Fred 52
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Monday, May 14, 2018 - 15:23.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
Copyright Provenance
Issue 52
Item | Author | Description |
Magazine | Merry Christmas, News Of Sophistry | |
Letters | Post Office Moans, Sampaint Review | |
Decomplier | Stefan Drissen | Allows You To Decompile E-Tunes |
Santa Goes Psycho 2 | Matt Round | Matt Round's Much Praised Shoot-Em-Up |
Flm Demo | David Handley | Demo Of Football League Manager |
Music Demo | Lee Willis | Small Demo With 5 Nice Tunes |
Anonimity | Graham Goring | More Humorous Sci-Fi Stories... |
E-Tunes | Lee Willis Bob Brunsden David Handley | E-Tracker Christmas Feast |
Modules | Graham Goring | Converted Christmas Module |
Xmas Blokit | David Handley | Puzzle Game With No Xmas Link (!) |
Diary | Matt Round | Store Your Diary On Your Sam |
Dir Type | Lee Willis | Handy Disc Utility |
Reactions | Andy Hook | An Excuse To Drink? |
CA HULLO AGAIN Happy Christmas, readers! Hopefully, if all goes according to plan, you'll be reading this before Christmas. Unless you've decided to read it again after Christmas, that is. In which case it won't be but the first time it will be. Clear? Colin Macd has asked me to set a date for FRED to come out on, so I've decided to claw it back to the middle of the month. So, very soon (maybe now), you should be receiving FRED on the 15th or 16th of the month. The 17th at least. Of course, I can't guarantee this, and I'm beginning to wish I hadn't said it, but hopefully, this will be the case. Gulp. I should hope that everyone is either getting plenty of FRED software for Christmas or is buying lots of FRED software with their money from 'Gran' and 'Aunty Ethel'. See the rather nice looking advert in the adverts section that Graham Goring and I did. Did you know, for my birthday, I was given a washing up brush? I got my revenge though, when I bought the same person (who lives in a shed) a dress for his birthday. Ah, such fun. CA WHAT A WASTE OF £2 Name the biggest way to waste money. You got it, the National Bloody Lottery. Pardon my French. I bought 2 tickets in the first week, the second week AND the third week, and guess how many numbers I've got so far. ONE. One out of 36 different numbers. Pathetic. And that Noel Edmonds intro to the first lottery draw was about as interesting as my green curtains and lasted longer than a phone call to the speaking clock (that bloke never shuts up). Needless to say, I've already chosen next week's numbers... Speaking of phone calls, did I get a massive telling-off from my mum when we got our first itemised phone bill. Gordon Bennett. That call to someone (guess who) in Scotland proved to be a teeny bit expensive. Not to mention the REALLY long ones to my friends. That's killed off any hopes of buying a modem for my Archimedes, anyway. God, I hate BT. "It's good to talk." What a load of cobblers. CA Por donde se va a la playa, por favor? I had an interview at Warwick University last Friday and could have lost my offer because I had an argument with the woman who was interviewing me - about the Spectrum! Yes, I told her (don't ask me how I got onto it) that it was the first machine I learnt to program on, and she said that BASIC was an awful language to start learning with and the Spectrum was rubbish. Anyway, I defened the Spectrum and rapidly changed the subject when she started giving me dirty looks. Actually, if there are any SAM owners out there going to Uni next year, I'm thinking of Warwick or Nottingham at the moment. So, if you would fancy living near your God (me) for a year and going out for refreshments (!) every night - then giving me a hand to finish FRED in one day, go for one of these Universities. Don't go to Plymouth though - urgh. That time has come again to tell you what is going to be on the next page, just so I can cunningly fill this three line gap at the bottom. So, now follows the next page... CA GET YOUR ORDERS IN NOW There's still time to order any products from FRED before Christmas. Ideally, you will get your orders sent off well in advance of Christmas, but if you have left it a little late, have no fear! MacColin has come to the rescue again. Orders received before Christmas will be sent 1st class the same day. I think that the last post for Christmas is the 19th December. Some things may arrive if sent after, but it certainly isn't guaranteed. Also, if you're really late, you can ring Colin up and say, "Colin, can you pop me a copy of ---------- in the post. I'll send the cheque today. Thanks. By the way, your new editor is just lovely." Colin will send the program 1st class as soon as he can make it to the post box/office. CA NEWS The generosity of FRED continues... Those people out there who hven't yet bought Lemmings (WHY NOT? IT'S INCREDIBLE.) can now get Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings