Fred 21
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Thursday, May 17, 2018 - 18:12.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
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Issue 21
Item | Author | Description |
Menu | Steve Taylor | |
Magazine | Spellchecker Announced, SC_Autoboot | |
Reviews | Book Review, High Level Languages | |
Little Joke | David Gommeren | Jokes Plus Sampled Laughter |
Sabrina | David Gommeren | Screen Plus Sampled Music |
Ccgs | Ian Slavin | Simulates A Crashed Computer Game... |
Buzz... | Luke Trevorrow | Animated Flying Bee (512k Only) |
Mc Pt 15 | Steve Taylor | Search: “MC 15” Rom Routines; Fpc; Vectors; Dos |
Sound Machine 3 | Ian Slavin | Tunes Done On Search: “Sound Machine, The” |
Cookie Jar | Simon Cooke | Some Progs By Simon Cooke |
Axe Fx | Ian Slavin | Various Effects By Axe |
Poolschecker | Andy Monk | Use To Process Pools Results |
Two Screen | Paul Milner | Scroller |
Kim 256 | Frode Tennebø | Play Sample On 256k Machines |
Colouriser | Ian Slavin | Adds Colour To Pictures (!?) |
Ray Trace | Neil Clayton | Produces A Raytraced Piccy |
Fifth Roots | David Johnson-Davies | I Do Not Have The Vaguest Idea... |
Noughts And Crosses | Dan Dooré | Play Sam At This Old Favourite |
The (Fr)Editorial Bonjour mes amis! It's so nice to have actually started work on this issue BEFORE it's due out! You may remember last month that I started by slagging off editorials that say "it's been an eventful month...." and so on, unfortunately, I now feel rather hypocritical because I wish I could say it!!! Firstly, a new FRED Publishing project has come up and is due for imminent release, but more about that later. Remember 48 weeks ago, Europress launched a weekly magazine named Games-X? With crazy puns and amateur staff it seemed doomed from it's day of christening. However, as you all know it worked out rather well due to the demise of other weekly publications. From day 1, Europress made it clear that subscriptions and binders were not available, hence suggesting that the project was not a long term one. It was. Until issue 48 (released 27th March) in which it was announced that there would be no Games-X any more. Further details were not available. Editorial And now, some good news. As you all know, FRED Publishing launched "Triltex - The Later Levels" just before issue 20. Now I am proud to announce that I GOT ONTO LEVEL FOUR!!!! Oh, I'm sorry, I meant to say that the Your Sinclair which is hitting the shops any day now, has a MASSIVE review of it (loads and loads of piccies!) and gave it a generous 84%. Despite spending the last three weeks trying to do level 1, I finally worked it out and got all the way to level 4! Why does everyone like doing menus? This month, Steve "Wizard" Taylor has taken time out to do this menu, he's also conjured one up for next month AND Simon Cooke has done one (six tunes, 160K long....) AND the Masters Of Magic have done one! Wonderful stuff guys! Any chance of more articles, reviews, demos, games, piccies, letters etc etc ?? Simon Cooke has also managed to alter the Print routine in this issue so that it actually works! ProDOS owners Having recently bought myself a copy of ProDOS (and sent it off for review - expect the ratings next month), I got in touch with the person that has started up the "FDOS PD and Shareware Library" (FDPDASWL ??). So far there are seven discs available and are as detailed : 1 : File And Disc Utilities. Pretty well essential. 2 : File Compressors and Archivers. 3 : Programming. Z80 assemblers and disassemblers. 4 : Comms. KERMIT, OTERM and BBS services. 5 : Text Processing. Very handy. 6 : Programming. BASIC, LISP, C, PASCAL, PILOT and FORTH. 7 : Games. Adventure, Space Invaders, Pacman and Tetris. Each disc costs £2. Discs and more details available from : [redacted] Misc. In case you're one of the "few" that havn't bought Enceladus so far, here's your chance to squander a bit of money. Enceladus have compiled Tutorials, Demos, Utilities and Screens onto a disc each and are selling them for £4 each. I can't comment on the quality but if you want to buy them, the address is one their advert. When you place an order to FRED in the future, please address it to FRED - not Colin! This is because when someone else sorts out the mail, they have to read otherwise "private" letters. If you write to me personally, address it to Colin Macdonald but it may lie unopened for a while if I'm away somewhere else.... Did you know???? That AMSTRAD actually stands for Alan Michael Sugar Trading ? Well, now you do. And if you ever wondered what the CBM on Commodores stood for, its Commodore Business Machines! Not particularly useful, but you know now anyway. More FRED Goodies Yes, everybody knows that there have been THREE "Best Of FREDs" released over the years. One by Masters Of Magic, SAMCo and more recently, ZAT. Now, due to popular demand, I will be selling the SAMCo / FRED disc for £2. It's ideal for anyone who is thinking about subscribing to FRED. The