I would like to start this issue of the magazine with warm wishes to all my readers on the occasion of the upcoming Christmas, and I also wish you a happy New Year and many success in working with your computer.
And now let's get to the point of this note. As you probably noticed, the format of the texts will change slightly (I have the impression that it will be for the better). I also plan to change other elements of the warehouse, but that's a secret for now. Maybe you will be able to evaluate the effects of this change in the next issue of the magazine. Unfortunately, I had to inform about the increase in the price of the next issue of the magazine (details in the "new" section). I will try to compensate the price with higher quality.
And now very important information. The editorial team of "SAM PAPER" consists of two people, but maybe the new editor will introduce himself:
Hello, dear readers! My name is Rafał Smotrzyk, my nickname is M.A.R.S.
From this issue of SAM PAPER, my programs and articles will appear regularly. Previously I had Timex and FDD 30. I remember that I first heard about SAM in Bajtek quite a long time ago. I already knew then that I would have it someday.
And it happened! In August, when I was buying Bajtek, I saw an advertisement for Electronics Export. Three days later, I was the happy owner of SAM. I think that the history of most SAM fighters is similar. Knowing that SAM is a new computer and becoming more and more popular, I would like to help with my experience to all those who have SAM and don't know what to do. further... For those interested, please provide your address.