together for just £25. That's a saving of, er, a few quid. Now if you didn't have the sense to Lemmings up when it came out, get this. Also, the pack is available for those people who already have Lemmings. You can own 2 copies of Lemmings then! And if you buy another SAM and another TV, you can put the tellies together and it'd be like having an extra long TV and twice as many Lemmings! The Oh No! More Lemmings boxes have now arrived, you'll be pleased to know. I'm not sure who needs to know that, but hopefully they won't lose any more sleep. If anyone thinks that ON!ML is just the same as Lemmings, don't. The levels on ON!ML contain different (better?) graphics, clever puzzles and they get a lot more challenging later on than the original Lemmings ones did. CA NEWS The latest news on Revelations new titles is that Sophistry has now been released and is available from them at the price I quoted in the last issues editorial (I'm too lazy to look it up). TnT has been delayed slightly, but will be released round about Christmas day. It still looks a little gem, and orders can be taken now. Remember, FRED does not stock either of these titles yet, so send orders to Revelation (and say FRED sent ya). Their address is: [redacted] CA NEWS The compiled disc of m/c articles is definitely going ahead now. Hopefully, it won't be too long before they're compiled. Also released at roughly the same time will be 'The Complete Guide to SAM BASIC', which you will recall was on Enceladus (I hope). They will both be £5 and are an absolute bargain to you budding programmers. Certainly cheaper than buying all the back issues! More news next month. Matt Round has also had an idea. He's thinking of doing a guide to Gamesmaster disc. Matt says, "I'd quite like to do a guide for GM, consisting of a small manual and a disc containing fully-documented games which guide you through a simple tutorial." Matt would like to know whether people would find this of interest, and, more importantly, buy it. This would also go for roughly a fiver, and could do everyones programming skills a world of good. I think it's worthwhile. Write in, or ring Colin at inconvenient times, and tell us what you think. CA ON A LIGHTER NOTE Red Dwarf is now officially the best sit-com on the BBC as said on the British Comedy awards. Yup, it won an award (at last). Also, Spike Milligan was a little funny. Fancy saying the Prince of Wales was a "grovelling little b*****d" on TV! More guts than I've got, that's for sure. YIPEE! Hello once again. Guess what. I've got a little bit of very joyous news: ********************************************* * * * I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST TODAY (1st TIME) * * * ********************************************* Yes, you heard it in FRED first. And, I think we've managed to get an interview with the champion. Hold on. Here it comes... CA EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Des Lynam: Colin, a joyous moment in your life? Colin : Most certainly, Des. Des : But Colin, the question on everyones tounges is 'How Did You Do That?' Colin : (Fake laugh) Hah! Well Des, the trick is to keep your cool, and just be very careful when driving. Des : What did it ffffff (At this point we lose sound for a few brief moments) Colin : er+-t ="+d@ ificent feeling, Des. I was shaking so much that I could barely sign my signature. Des : Ha ha. So, where do you go from here? Colin : Well, Colin Macdonald is buying me a car as a sort of Congratulations. Des : Blimey, he's generous! Colin : Oh, Colin Macdonalds loaded. He owns an island just off Brazil. And twelve houses on the moon. Des : Well, thanks Colin. Back to the studio. CA BACK TO REALITY Does anyone out there know what to do when your mouse keeps getting a mind of its own? About every 2 minutes, my mouse decides it doesn't like going up, and the pointer moves down whether I move my mouse up or down. Wierd, huh? I've tried cleaning it out, but it doesn't work. I've found a temporary solution to the problem, but it doesn't last long and I'm getting worried that bashing the mouse on the desk (very hard) might not be doing the mouse a lot of good. [Don't try this at home kids]. A POEM THAT IS LIKELY TO GET ME IN COURT by the Ed. There once was a Colin from Dundee, And he ran a small company, you see, The profits went on drink, So he had to rethink, And he made his poor Ed work for free. Speaking of Colin Macd, here's something he wrote to bore you... CM And to my surprise... I just thought I'd add my tuppence worth, seeing as this is the Christmas issue (Merry Christmas everyone! And a very happy New Year). As I've mentioned previously, I'm in the degree year of my course so I've been busy doing exams and courseworks most of the time - apologies for not being in to answer the phone, I have genuinly been at University from 9am till 10pm most days over the last couple of weeks. Anyway, we'd