increased price of £2 is because of the short run of labels I'll have to do and also to help increase an ever decreasing bank balance... MORE DISCS ON THEIR WAY, BUT THIS INFORMATION HAD TO BE DELETED THIS MONTH - WAITING FOR REPLY. New Project??? New FRED project? Whatisit? I hear you cry. Well, it's something that'll come in extremely useful for anybody that ever uses a Word Processor. Yup, it's a Spelling Checker. It's not going to be just a few thousand words and a dodgy program to run it either. No, this is your better-than-average Spelling Checker with tens of thousands of words, functions to incorporate it into almost any existing Word Processors, an intelligent anagram solver and perhaps a game or two in there as well. (Ever played Hangman against the computer, where the Computer guess your word? I thought not!). Not only that, but I have just been approached with the first ever SAM Word Processor which is 100% Machine Code! So, what I'll consider doing is selling either of them for £9.99 or both for just £14.99. Scheduled for release in 6-8 weeks. Proposed packaging is a Video box, like the Sound Machine came in - except this will have A FULL COLOUR INLAY WHICH ACTUALLY FITS THE BOX! Going out with a ... crash?! You've probably now all seen the conclusive prove, issue 98 of Crash that the FRED story leaked last issue was indeed very true. Did many of you purchase that very issue? If you did, you no doubt would have seen the review of "Danny Duster" by Flashsoft. Which was duly awarded a Crash Smash with an almost record rating of 98%. A bit high you thought? Well, considering the graphics were drawn by our very own DJ Nicko, and were given an astonishing 97%, it appears that the whole three page review was an April Fool. Either that or a sick way to end a magazine! Throughout the magazine, many references are made to April Fools and the word "fool" crops up in the review. They even talked about issue 99!! But did anyone notice at the bottom of the last page a little notice which said "April Fool"?? Presumably, this very witty remark (no sarcasm here) was with reference to the review, the next issue and to various "no-so-popular" members of the Crash team, no names mentioned. Another bumper issue?? Weeeeell, we're not so strong on the utilities this month I'm afraid, but while I'm here, an Amiga user at a Brum show actually had a good idea (no sniggers please). He suggested that a database could be set up that stores the details of loads of discs, ie, you bung your newest disc in and it'll store the details of that and dozens of others on a single database which you use to look at what you've got.! Anyway, long standing FRED readers will know, that way back in issue 3, FRED got the exclusive of the Tetris game - soon to be ripped by many a library & magazine, on issue 4, FRED was the first to publish Silly Demo 1. On FRED10, another superb machine code program was published, this time it was the game / demo "Tweety" (which incidentally, didn't get ripped quite so much). The more knowledgeable among you will have noticed that all these programs were done by Lord Insanity, coder of Batz 'n' Ballz. Wouldn't it be nice if FRED got an exclusive on another piece of his work? Wait for it.... Now that you've been kept in suspense, I'll let you know that this issue of FRED contains not one, but TWO of Lord Insanity's demos!!! Mega-exclusive!!! Neither are brilliant, both feature heavily on samples and both done by Lord Insanity! Firstly, he's done : "Little Joke". Here's quite a number of amusing jokes (despite the fact his English isn't terribly hot), along with some rather nice laughing samples!! Secondly comes "Sabrina". Happy memories huh? This one is a little more complex (and took me a while to find out how it worked!). When it loads up, pressing RETURN will give you the picture and a continous sample. Pressing N will give you the picture and keys 1-5 let you play different samples. The keys are listed but now that you've read this, you'll know how to use it. CCGS is a little something from the AXE team which will give you something to show your mates... More... Lord Blackadder (no relation to Mr Insanity), has come up with a neat little demo called "Buzz". It's dead simple but quite a nice effect, at time of writing it only works on 512K machines but that may change.... Proffeseur Taylor (aka The Wizard) has once more astounted us with his remarkable skill to complete a machine code article on time. This time I don't have the foggiest idea what it's about because he ran out of discs and his supplier forgot to send some more...OK,OK, he gets the discs from me - SO I FORGOT! SO WHAT? Anyway, I've been assured it'll reach me on time..... Well, you all seem to be pretty impressed with the Sound Machine demos you've seen lately, so here's a few more from our favourite musician - Ian Slavin / AXE. Credit must also go to Enceladus for letting me use his Sound Machine file compressor which is wonderfully brilliant, is featured on Enceladus 9 and