Wiz Wars

Release Year
Platform adventure game written in SCADS.
Wiz Wars Story
The little town of Fraggle had been a nice peacwful place for many years not changing at all (give or take a few people dying).
Then on a Tuesday (probably) something 'different' happened. A particularly nasty wizard by the name of Fred moved into 43 Big-Oak-Under-Large-Sky Street. A few weeks of peace went by until on a Thursday (probably) the milk float had a puncture.
The wizard, being the sort of average grumpy wizard said.. 'Oy milkman, get me some milk or I'll grow 5 legs take off my head, and chase after you with if on one of my many feet (probably).' The milkman ran up hill, down dale, over cars, under large moving trucks, but still couldn't find any milk. Then he looked in the corner shop, and by some sort of spooky co-incidence they had some milk.
The milkman took a nice pinta of Full-Cream milk and payed the cashier. He took the pinta to the grumpy old wizard and gave it to him. Unfortunately there was a problem. The wizard had never been one for the old Full-Cream and much preferred the full new healthy lifestyle type of milk (Semi-Skimmed).
So the particularly grumpy wizard said... 'Excuse me mister milkman, you appear to have got me the wrong type of milk. You see mister milkman I don't appear to like you, and since I dont, I'm going to do something really really bad. So bad you could never imagine how bad it was'.
Unfortunaely the nasty wizard couldn't imagine how bad it was either and so he had to settle for the second best and turned the entire town into Zombies (probably). Luckily Wiz (thats the good bloke) and a few of his mates were having a Peach Melba eating contest at the time. By some seriously uncanny co-incidence Peach Melba yoghurt happened to be the antidote. And before the story got totally unbelievable Wiz set off on his little adventure to break the spell.
Wiz Wars is what is known as a platform based puzzle/adventure shoot-em-up.
What that basically means is that you get to roam around a platform setting solving puzzles while attempting to stay alive.
In Wiz Wars you have to try and break a spell put on a village by a particularily nasty person.
To do this you have to get the objects required to cast the spell :
1 Scroll, Wand, Rune Stone
Also you have to collect the two pieces of scroll instructions.
Only one of the items is collectable from around the village, the scroll. The other objects need to be collected by carrying out various tasks for the villagers, collecting the objects they require.
In return for your service they will give you another object to help you on your way.
To find out what characters want jump into their ? and press RETURN and they will set the task.
Once you have found what they want take if back to them and jump again into the ? and they will give you your reward.
You can hold up to 3 objects and these are selected by keys F1-F3.
You do not have to have the correct item selected when taking it to the villagers the objects are automatically taken.
To drop an object just press RETURN whil you are not touching any other objects and you will drop what you are holding.
To collect an object just press RETURN when you are in contact with it and it will be added to any free space in your inventory.
You can use your fireball spell to disperse of the enemies, it takes 4 hits when charged at 100 (the starting value) but the hits required will increase as the power level falls.
To top up your power level collect the lightning bolts scattered around the level, these also increas your energy by 50.
On the playing screen the power level is shown on the far right, the enemy energy is next, followed by your energy, and lastly on the far left is your score.
Points are scored for hitting enemies, killing enemies, and collecting the 100's that appear after they die.
Each time you kill an enemy you will be awarded another 50 energy. Enjoy the game!
Programming Martin Fitzpatrick
Graphics Martin Fitzpatrick
Sound Fx Martin Fitzpatrick
Music Rik Moore
Thanks To Derek Morgan For selling this game and many of my others.
Mum For support and endless cups of tea.
Rik Moore For the great tunes, and odd conversation.
Glenco Software For producing SCADS, and excellant little bit of software.
Dan Dooré For the interrupt music player.
FRED For SamPaint, and the games which provided a rest from typing.
Geoff Winkless For KEDisk used for some of the graphics.
And also thanks to you for buying this game and supporting my work. Please feel free to review this for any magazine, and you can also write to let me know what you think... Metropolis Software, <redacted>
The Metropolis Team....
Martin Fitzpatrick Programming
Rik Moore Music Programming
David Brant Programming
Are there any artists out there who would like to join the group, please write and send samples of your work. My phone number is, <redacted> Thanks once again for buying my games, and I hope you enjoy the game!
Thanks to Simone Voltolini for providing the dumped disk image.