just handed in a coursework and before making a start on the one due in the next day we decided to go for lunch. Being students, we picked the nearest pub... Anyway, after our meal we were just finishing our drinks when this guy walks up to us, looks round at all of us, finally looking at me and says "do I know you?". I replied with a shake of my head. Then he asks "Colin?". "yes..?". "Colin Macdonald" "yes...?" "Hi - I'm Jon Binnie" !!!!! Wow! One of FRED's best musicians recognises me in a pub in Dundee! Apparently, he's just started a course at the same University as me, and although his SAM needs repaired at the moment, he's hoping to be doing some more music on the CM Colin's heart attack SAM in the nar future! Although Jon had met me about three years ago at an Edinburgh Show, the only reason he recognised me was because of my picture on the SAMCo Newsdisk - even that is now two and half years old! If he can recognise me in a pub as someone he briefly met three years ago, I would strongly advise Jon to go for a job in the police!! I should also thank everyone for the Christmas greetings FRED has had already - the cards are slowly creeping across the FRED wall! [COLIN MACDONALD! I WILL NOT TOLERATE GAP LEAVING IN MY EDITORIAL. SORT IT OUT - CA] CM! The other month, I told you all about the Gold ASICs. Because of the price we had to set I have to be honest and admit that I wasn't expecting to be able to sell many of them. How wrong I've been! There have been people that havn't been involved in the SAM for years phone up and ask for one, as many as many people who's names I'm afraid I do not recognise and therefore had to refuse. There are still five left, and rather than leave it up to me to choose who should get these, I'll pull the names out of the hat. If you would like to buy one (remember, they cost £80) send / phone your details before the end of this year (31st December 1994), and the first five names randomly picked will be allowed to buy one. If you'd like more details about the ASIC, refer to issues 50 or 51. Or, for more details, give me a ring (if you can catch me when I'm not at University!). CM SAM-net It appears that quite a lot of the SAM community have gotten "on-line" to the Internet. If you're on the Internet, you can EMail me at : [redacted] or you could have a look at the SAM World Wide Web pages run by Tim Paveley. The URL is (remember the capital C in Coupe) : Or, for an FTP site (run by Frode Tennebo) from which you can download demos etc from : FTP.NVG.UNIT.NO I'll try to include as many other SAM peoples EMail addresses in future issues of FRED - let me know what they are! CA I'M BACK!!!! COMPETITION TIME - We can't afford to do the National Lottery, so we at FRED have decided to run a little competition. If your membership number comes up, you win - £20!!! Let me get my calc. to find some random numbers. OK, the winning number is 0579. Hang on, that's me. Hurrah! Last months puzzle was a bit of a sleep looser, wasn't it? The answer is... far too complicated, so I won't bother. Well done to those who worked it out. Sorry to those who didn't and are dying to know the answer. I do know it, but it's too boringly complicated to explain and you still wouldn't understand. This months puzzle is a wordsearch. ABCDEF Find these words. WARNING - it is ---> COLINZ not easy. ---> ZZFRED COLIN QQQQQQ FRED CA LES CONTENTS DE LA DISC, MONSIEUR Well, what an absolute corker this issue is. Challenging the might of FRED 50 if I do say so myself. Well, I'd better get on explaining... HERE IT IS. UTILITY OF THE YEAR (Probably). E-tune decompiler. For all those of you who can dabble in music, the news of this will no doubt have had you on the edge of your seats all month. Almost certainly, you've been strip-searching the postie every morning to check he's not nicked it. Well, fear not, young (or middle-aged) (or old) reader, here it is. Stefan Drissen has knocked us up this little gem of a program. The instructions are there on load up. Now you can see how the best of the SAM musicians create their masterpieces. I'm sure most of them wouldn't mind you 'borrowing' their instruments too. Maybe now more of you will send some E-tunes in (we're actually getting a bit low on E-tunes at the moment). Many thanks Stefan. CA DISC CONTENTS Next up, we have another piece of magnificence. Yes, it's by that God of games creating, Matt Round. Do you remember his first Gamesmaster game, Santa Goes Psycho? Well, this is the follow up, and a treat it is too. Much bigger, more baddies, more everything. Possibly the best shoot-em-up FRED has seen. The keys are Q,A,O,P and M and as with the first SGP, you can shoot the things in the sky and bomb the things on the floor (or roof). The last level has to be my favourite, though it takes a L-O-N-G time to get there. Unless some kind programmer tells you the cheat. In the last level, you have