craig Owen Road, Carrick Fergus, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland (Overseas SAM owners - don't worry about the SSAE, just send me your address, we'll sort out the postage etc later) I hope you will join the SAM Community and become a member, whether active or not. Please write with any questions etc and I'll do my best to help. Looking forward to hearing from you! # # # # # CP/BR Quazar Information Quazar, Colin Piggot, 204 Lamond Dr., St.Andrews, Fife, KY16 8RR This news article contains the all the news from Quazar from over the last 6 months or so. But firstly I will mention that if you want a 14 page booklet with all the information on Hardware (such as the Quazar Surround soundcard) and Software (like Stratosphere - which is being quoted as the best game ever on Sam!) from Quazar as well as up to the minute news then just send a SAE! STRATOSPHERE If you haven't heard of Stratosphere you must be blind! I released Stratosphere last October and it's been going down a storm! STRATOSPHERE : The cyberspace battle has begun! CP Quazar Information Zoom around the 3D cyberspace world in your customised cybercraft and try to destroy or avoid (if you think you can!) the numerous types of enemy craft while you are attempting to collect all the flags to advance through the 40 levels and ultimately confront the dreadnought cybercraft at the centre of cyberspace. Stratosphere is the first true 3d wireframe game specifically written for the Sam. It features stunning lightning fast 3D wire frame line vector graphics - all in mode 4! Screenshots may look impressive but you really have to see it moving to believe it! And if you have a Quazar Surround soundcard then there is over two megabytes of extra spectacular music and sound effects for it. And of course Stratosphere will run without one so you have no excuse whatsoever for missing out on this exciting game! Stratosphere comes on four disks and with a detailed manual and costs only £17.99. CP Quazar Information If that doesn't wet your appetite - here's whats being said about Stratosphere: In a review in 'Blitz' diskzine, Gavin Smith said: "It's the best game ever on SAM. The. Best. Game. Ever. On. SAM.... SAM's first ever 3D wire frame game is a masterpiece, after about four plays, you do become seriously addicted. Levels of addiction such as this really should be reported to the authorities. You will not tire of this game nor get bored of it. ... This game (and I make no apology for saying it again) is The Best Game Ever on SAM." In a review in 'Crashed' Magazine, Justin Skists said: "It's sexy. Get it now! ... It's too darn addictive! ... There are a very few games that really impress me; Stratosphere certainly does! I can certainly give it ten out of ten." Bob Brenchly: "I think the highlight of the show had to be... Stratosphere. I must admit that I spent quite some time sitting CP Quazar Information looking across the hall at the game... Order it right away." Stephen McGreal: "The most technically impressive game on Sam!" For more info and some screenshots - check out the advert in the SAM Scene section! ADPCM AUDIO COMPRESSION: I have written a sample compression method for the Quazar Surround soundcard. (Quick recap for you - 16 bit sound (that's 4096 times the quality of the soundchip, up to six channels and full surround sound! All the info is in the information booklet! With all the software available for the Quazar Surround it's the most widely supported piece of Sam hardware!) The compression technique only works with 16 bit samples and it gives 8 to 1 compression. This is based on a modified ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation) compression technique for 16 bit samples which is mainly used on PCs. Basically this allows 3 minutes of 16 bit sound, with a sampling CP Quazar Information rate of 11kHz to be played. (Decompression is done in realtime upon playback). Over the last few months this compression has been improved to provide oversampling to get even better quality for the compressed audio, as well as compression for stereo soundtracks. Programs and music using this compression have appeared on Soundbyte (see later!) SOUNDBYTE: is a monthly support disk for the Quazar Surround soundcard which is packed with programs and music only for the Quazar Surround. At time of writing Soundbyte is currently on issue 38 [May] (Yes, THIRTY EIGHT!!!!). The June