Professional Adventure Writing System

The Professional Adventure Writing System is a ZX Spectrum Adventure Writing utility. However, with the popularity of the SAM Adventure scene, a conversion utility was created by Martijn Groen to allow the utility to work for both 48K and 128K versions.
Although the games work in MODE 1 - the PAWS 'Extern' command can be used to load in MODE 4 images, the full SAM keyboard is used and there is even support for e-tracker music.
The utility does not include the Gilsoft PAWS A17C code base, which is required to work. However it does allow loading of this from disk or tape before it modifies the files.
The original Spectrum PAWS A17C can be found here.
Please note the section about a donation to Tim Gilberts - the author of the original Spectrum utility - and of the Copyright
The software is distributed on condition that it is viewed as a supplement to the PAW system and not as an official upgrade. The author or distributors cannot be held responsible for any misuse of this product. The disc is supplied with routines to upgrade your own original software for use with the SAM Coupé/élite.
Due to the paging restrictions of the 128k Spectrum version of PAW, a 512k SAM is required to make full use of the software. The software is incompatible with PAW A17D but databases produced with it can be run on version A17S with no problems. We suggest that users of PAW A17D or other versions might contact GILSOFT to enquire whether an exchange may be possible.
To use PAW you must first locate your original PAW tape and have this ready for transferring some code to your disc. You can either load the code from the tape, or from disc if you have already copied it.
Reset your SAM and BOOT your backup disc.
The first time that you BOOT your disc you will be prompted to load code from disc or tape. Make sure that your disc is write enabled. Make your choice and the program will load the code. Once the code has loaded, re-insert your PAW disc and the program will automatically make all necessary modifications.
From now on when you boot your disc you will see a menu similar to the one below:
Professional Adventure Writer
(C)1986 Gilsoft International,Conversion by Martijn Groen 1994
1. PAW 48
2. Adventures 48k
3. PAW 128k
4. Adventures 128k/48k
5. Tape->Disc convertor
6. SC_Speclone->SAM database convertor
7. ZX->SAM database convertor
version A17S
1) PAW 48 is a 48k only version of the editor program, much the same as if you loaded PAW in to a 48K Spectrum.
2) Adventures 48k, a stand alone player program that you may like to use or customise for 48K compatible games. This version and the 48k editor (described above) can run Etracker music modules in the background.
3) PAW 128k is the 128k version of the editor. You can create both 128k and 48k versions with this.
4) Adventures 128k/48k similar to option 2, but will play 128k games and 48k games. This version does not have an Etracker option.
5) Tape->Disc convertor: this program allows you to load PAW databases from tape and then converts them to SAM-PAW databases and saves them to disc.
A 48k database consists of 2 files both with the same name except for the last (tenth) character, which is "A" in the first file and "B" in the second. 128k databases have more files "C","D","E" etc, depending on the size of the game.
These code files must be loaded and converted individually, stopping and starting the tape whenever necessary.
6) SC_Speclone->SAM database: this programs converts Speclone files (81920,49152) to SAM-PAW databases. Follow the on-screen messages. It works with one drive.
7) ZX-databases->SAM database convertor for ZX type CODE files. This option is mainly for users of PAW A17D, MGT Plus D version, who have created ZX type file databases. As this can involve multiple disc swaps, there is an option to use 2 drives. The program automatically checks how many files there are. Users with just one drive and MasterDOS may modify the program to use a RAM disk to save time.
You can use SAM's EDIT, DELETE and ARROW keys in the PAW editors
In PAW 48k and Adventures 48k you may press the following keys:
F7 = Load E-Tracker soundtrack
F9 = Directory of drive 1
F1 = Turns sound off
F2 = Turns sound on
F3 = Restarts music from the beginning
In PAW 128k and Adventures 128k you may press the following
F9 = Directory of drive 1
When an error message occurs on the top of the screen you may press SPACE to abandon loading.
EXTERN is now patched to return to SAM BASIC, rather than Spectrum BASIC. You may use line 510 upwards. Its defaults are (500 + parameter). An EXTERN command should be ended with : GOTO 400.
You can use all free memory below RAMTOP for extern commands. RAMTOP in the 48k Adventure player program = 65535 RAMTOP in the 128k Adventure player program = 49151
You could for instance, EXTERN and load a MODE 4 screen from disc (or 1 meg RAMDISK) at a game location, or when a certain condition is met. In a 48k game you could change the Etracker tune by either loading or POKEing the music to address 163840.
Technical information and memory maps etcetera, can be found on the disc in a BASIC file called - "PAW INFO".
As stated previously, these programs are an un-official supplement to the PAW system. GILSOFT INTERNATIONAL are in NO WAY connected to this release.
Use of these programs is entirely at your own risk. In NO event will the author or any distributor be liable for any damage, direct or indirect, resulting from their use.
The original disc is PUBLIC DOMAIN and may be freely distributed. However, once the PAW code is added, you must not distribute copies of the working disc.