Data Entry Toolkit

Release Year
Copyright Provenance
Want to start programming your own database application?
Well, help is at hand!
We present the Data Screen Design and Data Entry engine that forms the basis of both the Personal Banking System and Personal Filing System in the form of a Toolkit.
It offers flexible on-screen design of data entry screens and data display, with file handling built in.
We provide a simple demonstration program illustrating how things work. Programmers, tinkerers or anyone can play with this and modify it to suit their own applications as required.
It saves you having to re-invent the wheel so saves you valuable time in getting your own application up and running.
New Versions 2.03B and 2.03M uploaded 04/08/2022.
Version 2.03B for B-DOS or SamDos (preferably with MasterBasic).
Yes, this version is compatible with the excellent Quazar Trinity Ethernet Interface
Version 2.03M for MasterDos (preferably with MasterBasic) handling serial & random access files
Please read the new Data Entry Toolkit Release Notes.
Additionally, you can refer to the Personal Filing System user manual for full advice on getting started.
Release Notes for the Data Entry Toolkit version 2.03B/M
The Data Entry Toolkit provides the code you need to design and program your own database utility. All the code for data entry screen design, data entry, validation and the loading/saving of files is taken care of for you. All the supplied code is taken from our popular Personal Filing System, so it has been well tried and tested!
To help you get started we supply a simple menu system which you can modify for your own use or design your own menu system entirely!
The release disk is supplied with demonstration files so you can keep a simple address book, This will enable you to become familiar with the operation. Remember you can change the menu system to your design.
For simplicity, the database structure is defined as DATA statements at the beginning of the code in the program.
If you wish to modify or replace the file structure then we recommend all files are copied from the Release disk to a newly formatted disk. Then you can reload the Data Entry Toolkit from the new disk and modify the file structure: re-Saving the program to the new disk.
After reloading Data Entry Toolkit, select File Handling / New Directory (Bdos/SamDos only) / New File to initialise your new structure, ready for you to design screens. After that your database is ready to use.
Further detailed information regarding setup is available in the Personal Filing System user manual PFSMAN5.pdf which is available for download.
This release comes in two flavours:
Version 2.03B for Bdos or SamDos (preferably with MasterBasic).
Yes, this version is compatible with the excellent QUAZAR Trinity Ethernet Interface
Version 2.03M for MasterDos (preferably with MasterBasic) handling serial & random access files
In fact the two flavours are based on one code file with minor modifications as follows:
Program lines 98 and 99 set the variable Bdos to True or False
Unfortunately, DATA statements ignore the Bdos flag so it is necessary to make manual changes to the following program lines:
1520, 1522
1540, 1545
1591, 1680
Just add or remove REM keywords as required to enable or disable DATA statements.
For example in lines 1540, 1545 sets the data field to ‘Keyptr’ or ‘Keyfld’. ‘Keyptr’ is used to link the file record in memory with a record in a random access file. This only works when running MasterDos (DeToolKit Version 2.03M),
So which-ever program version you have you can easily adapt the program to produce the other version and re-save it to a new disk. Note that data files created in one version are not compatible with the other version.