issue will be out on the 25th. Soundbyte costs £2 per issue, £5 for three issues or £18 for 12 issues (for subscriptions and back issues) Here's whats been on the recent issues: Issue 33: Feature Program: 'Music Quiz' CP Quazar Information This issue features a stunning music quiz with over 3 and a half minutes of music clips and over 120 questions, as well as other incidental music. From the feedback i've had this is regarded as one of the best issues ever! Issue 34: Feature Program: 'Tri Tiles'98' This is the sequel to the game from issue 23. Now with 8 backgrounds, 20 boards, more tiles, with new soundtracks as well as surround sound effects all playing continuously throughout the game. Also there is: Music Quiz Help, and 'Something Good' - music created with 'Quazar Sequencer'. (Quazar Sequencer was a music package for the Quazar Surround soundcard that was on issue 22 of Soundbyte.) Issue 35: Feature Program: '3D Positional Audio' Spectacular FULL surround sound - position and move the sound anywhere manually or use the default patterns to make it whirl all around and even through you! Breathtaking! Also on this issue: 'Beats' (Quazar Sequencer Music) CP Quazar Information Issue 36: Feature Program: 'Thriller' - Stereo compressed sample A very impressive demo - the first to feature stereo compressed 16 bit music. This issue also has some samples for use with 3D Positional Audio on issue 35. Issue 37: Feature Program: 'Mono to Stereo Combiner' A simple utility to combine mono samples to produce stereo samples. Also on this issue is 'Twilight Zone' - a great piece of music produced with Quazar Sequencer, and a game zone for Super Byke Championship. (Super Byke Championship is another game from Quazar) Issue 38: Feature Program: 'Enhanced S.B.C. Game Zone' This issue has the debut of enhanced game zones (levels) for Super Byke Championship. As well has having a new 16 bit soundtrack, this level also updates the samples used for surround sound effects which run continuously throughout the game. On this issue of Soundbyte there is also some more samples for the 3d Positional Audio program as well as a program to play back Quazar Sequences differently. GB I'm BACK ! Well I'm back ! I'm hoping that my co-writer has just filled the previous pages full of stuff, as I've just started on Page 11 and hopefully left him enough space. If he's got any sense though I'm sure he'll have written more than I hoped, & you'll actually be reading this on another Page rather than stated. About Page 15 will do me. You know, I can really waffle when I want to. [BR: I noticed!] Anyway after a fresh nights kip, a few pints down the pub, watching the footy, etc. I'm feeling a little better. Oh and ..... I'm not telling you that one, it's not my life story here! Oh no, what's that noise?? GB Bloody Mark Sturdy ! Oh, the phones ringing I'm never going to get anything written. That was Mark Sturdy on the phone, He asked what was happening with Fred, usual stuff, I'm trying to recover it from the depths of oblivion, I need contributions. (I was being serious there by the way!) You all know Mark, of Crashed, a couple of miles up the road from me? Yes, hello Mark, I bet you didn't think you'd get a mention in here, and this isn't a deliberate plug, I just thought that if I slipped a few words in I might get a Free Fred Plug in Crashed! Hopefully a copy of Fred might go your way if I recieve a few freebies??? Hint, Hint, Hint. Oh, I forgot, that means that you'll have to recieve a copy of FREDdisk first. GB Mad Fingers ? Slap, Slap, Oh come on, wake up. Now I've hopefully stopped waffling in text, I'm not as bad as this when I talk, it's just that my fingers have brains of there own, and carry on typing even when my brain has stopped functioning, it's like a second sense to them, STOP, Somebody help me, Ow, thud, thump, thud ........................................................... .....................'SILENCE'.................................. .....................'SILENCE'.................................. Ah that's better. I'll let my brain take over now, Oh what was I going to talk about? Ah that's it. I suppose now that I've finished typing a load of twaddle I should actually tell you what's on the mag? Or should I? I'll make it short & sweet, or I'll try to! I'm sorry there's not a lot, what there is I hope is good, & once you've read this I hope that you'll send lot's of contributions, so that FREDdisk can be even better next issue. GB Disc Contents A : Me waffling a load of complete twaddle! Plus some assorted SAM News etc. B : Letter's, yes, there are a few! Perhaps we may have even more next time? ;) C : SAM Scene. I thought screens was getting a bit boring so I thought I'd change the format... D : MR PAC. The early demo of Bulgulator's before its name was changed to Bulgulator's, and other changes. Taken from Enceladus. E : Fred Machine Code Tutorial. The classic tutorial from Steve Taylor. Also available as a stand alone item (on 2 disks). F : BUMPY, an all time Speccy favourite.