Sam Paper 10

Issue 10 - September 1992
Item | Author | Description |
Item 1 | 1 | 1 |
Item 2 | 2 | 2 |
The next issue of SAM Paper is ready. You will find there the second part of the article about MBasic. I hope that this text will allow you to get to know this wonderful system better. In the next issue, I will include a short program demonstrating the things I wrote about in the last part of the MBasic description.
Next month you will also see a comparative test of compression programs. I have recently acquired a printer (those who have written to me already know about it), so please write to me as soon as possible. or a printer for the Centronics interface (which is, by the way, a bit non-standard). If this topic generates any response from readers, I will continue it. For those interested, please note that I already have Polish letters installed as downloads in Draft mode for the Epson FX850 and IBM-proprinter II standard.
I guess that's it - see you in the next release.
And I submitted another issue again. To be honest, I was hoping that I would be able to change his appearance a bit during the holidays, but unfortunately it didn't work out. However, I filled my holidays with what they should have been filled with, namely a long rest without a computer away from home.
I would like to invite all of you to edit our magazine. If you have written a short (or even long) helpful program, send it to us and we will put it in the magazine. I think this is a good form of promotion. After all, our magazine is not distributed only in Poland!!! It has several Polish-speaking readers in Germany and England (they pretend to understand).
I would also like to encourage you to buy the English ZAT magazine and the Polish SAM Magic magazine.
Currently, I have received the seventh issue for distribution, but I have all its issues. If you are interested in this offer, I refer you to the ADVERTISEMENT section. I guess that's it for this month, see you at the beginning of October.