if you order it, mention FRED and you'll get a free dust particle (colour not specified). More, and More, and More Simon Cooke's here again, this time we've got a small collection of a few of his routines : a scrolly, a piece of music and a little goodbye message. There should be a megademo from him in time for next month but we'll wait and see.. Here's a few effects from everybody's favourite programmer, AXE. This time we've got three fancy routines which aren't actually that useful but look pretty good! First up is Pulsar, a circle palettey thing. Then there's Up'n'Down, a rather obscure way to view the BASIC listing. And last of all (but by no means least) is Snappa, another wierd way to view your listing.... As promised last month, Xtreme in conjunction with Dirty Habit have come up with a Poolschecker. And remember folks, if this program helps you win the pools, you are NOT obliged to give the programmers and publishers 10% each of your winnings (although you might get your legs broken if you don't) Phew - Nearly there! Due to the lack of memory used up this month, I can actually give you loads and loads of screens! Sent in by Lord Blackadder and other artists as credited. In the Bits 'n' Bobs this month the line-up is as follows : TWO SCREEN : A two screen scroller by Paul Milner KIM 256 : A MasterDOS way to play the Kim Wilde sample on 256K machines. COLOURIZER : Add colour to those pictures, shrink them and make them look like real,courtesy of AXE (who?) RAY TRACER : Hah! Here we go! A ray-tracer,OK, it's slow but it's good (see piccy in Screens for sample) and it's been done by N. Clayton FIFTH ROOTS : Something to do with pretty patterns,by D.Davies Contacts [redacted] Rumour Mill Ah Hah! The reason this issue was a few days later than I wanted it to be is because of certains whispers I've been hearing through the grapevine! Both of these concern SAMCo and both are with regard to new machines! Here's what I picked up : At the moment SAMCo are thinking about doing the coupe up with Kaleidoscope (the 32,000 colour chip) and possibly the printer and mouse interface as well as ironing out a few bugs. Price is undecided. If it goes ahead, they would hope for a late Summer release. Instead of a step up, here's a backwards step : How about a SAM with only 256K and no disc drives for about £100? I reckon they hope to overtake the C64 "cheap but OK" machine market, and with the A***a doing so well, I don't think Commodore would be particulary bothered! If you think I should congratulate SAMCo or tell them not to bother, then get in touch and I'll pass it on.... It's Tragic!!! And now, for another FRED exclusive, Chris White the esteemed programmer of Prince Of Persia and SAMPrint is leaving Swansea and going to work for Domark's in-house programming team, The Kremlin. Chris has been working on many projects recently including Lemmings, Projector, a Shoot 'em Up, 3D routines and a Thrust clone. However, lack of royalties from certain titles have forced him down into "Da Smoke", yup, ol' CID is moving to London. He'll be starting off working on Sega Master System titles, then moving on to other titles. Once he's gotten himself established down there, Chris plans to complete Lemmings. Naturally, Chris will continue to contribute to the best disc 'zine around, FRED for a long time to come. The future of Noesis Software is still unsure, talks between Noesis and FRED Publishing will commence at the beginning of the week.....(6/4/92). What's planned? Wait and See!! We'll all miss you Chris. The chip - it's here!! Yes, mere hours before this issue goes into duplication, the new ROM chip, SC_Autoboot, from Steves Software arrived! I must say how much I've been looking forward to this, and on the whole I'm not dissapointed. The chip comes with extremely simple instructions to follow, which means you'll have no problems if you're 9 or 90! Once in, you immediately notice the differences : the biggest things are the instant "power-up" ie as soon as you switch on, the machine is ready to go - no waiting for flashing borders! And if you put a disc in as you switch on, it'll automatically (and instantly) boot up. I will point out that it is still possible to corrupt discs by switching the coupe on with a disc in - I did it to my FRED21 Master!!!! Other improvements include the reset button not clearing all memory (if required), a more powerful NMI button, memory restorer and special mini-Dos's which give you a few extra features. The price of £15 is well worth it if you use you're coupe a bit irrelevant of what ROM you already have. Address and more details on advert (if you can read it!!) Goodbye, Farewell, It's so sad to see you go! A Hundred and One thanks go to the following kind souls : Lord Blackadder Lord Insanity AXE The AXE assistant Wizard Cookie Xtreme Dirty Habit Banzai Mork J. Hampton N. Clayton D. Davies P. Milner CID MoM DVB ETM Hedgehog My SAMCo "contact" You!!! OK, folks that about wraps it up for another month, all that's left for me to say is "Thank you, and goodmonth" "Oh! And remember to buy FRED22 when it comes out sometime at the start of May for just £1.50". Now ONLY from : [redacted]