(a taster from Speccy FRED's speccy classics). Forget about the graphics, just simply enjoy the gameplay! GB Disk Contents Continue..../More Waffle... G : ZX81 bit. More classic ZX81 games to play about with. H : Help! I : More zany E-tunes! J : Odds & Sods, Another rename, as I though Bit's & Bobs was getting boring. Also it wouldn't fit on the title screen in the font I was using. ---------------------------------------------------------------- More waffle !, Price list etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------- It's 2.30 am ! I'm still up writing all this waffle. Are you still reading ? Another thing is that it's Saturday morning & I'm sober ? GB More waffle! Special Offers! It's now 5 in the morning. I'm on what must be at least my 15th coffee & 20th cigarette. My eyes must look like roadmaps, & what the hell am I doing, writing all this? It's time for MADNESS !!!!! I'm in a mad mood, so I'm going to make some special offers. Parallax, Dyzonium, Waterworks, Waterworks II, Bulgulators. All the above, £6 each, or 3 (yes, THREE) for just £15!!! ALL back issues of FRED up to 70 £ 1.50 each, 70 + £2 All other FRED mags: Enceladus (1-12), SCPDU (1-5) & Outlet £1 each - or 11 for £10 FREDdisk subs (bi-monthly until further notice!) £2 each, or 6 issues for £10 MAKE ALL CHEQUES PAYABLE TO..........F R E D S O F T...... GB Address & Greetz For all correspondance, write to: FREDsoft, [redacted] And there's more ! GREETZ Go out to First & foremost Alison, because she has to put up with my insane madness & ackward hours, & typing this. Bill "Zebedee" Rutherford Text, Mods, and more! Allan Clarkson Prev CRASHED & FRED. Mark Sturdy CRASHED Mark Bennett How are you Mark. Brian Watson 8 - Bit (Coming up 50! Congrats!) Colin Urwine NSSS Shows, next one 28th Nov. GB More Greetz! Joanne Fowler Colin's Bird, Still dating ? James Waddington Classix Doc & Orson + John Garner Spec chums. Ronald + Johan Spec chums, Holland. Colin Macdonald Founder of Fred Publishing Bob Brenchley Format "Uncle" Malcolm Mackenzie Persona David Ledbury Blitz (NB I'm not biased) Anyone else who I've missed. The last word Any comments made are not particularly those of FREDdisk or FREDsoft, so please don't feel offended or take us to court or We'll all cry! My apologies to anyone who thinks that I've used the word "crap" to often in this issue & have offended anyone! See you all next issue! Due out in under 6 months! (2 in fact!)
Letters & Reviews
FREDdisk LETTERS!!! With GB Not a lot of post, but that's to be expected ... after all, how many people knew where to write to? I hope to see some more letters for next issue tho, please let me know what you want to see in the magazine! GB ================================================================ Gavin Smith, Belfast. ================================================================ Dear New Freditor! I'm very pleased to hear good old Fred is back! I've missed it over the last number of months and it will be nice to see it popping through my letterbox again. I haven't had much of a chance to use my SAM lately anyway, but I'll hopefully be dusting it off and looking through the current issue of Blitz and playing Derf (still my favourite SAM game!) FREDdisk Letters: Gavin Smith ... I know you are probably getting sick of hearing questions like this, but will you gain the rights to unreleased Fred stuff? I'm thinking particularly of Retros here, a Matt Round Gamesmaster game (if I remember correctly), which was on an issue of Fred ages ago. I thought it was a great looking little game and would love to see it released. Maybe some day I'll also get round to finishing a couple of the games that I have started (nice little footy manager game nearly finished, but needs graphics artist...) I've also sent you a