to bomb lots of Postman Pats! Beautiful graphics, beautiful sound, beautiful game! More of the same please, Matt! If you manage to rip yourselves away from the first two goodies, then take a look at the Football League Manager demo. It is a rolling demo of screens and information, and makes the game look nearly as good as it is to play. Well done whoever stuck the demo together, and if you don't buy the game now, you must have a will of steel. Or a brain of sand. CA DISC CONTENTS In slot G, we have yet another great piece of work. Can you stand it any more? This time, Lee Willis provides you with a music demo (hence the name Music Demo) with 5 lovely soundtracks and some nice effects. Sit back, relax, read the scrolly and marvel at the great music. Back through popular, and I mean popular demand (normally, no-one comments on anything, but we've had letters and letters complimenting this little gem) is Anonymity Smith! He told me that he wants to "Broaden His Horizons", so I've decided to let him have his section named after him. All this means is that he will be contributing more stories and articles along the lines of something other than Sci-fi. Don't worry, Sci-fi fans, there will still be plenty of the same stories aswell. So, Anonymity fans everywhere, here are three more stories just for you... Xmas Blokit is a game by Dave Handley (writer of FLM!!!). Following in our Christmas tradition, the title screen has a lovely Christmassy feel to it, and the tune too is Christmassy CA DISC CONTENTS and is done by Dave himself. Dave says the tune is rubbish, but I love it. And anyway, it's Christmas! The game has nothing to do with Christmas, giving me a sneaky suspicion that he's taking advantage of the fact that I love Christmas so much just to get his contribution on FRED 52. It's nevertheless a nice game, albeit TOO DAMN DIFFICULT! True, I'm awful at games, but even I should be able to get past level 2! Maybe I'm just useless. Anyway, the idea is to (very, very, very, very, very) quickly fill up the board with different shapes in order to get the little timer things down to the bottom. You can only place the pieces on blank squares, so although speed is important, you can't just drop the pieces anywhere. Instructions are in the scrolly message, because there's no way you understood that. Adverts is slightly different this month. It has some new screens (to promote FRED stuff for once) done by Graham Goring and myself. I did all the text, Graham did all the graphics. A stunning combination. Remember, all adverts are free, so pop a piccy in the post and it may get on. CA DISC CONTENTS Screens have been seny or done by (unless I have to remove some at the last minute) Ian Dodd, Scott Inwood and Graham Goring. They're all lovely. Keep them coming, lads (and Graham). The MOD this month has a rather nice Christmassy theme to it... Matt Round appears again on FRED with a rather nice diary program. Rather than buying a diary from the shops for next year, you can use a disc. This program requires Masterdos, but surely Masterdos is a better investment than a book with blank lines in which you have to fill in yourself every day. It formats a disc so you have more slots, and leaves you to edit the days. Instructions are provided, which is good because I can never explain things properly. Finally, we have a relatively new section. I've decided to call it Bits 'n' Bobs. What do you think? I will include smaller programs in this, so you readers get MORE programs for your (tiny scrap) of money. This month, I've included a very useful CA DISC CONTENTS disc dir program, which lists programs by their type. I've included a line, so you can press D for a full directory. I hope the writer, Lee Willis, doesn't mind. I use this for looking through discs when compiling FRED, and felt I needed this option. Unfortunately, it requires Masterdos, but this is all the more reason to buy it, yes? Erm, I don't think anything else is going to fit on this issue of FRED. It's just two packed full. Maybe I can find something to fill up the last couple of K. If I can, thankyou whoever sent it in. Lastly, the E-tunes are sent in by Lee Willis (again!) and Bob Brunsden (oh, and I've put Dave Handleys in aswell). Most of them follow a Christmassy theme, the others don't. And that's about your lot. I hope you enjoy the issue. I think it's pretty brilliant. Must be my stunning influence on people. I already have a m/c menu for next month. Oh joy... CA CREDITS Editor: Colin 'Erm, can't think of a nickname' Anderton Thanks to: Stewart Skardon Lee Willis Anonymity Smith [redacted] Graham Goring Matt Round Dave Handley Stefan Drissen Ian Dodd Scott Inwood Ted Edwards Colin Macdonald Bob Brunsden No Brian's music again, so I've done something >>>> CA COMEDY REVIEW OK. I know absoulutely nothing about music. I'll admit that. Instead, I've decided to do an article on some comedies that are on video. Apart from my SAM (and going out), comedy videos are about all I ever buy. If anyone likes this, I will continue with it next month. If not, well, soggy sandwiches to the lot of you! BOTTOM 2 - PARADE BBC CERT 15 Adrian Edmondson and Rik Mayall return for a second series of the highly successful cult BBC2 comedy. 