Letters & Reviews
Reviews, Letters, And everything else really! Not much in the way of reviews or letters, so we've got a bit of a mixed bag for you this month. Anyway, you're sure to find some of it interesting reading - aren't you? 1 : This Page! 2 : Stephen Donaldson - "The Real Story" 6 : Speaking the Lingo by Banzai 10 : Puzzle Corner no. 4 with Mork 17 : Letter from Stephen Donnellan 19 : My Reply Donaldson Review Yes, I know it's been a long time since the last one, so I thought I'd do another one - just for something to keep you entertained as it were! As you probably don't know, my favourite writer is Stephen Donaldson. He's not particulary famous, but out of the nine books he's had published so far, I love every single one of them. The 9 he's done are all fiction / fantasy based, with strange characters in even stranger lands, twisting yet easy to follow plots and graphic descriptions of characters and events. He originally wrote a trilogy which won him several awards, the follow up to this was another trilogy - totalling a 6 book story! Named, the First and Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant these, in my mind, are on the same track but far superior to Tolkien. Since them, a collection of short stories (The Daughter Of Regals) has appeared as well as a two book story - The "Mordants Need" series. Before I review this book, I would very strongly suggest that you go out and read one of these books - they are thoroughly fascinating and enjoyable. Donaldson Review Enough of the history, breaking away from his fantasy frolics, Donaldson has decided to write a science fiction novel, a space epic. To clear things up, this particular book is called "The Real Story" and is the first of five books in a series named "The Gap Into Conflict". The whole story follows the adventures of three people : Angus Thermopyle, a space pirate who enjoys watching others' sufferings , Morn Hyland, a beautiful young woman who falls foul the Angus and Nick Succorso, a successful space captain whose pirating exploits are told as if he were a saint. As Donaldson describes in his afterword, the story starts off with a Victimizer, a Victim and a Rescuer (respectively), however, by the end of the book the roles are reversed with Nick victimising Angus and Morn being Angus's Rescuer. You would wonder how it's possible! Well, it is rather clever and is actually very logical but I don't want to reveal more than I have to. Donaldson Review The book starts off explaining how certain inhabitants of a bar told the story of Angus, Morn and Nick. The next chapter expands and tells how the more "watchful" people in the bar told the story. However, the author soon puts paid to rumours and spends the rest of the book telling how the story really happened (hence the title "The Real Story"), so in actual fact you get the story three times - each time expanded and with a bit more factual information in it! Overall, as a Donaldson book I was dissapointed. Had it been written by Willy the Writer or Norrie the Novelist I would have congratulated him. But by Donaldson's superbly high standards, it's poor. What would you expect the average sci-fi storyline to be? An evil pirate captures and takes advantage of a beautiful woman, the handsome hero comes along, beats the villian in a dog-fight (but doesn't kill him) then gets the girl? Yes, that does seem to sum up the plot in a fraction of the space. Donaldson Review So what's wrong? Donaldson doesn't seem to take his usual time and preciseness in describing characters and their actions - they just seem to "happen" in Real Story. The characters have no real life - in the Thomas Covenant books you felt as if you had some control over him, you felt what you felt. But in Real Story, if you're lucky, you imagine it as if you were watching it down at your local drive-in - detached and emotionless. Perhaps I'm stressing the point too far, Real Story is a fine book by most standards, but by Donaldson's? Perhaps fine, but by no means the classics all his others were. If you're a fan of Donaldson or sci-fi then this is a good book but the thought of having to buy five books in total at £3.50 is an offer I easily refuse - unless the name Stephen Donaldson brandishes the front cover. It's good, darn good, but not THAT good. DD/BP SPEAKING THE LINGO In case you didn't know, there are two levels of computer language, Low-level (Machine code/Assembler Source) and High-level (BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, ALGOL, ADA, Pascal, C Etc.). High level languages were developed to make programming easier for the average person (such as you and I) and many great pieces of software have been written using High-level languages; and most commercial and business software are written in High-level languages (mainly COBOL, C & Pascal), so even if your Cray owning friend who programs in 32-bit ARM code says "If it ain't M/C, It's C**p", remember that he/she is a bit of a duffer (NO bad lingo in my scriblings!) and fails to recognoise the importance of high level languages. Anybody who progra ms M/C on the coupe can also write in BASIC, If you can program M/C WITHOUT EVER using some form of high level lingo then you ar either. 