little article about the SAM Community, a new SAM user group that is free to join. I want lots of plugs now, do you hear Mr New Freditor? One more question - will any Fred games be patched for the Atom (say, with a nice little installation file or something) so they will run from the hard drive? I still haven't got round to buying my Atom (girlfriends cost a lot of money - only joking FREDdisk Letters: Gavin Smith ... Nuala! Damn, that's me in trouble now...Er not that she would know what Fred disk mag is anyway, so I'm safe. I mean, she's female. Erk, well I hope she is anyway. *starts to panic and goes off to phone "her"*) Gavin ---------------------------------------------------------------- GB: Yes, FREDdisk is back... Although obviously the response I get from FRED readers for contributions will see how things go in quality and frequency of the issues... So anything you'd like to contribute to issues (and that goes to all readers, as I know Gavin already has his hands full with Blitz and SAM Community!) Unreleased Fred Stuff? I'll have to see what's available. It's taken quite some time for me to get the FRED material from Darren - and details such as work in progress has been almost impossible to get sorted. I'd like to get Kaboom and other titles which readers have been waiting for ages sorted, as you FREDdisk Letters: Gavin Smith ... (GB replies) could imagine. I thought Retro's looked brilliant too! I will release if if a copy is sent too me. Footy Manager Game? Of course I'd love to see it! I'm sure a graphic artist for your work wouldn't be a problem (and anyone wishes to volunteer their services for this and other projects are welcome!). SAM Community looks like just the sort of thing that SAM needs to give it a boot up the bum! There's just been too much bitching and trouble making. Why can't people just concentrate on the matter in hand? FREDdisk would love to be involved in your project Gavin, and urge others to look into it, and wish you the best of luck. So, yes, you'll get lots of plugs! When your trying too organise a show to get everyone together I quite understand the troubles involved. Hope you'll be there. Atom Patches for FREDSoft titles? Well why not! I've already recieved patches for Outwrite 2, SAM Paint, and several other utilities - and when I get my own Atom (very soon!) it'll certainly prove very useful. Something should be FREDdisk Letters: Keith Ainsworth ..... sorted regarding the patched versions for next issue. Quick! Go and ring Nula up! Got to keep them happy, I'm always getting earache in that departement. ================================================================ "keith Ainsworth" Subject:show info /CVG ================================================================ Hi organiser bloke (I didn't see your name), Greetings from Keith Ainsworth. I'm the editor of the fanzine, RETROGAMER,in Liverpool and also write the Retro Ranch page in C & VG. I just dug up your post about the Fifth Northern Sam & Spectrum Show in Horwich near Bolton on 28th November. I'd be very interested in attending and meeting some fellow fans of the Spectrum. I've been intrigued by past shows but seeing that this FREDdisk Letters: Keith Ainsworth ..... one is so close to me I'm determined to get to this one. I'd like to have my own stall and be able to sell a few Spectrum games and issues of my fanzine (it normally contains some speccy stuff). Is this the sort of thing the show is for? How much would it cost to be a stall holder? I'm assuming there will be tables supplied and an electricity source. I'd plan to bring my own Speccy and TV. Where *exactly* is the location? It may also be possible to give the show a mention on my page in C & VG. That should help attract a few more Spectrum Enthusiasts. Hope to hear from you soon, Keith Ainsworth ---------------------------------------------------------------- FREDdisk Letters: Keith Ainsworth ..... (GB replies) GB: Greetings Keith. It's George by the way ;) Glad you saw the show posting in comp.sys.sinclair, it's been moved to the new venue of Horwich, Bolton as a trial for a new area. The past shows have been fairly successful, but some people have said that Wetherby can be tricky to get to. So, this is really a chance to see what another venue will do. The show's a great chance to meet fellow SAM & Spectrum enthusiasts across the world. There's been some interesting projects shown off