SAMazing 2024

Release Year
SAMazing 2024 Announcement (must think of a better title)
Final details have been confirmed for the 2024 SAM gathering, and here's everything you need to know:
Date: Saturday 18th May 2024
Location: Retro Computer Museum, Leicester, LE4 9HA (Unit Q)
Time: 12:30pm to 5:30pm
Entry fee: £8.50
There'll be drinks at the nearby Willow pub afterwards and then no doubt some people will find a curry before catching their trains home. Plenty of parking on site for those driving.
Andy and Dean have kindly agreed we can use their fabulous venue for this event, so the only cost is the standard entry fee for those to pay on the day when they arrive. They have no less than 3 SAMs, so there'll be plenty on show. I may have to think up a tournament or two....
I think there'll be space if anyone does want to bring anything to set up and show off, but just remember a few more SAM Coupé machines and there'll be more value there (according to eBay) than in the Bank of England vaults.
I think that's everything, but ask any questions below. Thanks Andy, Dean, Pete and everyone who's been pestering us to get something sorted.
Can't wait to see you all SAMassed at SAMazing for fun and SAMusement with old SAMigos. SAMorry.
Previous event: SAMazing - 7th July 2018