1. A genius. 2. A Masochist Banzai Speaking The Lingo Learning a language such as Pascal, COBOL or BASIC is an essential stepping stone to the 'higher ranks' of machine code as it teachs structured programming techniques (If you scream 'HE LIES! BASIC AIN'T STRUCTURED!' then read on..) and other handy bits and bobs. And then comes BASIC (You should ALL know what that stands for), the default (or is that defunked? Ooooh bitchy!.) language of most home micros and probably THE most bitched about language in the world. (with the possible exception of ADA...) History lesson. BASIC was developed in 1964 by two Dartmouth College professors to make computer programming accessible to the masses. It is a procedural language (i.e. step-by-step instructions) and has roots in FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation, used by scientific people) and ALGOL (ALGOrithmic Language, a fore runner of Pascal). When a program has been typed in and run, the computer Dan Doore Speaking The Lingo takes each line, translates it and executes it and then onto the next line. This is what makes BASIC slow, as it uses the built- in INTEPRETER to run the source code. The speed of BASIC can by improved by up to 200% by using a COMPILER, which takes the entire source code, translates it and then saves it as an execut executable machine code file. This is still not as fast as pure machine code since the generated code has many more instructions than it's M/C counterpart. Most modern commercial versions of of BASIC (e.g. TurboBASIC) have a compile option. Back to business. The two main reasons that BASIC has had such a bad press over the years are: 1. Interpreted BASIC is b****y slow. 2. The dreaded GOTO statement. The first is blatantly obvious, the second not so. DD/BP Speaking The Lingo In early versions, BASIC lacked the control structures needed for learning structured programming (such as procedures, GOSUBs and DO...LOOP..WHILE Etc.) and so GOTO was used for everything. This made programs into a mass of spaghettified junk, jumping from one place to another and then back again and this was why the scientists disliked BASIC so much. And so to this day, even through countless revisions and updates the label of that dire 1964 BASIC has stuck. Whenever I browse through the programs in FRED, I cringe at the sight of a GOTO and there are rarely cases where the GOTO's can't be replaced by better programming styles and techniques (mind you, I occasionally cheat by using them, but VERY rarely. I don't know about you but I would kill for a Pascal compiler for the coupe, or even better a BASIC compiler... And there you have it. If you found it completely worthless, then you will know better next time to skip these few pages..... Morks Puzzle Corner no.4 Welcome to "Morks Puzzle Corner". Abandon yee hope all who enter... Answer to (1). Yes I know there were a couple of real spelling mistakes but they were just typing errors, so here's the correct answer. The one word spelt I N C O R R E C T L Y was "incorrectly"! Answer to (2). Talk about "house guests from hell". It would be you. Answer to (3). No he's not stoned. He was in a tunnel (or on a bridge). Answer to (4). The word that reads the same forwards, backwards and upside down is NOON. Puzzle Corner Answer to (5). These sentences are paladromes, the have the same letters reading from left to right as they do from right to left. Talking of sentences, what is the longest two word sentence? Give up? It's "I do". Answer to (6). It's nothing to do with Roman numerals the answer is "11/11 +11" Answer to (7). You don't need a calculator for this one. There is no earth in the hole. If there was it wouldn't be a hole, would it? Answer to the classic puzzle; a rabbit can only run half way into a wood because after that it's running out again! Puzzle Corner Okay dokay, enough answers... (1) In a pond there is some 'Amazonian swamp weed'. It grows at an incredibly fast rate. So fast, in fact, that it doubles it's size every day. After 100 days it completely covers the pond. After how many days was it half the area of the pond? (2) A snail climbs up a greasy flag pole 20 metres high. It climbs up 3 metres each day but then it slips down 2 metres during the night. It starts at daybreak on the 1st January. When does this persistant little mollusc reach the top of the pole? To find the answer, you could always put a snail at the bottom of a flag pole and time how long it takes to get to the top. I wouldn't recommend it though. (3) A newly laid egg drops 5 metres directly above a concrete floor without breaking. How is this done? And no, it's not hard boiled. Cue eggstremely bad