'PARADE' brings us three of the six filmed episodes from series 2, namely 'PARADE' 'HOLY' and ''S OUT' (Yes, that is the right spelling). 86 minutes of Richard and Eddie, the two sad perverts who live together in a grotty council flat, owned by Rich. Parade is, for me, the worst of the three on the video, but still, Richie and Eddie live up to their names. Having received £8 for their 'community work' in the identity parade, they overhear tight-mouthed Larry let out a secret that only bookies know about. 'Sad Ken' is the hot tip for the 3:30 at Chepstow, and at 100/1, it's an opportunity they can't miss. In order to win more money, they steal the wooden leg of a man (Robert LLewelyn) who lost his real leg in the Falklands. Eddie gets the money for the leg, and along with their £8, puts it on 'Sad Ken'. As fate would have it for the two losers, tight-mouthed Larry was lying, and 'Sad Ken' turns out to be a blind, three-legged race horse who starts the race off backwards and gets shot. Holy is the second of the three episodes, and would probably be the one from series 2 that most remember. Being Christmas, Richie has to celebrate, and Eddie's friends are invited round for Christmas dinner. When Eddie, Dave Hedgehog and Spudgun sit with their Christmas cracker hats on, the doorbell rings and a baby is left on the doorstep. With gifts of Terry's All GOLD, FRANKENSTEIN mask, and GRRR (an aftershave), the virgin Richard and the other three in crowns, the scene is set for the second coming... Finally, there is 's out. I don't think this was actually shown on TV in the end, but I could be wrong. After a drunken bet, Richie and Eddie find themselves roughing it in Wimbledon Common, with only a packet of hobnobs between them. Added to this, there is only one sleeping bag and one tin opener, they apear to be in for a rough trot. Hunting what Eddie believes to be Uncle Bulgaria (after all, they are in Wimbledon Common) causes Richie to end up with a dart down his throat, and get his head stuck in the fire. After a hard day, they pitch up the tent, only to have a flasher shove his meat and veg through the entrance, ending off what is probably one of the best episodes of Bottom ever. If you find this sort of humour funny, then this is for you. If you don't, then avoid at all costs. Overall - 8/10 (Bit of news: A 9-part 3rd series of Bottom is apparently being filmed at the moment) AUF WIEDERSEHEN PET - IF I WERE A CARPENTER CENTRAL CERT 15 Most of those under 16 probably won't have seen this before, but probably everyone over 18 will still be waiting in hope for a third series. (Although I get the feeling that that won't happen!) Let me introduce those of you who haven't heard of it to the cast. Due to the lack of work in England, 7 brickies or craftsmen move to Germany to benefit from self-employment. Dennis (Tim Healey), Neville (Kevin Whately), Oz (Jimmy Nail), Wayne (Gary Holton), Bomber (Pat Roach), Barry (Timothy Spall) and Moxey (Christopher Fairbank) take work in Dussledorf to keep their heads above board in England. No doubt you'll recognise many of the names in this list, and may be quite surprised to find so many you know, but Auf Wiedersehen Pet was indeed the first step to stardom for most of them. The tape lasts over 3 hours, a definite bargain when you think that you could buy a music video for the same price with only about 12 minutes of stuff on it. The first episode starts with three Newcastle lads (Oz, Dennis and Neville) who decide to work abroad. Neville is constantly writing postcards to his wife whereas Oz didn't tell his wife he was going and pushed his car down the road so as not to wake her up! Oz's clapped out Zepper with no insurance gets them halfway into Germany, then breaks down on the motorway, causing them to be late and have to have accomodation in a hut on the building site with 4 other lads from England. The first night, half of them venture to a brothel, Oz upsets half of the Germans with his racist (but very funny) remarks and they explore the local city. The second episode, 'Who Won The War Anyway' focuses on the sacking of Neville (long story). He saves himself when he discovers an unexploded bomb from the war and becomes a bit of a hero. Unsurprisingly, Oz pushes the Germans too far and ends up getting the sack himself after a confrontation in the local. Luckily, the Germans decide that he should be given his job back. Which is lucky really, because Oz (Jimmy Nail) has to be the funniest character in the series. 