from across the world, and there's hopes that there may even be at least one Scorpion turn up this time! * Yes, stalls are available from £12 (£20 for 2). Full details available from the FREDSoft address. Electric is provided, as is the table. Bringing a 2-4 way adapter is recommended however. The location is the Horwich RMI Club. The biggest club in the area, directly on the main 575 bus route from Bolton (which FREDdisk Letters: Keith Ainsworth ..... (GB replies) stops almost directly in front of the Bolton Railway Station). Full travel details can be obtained from FREDSoft. Thanks for the mention in C & VG, it's certainly appreciated. ================================================================ * This of course reffers to the 256K Spectrum compatible and not to the fairly dangerous pet. Remember a spectrum can not give you a fatal sting...** the other sort can! ** Unless you count a faulty mains connection, which isn't really a sting, that is what is called in the trade an "Electric Shock" ;) Fifth NSSS (Northern SAM & Spectrum Show) Yes, it's time once again for all SAM & Spectrum fanatics to gather "Up North" to the NSSS! This time, we've located the show at a new site, this time in Horwich, Bolton - at the popular RMI Club. The new venue offers even more parking than ever before, easier access for wheel-chairs or prams, and is a doddle to get to by Public Transport! The show is held on Saturday 28th November. For full details drop us a line at the FREDsoft address: FREDsoft, [redacted] Or email us on: [redacted] for details of the show web site. GB PERSONAL SAY FROM GEORGE BOYLE I just thought I'd like too put a mention here about the show. I have the same ideas as Gavin Smith has about trying too get the SAM / 8 bit community together. Anyone who writes any bad comments about organisation etc.. etc, which some have been by certain writers / trainee journalists etc. Let me put this forward to these people. Why don't you try & organise events like this. Without people like me trying too organise these events, How would people get too meet new contributors, New writers, New programmers etc. It's no good slagging people off when you haven't tried it yourself. I'm glad too see people like Gavin making an effort, I try to make an effort, and I don't really have too. Without me there may not be a Northern Show. And certainly without me FRED itself would be DEAD. Because it is only the dedicated individuals like Malcolm Mackenzie, who is constantly trying too develop new things for the SAM, Gavin Smith who is working on the SAM community, and other people like my co-writer Bill. I'm sure that there are also many others out there who are doing allot of GB work for the SAM, and it's community that I haven't praised personally, but without everyone working together as a big FAMILY, the computer will die, let bygones be bygones and let everybody work together too keep the sam successfull, and lets stop all this stupidity that is going on around the SAM scene. Too all the readers concerned, this is quite a personal issue which I had too put in here, and I thought that it might give everybody a good behind the scenes view of what is happening in the SAM scene. This is why I must stress that without contributions & working together the computer will die, and I mean that. George Boyle. EDITOR & TREASURER N.B: If anyone else has any further comments to write then please send them too me on the above, and I will be happy too reply personally, or in the letters section. GB PRICE LIST MUST GET ON AND TRY & GIVE YOU A REVISED PRICE LIST THEN ! Name / Product Price (£) Complete Machine Code Guie Disk 1 2.50 Disk 2 2.50 Dyzonium SEE Bulgulators, Parallax SPECIALS The Witching Hour IN THE Waterworks 1 & 2 EDITORIAL E-Tracker (Available share ware) Please send 2 Blank diskettes & SAE, or £5 for manual Football League Manager 10.00 Oh no more Lemmings 5.00 GB FREDSOFT PRICE LIST!!! Name / Product Price Outwrite with manual 8.00 without manual 3.00 Sam C 9.00 Sam Paint 10.00 Sam Sprite 9.00 Sam Vision 9.00 Sam Print 6.00 Sam Print Data 4.00 Spec Classics (1-4) Full set 7.50 Spec Classics Individually 2.00 Spell Master 4.00 Style Writer with Manual 8.00 Style Writer Image Disk 4.00 For all FRED back issues etc, & Enceladus, Outlet etc see specials on EDITORIAL. ********* READ NEXT PAGE ********** GB FREDSOFT PRICE LIST!!! ****** Regarding all prices, as I do not have a previous price list, prices may have varied since previous FRED issues I would appreciate if anyone notices if they are any higher than previously stated. If this is the case I will reduce these items by a minimum of £ 0.50 I also apologise too any other publisher if I have on this price list, any off there products, as I do not know exactly my contracts, and I would like too know therefore , so that I can take these items off the price list.* * I would appreciate if a mutual agreement can be made & no legal action taken thereof.
