Sam Paper 7

Issue 7 - June 1992
Item | Author | Description |
Item 1 | 1 | 1 |
Item 2 | 2 | 2 |
As you probably know, the end of the school year always brings with it some nervousness and lack of time. People finishing high school and wanting to get into college (meaning me and Szafran) are particularly affected. Matura exam, trial exams, diploma theses, etc. etc. cause total human involvement. Unfortunately, I missed it too, so I must apologize to you for missing the promised Comet Assembler test in this issue.
On the other hand, more time to develop this article will make it a better article - for something. So many apologies and now some more interesting information. I've written a new Screen Pack, you can see it and judge for yourself. It can be operated in several ways: using the joystick, cursors and the Shift or Enter keys, or the QAOP and M or Space keys. Individual images can also be accessed directly using the function keys. To return to SP, simply press the Escape key. In order not to spoil the surprise, I will only say that different icons cause different effects, e.g. changing the speed of the arrow movement or... You will see for yourself!
For the first time in SP, especially for your convenience, I am attaching to the article an extensive example in assembler recorded in the form of source code from SC_Assembler. If you use Comet, you can transfer it with SC_Convert, but if you have another assembler, you're out of luck... This is a described and explained example for the article about screen paging on SAM. If you like this form, you will use it in the future.
I wrote a copy program called MACAB (you can see its advertisement in the ADVERTISEMENT section). This is its first version. For now, the program allows you to copy marked files (selected with the cursor) or entire disks. Thanks to the facilities used, it allows you to copy virtually any disk in the SAM format. It has the ability to "browse" through subdirectories, i.e. it does not force a person to write long commands to enter a subdirectory and copy 10 files. Its only limitation is that it requires 512 Kb and the presence of MasterDos 'and at least version 2.2 (the program also runs under MasterBasic compiled with MasterDos). Of course, buyers of this version will receive significant discounts when purchasing subsequent versions of this program.
In the future, I plan to test SC_Filer - databases and, surprise - an article about poker, but for SAM games! Perhaps I will finish the article about MasterDos or I will start working on it! ‰ for the secrets of MasterBasic. I suspect that you will see any revelations from me only after the university entrance exam, i.e. after June 29.
M.A.R.S. they said almost everything. I think you can expect revelations from me only after July 15, because then the exams will be over.
But to the point. I apologize to all readers for this issue coming out so late. Unfortunately, the final exams didn't last as short as I expected, and right after them I had to rest a bit, so I went on a wonderful trip. "At this point I would like to express my thanks for the wonderful moments to Olka, Bogna, Alicja, Magda and all the girls from Gdańsk, as well as to the Sponsor without whom the trip would have been much less colorful.
After this rest, I started working hard and here you see another issue of the magazine. I think you will like him. I'm planning to organize a nationwide meeting of suicide bombers. “Anyone who would like to help me organize this event, please contact me. Maybe we'll come up with something together. For now, I wish everyone pleasant holidays and would like to remind you that we will meet around July 1-5.