egg yolks. ( Sorry, I couldn't resist it. ) Before I get any complaints, the egg was free range Puzzle Corner (4) A certain family has three children, and half the children are boys. How is this possible? (5) If it takes four men eight days to dig four holes, how long does it take one man to dig half a hole? Classic puzzle Picture it; a thief running away from the palace, the kings guards in hot pursuit. He has stolen three very valuable gold rings. He comes to a chasm, it's too wide to jump, to deep to climb and the rings are too heavy to throw far. The only way to get across it is a rickety old rope bridge. But alas the bridge is only strong enough to take his weight plus two of the gold rings. How can he escape and keep the loot? Computer Puzzle The following is a puzzle that you can solve by writing a little Puzzle Corner program on your Sam. You could work it out yourself but you'll be old and grey by the time you get the answer. Your task is to find the next three paladromic leap years, that's all! Prize Puzzle As I mentioned last month I am putting up a prize for a puzzle competition. The winner will get a free copy of SmartFile and will be sent a copy of every other SmartSoft release, when it's produced. Ok, I know you'd probably prefer a colour TV and VCR but my budget won't stretch that far. The puzzle is this: A German officer has just discovered that one of his lieutenants was lying about missing provisions, the punishment was death. "Aha, vee have a lier!", said the german officer, "zee german army vill not tolerate a lier! Your last vords vill be von Puzzle Corner sentence. If you tell a lie you vill be eaten alive by rats, and vill die a horrible death. If you tell zee truth you vill be mercifully shot." It seems that the lieutenant has had his chips. What can he possibly say to save himself? If you think you have zee ( oops! ) answer then send it to me, William McGugan, at 46 Elliot Street, Arbroath, Angus, Scotland DD11 3BZ, and mark it "Morks puzzle comp." Well that's another month of mind-benders to take your mental capacity to breaking point. I take no responsibility if in attempting to do these puzzles you are reduced to a gibbering vegetable. Bit like an Amiga user really... Nanoo nanoo, Mork signing out. Plug Time You may be wondering what this SmartFile program is. Well, here's a few quotes from Mr McGugan alias Mork : "Disk organiser utility for the SAM Coupe. Mouse compatible. 512K only. Disc and instructions only £6.50" "SmartFile is a sophisticated file organiser for the SAM Coupe with MasterDOS. An easy to use menu system allows you to erase, hide/unhide......Can be used with SAMCo mouse or keyboard" Send cheques to : [redacted] Letter From Stephen Donnellan Dear Colin My SAM and Fred get on like the proverbial house on fire. I find Fred to be a fun and interesting read, and I try to use many of the utilities supplied. Unfortuneatly (as this OUTWRITE file may imply) I can't get SAM Word to work with the MASTERDos/ MASTERBasic combination, which is my main boot file on my disks. With work, I don't get as much time for programming on the SAM as I would like. I would like to program a decent DataBase using the facilities of MASTERDos, or a Word Processor similar to the IBM PC's (I won't totally abuse the term PC...) Word For Windows; whereby the keyboard is used for merely typing the document and everything else (bold, underline, disk commands) are accessed using the mouse and icons. But, unless I become unemployed (!), these are merely dreams. Letter I leant my SAM to a friend of mine, who owns a BBC, whilst I was on holiday, and he converted a couple of programs from BBC user (and possibly BEEBUG - a BBC version of FORMAT) to the SAM. I have put a couple of them on this disk, but I DO NOT KNOW THE COPYRIGHT POSITION AS TO YOU BEING ABLE TO USE THEM OR NOT! But they may be of some ispiration to some one. By the way, rumour has it that this friend of mine is saving up to buy a SAM just for Triltex... Thanks for all the fun that is Fred - and can I have some of the "interesting herbage" that Axe must be on to come up with some of his demo's? Yours sincerely STEVEN DONNELLAN Reply Personally, I havn't had any problems with SAM Word but if anyone out there has, and has come up with a solution to Stephens problems, please get in touch. As you will see when you get around to looking at the Bits menu, you'll see I have used your friends programs. I don't think I've got many problems with these sorts of copyrights but I would like to point out to FRED contributors that there is nothing more infuriating than getting some brilliant program only to discover that if I use it, I'll get my behind sued off! Thats a new one! Most of the people I know have sold their SAMs just to get away from Triltex! Little do they know FREDs expansion plans.... Herbage? Herbage? I'm sure I don't know what you mean! But if you send an SSAE, I'll send some of Mum's garlic and cress. Hope standing on that will help you to continue the Zeb Green story! .