Custardy of the Daleks
Custardy Of The Daleks.....!! Stock disclaimer: Teletubbies are all copyrighted by Ragdoll, the Doctor is the BBC's property and Terry Nation's estate has the rights for the Daleks. This story is for entertainment purposes only, please do not try any of the techniques described during a real Dalek attack. (Note to those unfamiliar with the Teletubbies: Give it another six months and you'll know 'em! =-) The sun rose high into the sky above Tellytubbyland, shone brightly, smiled and giggled. It was going be a nice day, which wasn't really that unusual. The Teletubbies themselves were soon awake, Po having taken her cue from the sun rising to wake the others up by riding her scooter around the Tubby dome and beeping the horn. Noo-Noo was already online, since he'd not really required much of a recharge from the previous day, and busied himself with cleaning the floor, hoping that breakfast would be a little messy. As usual. Custardy Of The Daleks.....!! "One day in Tellytubbyland," Narrator started, "all of the Teletubbies were very excited because one of their best friends was coming to visit". Narrator was the Teletubbies guardian, of sorts, a sentient lifeform with no actual physical form barring a subtle link to the windmill on the hill behind the dome which gave it access and control over the dome subsystems, surveillance and communications rigs. Narrator was a sort of mentor to the Tubbies, they all took it's advice, most of the time at least, and it looked after them, in return for which they let it watch "Eastenders" on their tummies when it wanted to. The Tubbies started getting a little over excited so Narrator announced that it was time for Tubby toast to distract them, which it did. Laa-Laa, Dipsy and Tinky Winky all dived for their seats while Po presssed the button on the Tubby toast machine and then ran to join them. As they finished their toast the windmill outside began to accellerate, normally a sign that Custardy Of The Daleks.....!! something was going to happen. "Uh-oh!", the Teletubbies chorused before running out of the house to see what was up, leaving Noo-Noo slurping around the floor making sure that he got all of the crumbs. "Something arrived from very far away", said Narrator, it's early warning system had detected the craft entering their sector about three hours before, but it's course appeared to miss all of the bodies in the system so it had just observed. But the craft had suddenly swung off it's heading and was entering the atmosphere of the planet and beginning an approach that would place it within half a mile of the Tubby dome, something that Narrator was a little concerned about. Most approaching craft would transmit their ident codes, or at least a carrier for their non-local communications to indicate their origin and status but the intruder didn't seem to be using or accepting any callsigns. "Whas that? Whas that?!", asked Laa-Laa, looking at the Custardy Of The Daleks.....!! incoming craft. "The Teletubbies went to see what it was", Narrator said and all four made their way over. The ship set down in a small dale, neatly pressing some of the bright flowers and scaring the wits out of the rabbits and the Tubbies peered at the ship from their position at the top of the overlooking ridge, huddling together in a group and waiting for something to disembark. The front ramp lowered and locked into place and a squat metal shape slowly rolled down the ramp, stopping to get it's bearings and examine the surrounding terrain. "Whas that?!", the Teletubbies chorused, feeling a little apprehensive. "It was an evil Dalek scout", said Narrator, "and the Teletubbies didn't like it at all." "Run away!", shouted Tinky Winky and all 4 of the Tubbies scattered into Tellytubbieland, heading for the Tubby dome. The Dalek noted the commotion, Custardy Of The Daleks.....!! finished its scans and went back inside to report it's findings and the four creatures it had detected. It's threat warning indicators didn't even flicker as it considered what it had seen. Noo-Noo was cleaning a small spillage by the Tubby custard machine when all four Tellytubbies piled through the door in an extreme state of near panic. Narrator put the dome defence systems onto alert. The high-pitch whine of the plasma disseminator shields cranking up was offset by the more substantial whirr and clang of the armouring that was lowered over the windows and doors. Noo-Noo, meanwhile, began to slurp at the nozzle on the Tubby custard machine, taking on a large amount of the brightly coloured sludge. By now the Daleks were disembarking en masse, some fifty of them streamed out of the ship and began to spread out, all the time keeping an eyestalk out for the four strange beings the scout had reported. A group of six made their way towards the Tubby Custardy Of The Daleks.....!! dome, all the time not realising that their movements were being tracked to the millimetre by Narrator. And something that had come to meet them. It's debatable as to if it's possible to actually startle a Dalek but this particular platoon stopped dead in their tracks as they encountered a squat cylindrical automaton with a flashing light at one end and a nozzle and two large, cartoon eyes on the other which seemed to actually be glaring at them. In fact, despite the vast amount of enhancement to the various organisms inside the Daleks and the augmentation of their casings only two had managed to train their gunsticks on Noo-Noo before the whole group was splattered by an extremely high pressure jet of Tubby custard which, they discovered, has an incredibly corrosive effect if you're not a Teletubby stomach or made of the same material as the average semi sentient vaccum cleaner. Another small group of Daleks were encountering similar problems. Dipsy and Po were double-teaming them one by one as they came through a small pass between two hillocks. First Dipsy Custardy Of The Daleks.....!! would run across and throw his hat over the eyestalk of a Dalek, then Po would clear the hillock on her scooter and knock it's dome off. By the time another Dalek had got through the remains of it's brethren they had retrieved the hat and were ready for another assualt, shouting "Again! Again again!!" as they did so. So far twelve Daleks had been scootered but, due to the bloody-mindedness of the average Dalek, they didn't seem to be giving up yet. What didn't help them was the fact that every time they tried going around the obsruction that Po was using as a ramp, a Tubby phone would extend out of the ground, under Narrators control, and either knock them over or start shouting nursery rhymes at them in German. The Daleks, being a very logical race, were being driven slowly bonkers by this. Laa-Laa was similarly having fun with a squad of four Daleks with the aid of a group of flowers who kept whispering when the Daleks were looking the other way and going quiet when being Custardy Of The Daleks.....!! looked at. When they were good and confused she threw her ball into the group and it began to chase them. Laa-Laa's ball has, on occasion, been compared to the Rover balls used for crowd control in the Village, something that the Daleks were not aware of but soon felt the effects of as they were adsorbed and their bonded polycarbide armour was eaten away. Dipsy and Po, having tired of knocking Dalek tops off had split up to see if they could do any more damage. Po was still using her scooter to batter Daleks but now had Noo-Noo's help as he rammed into the bases at the same time causing the hapless creature to suddenly find itself either on it's side, upside down with it's dome wedged in the soft earth or stuck face down with it's gunstick down a rabbit hole with a group of bunnies trying to wedge a carrot up it. Dipsy, meanwhile, had made his way back to the Tubby dome and was now perched on the roof with the Tubby toast machine. "Tubby toast!", he yelled as three slices embedded themselves deeply into the lifeform container, the drive system and the power plant of a lone Dalek, causing it Custardy Of The Daleks.....!! to erupt in a bright ball of flame. "Time for Tubby bye-bye!" he grinned. Tinky Winky was taking the direct approach, waiting for a Dalek to pass his hiding place, jumping up, shouting "Boo!" and smashing his handbag against it's casing. Since Tinky Winky's bag wasn't quite the artefact it appeared the impact of what seemed to be a cheap, red P.V.C. bag normally caused it's victim to either fly into one of Teletubbyland's vast lakes or explode in a spectacular flash of green light. Tinky Winky was keeping score but had to give up after the first four, since he wasn't able to count any higher, but he had, in fact, destroyed or waterlogged around nine Daleks so far. Then, as Laa-Laa recovered her ball after another attack raid a burst of Dalek energy hit her square in the back. She flew forwards, thrown by the momentum and lay still on the ground. Noo-Noo, who saw what happened, went beserk and covered the offending Dalek in so much custard that only it's sucker arm Custardy Of The Daleks.....!! survived but, before he could make it over to check her condition, Laa-Laa sat up with a puzzled look, shook her head as though to clear it and then waved "E-o!" to him with a huge grin. And the three Daleks who were watching realised that they were in some serious $h!t now. In the bowels of the Dalek ship the communications system nearly went into overload as just about every Dalek heard about the lifeforms surviving a fatal burst of energy and seemingly walking away. The Dalek battle computer ordered them to reform and concentrate their attack on the Tubby dome, where there appeared to be a vast energy source of some kind, obviously something to do with the seeming indestructability of the aliens. The fifteen remaining ground troops rallied and began their slow move towards the Dome in strict formation, not leaving any place for a Tubby to pick one of them off. The Tubbies, on Narrator's suggestion, had pulled back and regrouped on the roof of the dome. "Then Tinky Winky looked into Custardy Of The Daleks.....!! his bag", said Narrator and Tinky Winky obliged. He looked up and grinned at the others, before bending down and grasping whatever Narrator had just created. Impossibly, even for the spatial annomoly that was inside the bag, he pulled out the six foot long barrel of a particle laser and it's four foot tripod, the latter of which unfolded in a ballet of mechanical precision that military hardware seems to be able to do so well and locked into place. Tinky Winky powered up the laser, aimed at the left Dalek and thumbed the firing stud. A solid yellow beam some four inches in diameter shot from the end of the barrel, screamed across the space between the dome and it's attackers and, as he moved the barrel from left to right, cut the Dalek neatly in two before moving on to the next. By the time Tinky Winky had destroyed eight of the Daleks, Po and Dipsy had destroyed four more with the Tubby toast machine at the other end of the line and Laa-Laa, holding Noo-Noo up had demolished the remaining three with fatal blasts of custard. Custardy Of The Daleks.....!! "All of the nasty Daleks were broken and the Teletubbies were very happy", arrator said. The remaining flight crew of the ship, however, were far from pleased and decided to get some reinforcements. The craft lifted off and began a power ascent out of the atmosphere, but was a little too slow for Narrator. The windmill began to glow, started spinning at a vast rate and discharged a couple of thousand gigawatts of power straight through the cruiser, shattering it into pieces so small that even Noo-Noo would have problems finding them. As they finished their little celebratory dance there was a tortured grinding sound and the square blue shape of a police box slowly faded into existance by the dome, the light flashing on it's roof. When it was solid and the noise had risen to a peak, followed by a dull thump, the door opened and a small, seemingly unimposing man stepped out, an umbrella in one hand and a bag of giftwrapped parcels in the other. The Doctor stepped over the remains of a Dalek eyestalk. "Hello," he said, slightly cautiously since he'd already noticed the vast mess Custardy Of The Daleks.....!! around him and worked out it's origin, "did I miss anything?" The Tubbies all shook their heads, looked at each other and grinned. "I took your advice about the console room, by the way", he added. Then they ran over and shouted "big hug!" as Narrator, somewhat belatedly, said "the Teletubbies love the Doctor very much". The end...
Some assistance in compilation by David Ledbury