'The Girls They Left Behind' finds Oz's wife meeting Dennis's wife and finding out that Oz is in Germany. Oz sends the letter back marked "Not known at this address", but a drunken night after a football match finds Oz accidently back in England, where he tells his wife that he felt guilty after reading the letter. Moments later, the post arrives and the letter marked "Not known at this address" is delivered... 'Suspicion' sees some money and Oz's watch go missing, causing distress all round. Who is the thief? The finger of suspicion points in every direction, until they finally decide to leave it. Not Oz, though. Oz puts some special ink on a large value Deutschmark and leaves it on the table. All the lads come back, and the note is handed around, then put back on the table. The next morning, however, the lads wake up to find themselves with green dye on their fingers which seems near impossible to get off! This Auf Wiedersehen Pet video is, as we would expect, a bit of a classic. The first episode suffers slightly from nervous acting, but this soon dissolves, and the series is possibly the best comedy I have watched. If you do enjoy comedies, this is an absolute must. It does take a few episodes to get used to, but when you do get used to it, it'll have you in stitchies. Overall - 10/10 Is anyone actually reading this? If so, can you write and tell me what you think of it. Good or bad, I'd like to know. RED DWARF - THE SMEG UPS BBC CERT 15 You've seen every episode, you've read the books, now see the cock-ups. And plenty there are too. 'Red Dwarf - The Smeg Ups' is supposedly the scenes that went wrong over the 7 years since Red Dwarf started. This turns out to be false, because there are no scenes from series 1 or 2 (and possibly 3) and only a few from series 4. Most of the tape contains series 5 and 6 takes, though. It lasts about 1 hour, and the sets of clips are introduced by Kryten (Robert Llewellyn). Many of the mistakes involve the crew swearing but, in my opinion, this adds to the humour. From Rimmer (Chris Barrie) falling off a seat (well, a box) to the Cat (Danny John Jules) nearly choking on a piece of bread, to Lister (Craig Charles) pulling childish faces, the guys who put it together have included everything. I can't help but feel that there would have been more in there if it weren't for the recent (ahem) arrest of Craig Charles, but I don't want to go into that. We see Chris Barrie's impersonations come alive, and pretty incredible they are. His 'Oh, Matron!' is outstanding, and the David Coleman (which all four crew members join in with) is side-splittingly funny. There are many a take where the crew forget their lines, the better ones being where there is a reaction from someone. Noticeably, it is generally the Cat who misses his lines. As with all cock-up programmes, there will be the odd clip which you just don't find funny or interesting, but in this video, these are far outweighed by the better ones. As a special treat to all fans, they have included the original ending to series 6. I won't tell you what it is, but in typical Grant Naylor fashion, it is very funny, and maybe more pleasing than leaving us in the lurch for a year and a half (Series 7 is supposed to be filmed in the middle of 1995 - with or without certain actors). Overall, this video really is very funny. The only problem is that you are likely to lose your interest in it much quicker than buying a video of TV programmes. After you've seen the mistakes 4 or 5 times, they lose their appeal. For fans of Red Dwarf, this is a very good buy. For those of you who don't follow Red Dwarf as closely, I'd recommend buying the TV programmes first. Overall - 7/10 ---------------------------------------------------------------- * * *** ** ** * * *** * * ** *** *** *** * * ** *** * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * ** ** ** * * *** ** * *** * * * * **** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * *** * * * * *** *** * * * * * *** * See you all next month, and, (as if I haven't said this enough), when you think Christmas (and money), think FRED. Byeeeeeee. COLIN ANDERTON
Letters & Reviews
Letter from Stewart Skardon Dear Colin, Just when you thought it was safe to open the post again, I am back! After a well earned rest, I have decided that it was time to put finger to keyboard, printer to paper e.t.c and write you a quick letter. I don't mean to moan, and it probably isn't your fault, but I haven't received my copy of FRED 51. Has there been a delay in production, or have the post office nabbed it, like many of the other things that have been sent to me recently? It's a long story, but I'll tell you it to fill up space. Basically, I finally ordered a printer interface from FORMAT, only to be waiting for about 2 months for the damn thing to arrive (Not FORMAT's fault though!). After a quick phone call to FORMAT, and disturbing a poor woman who was suffering from larengitis (is that how it's spelt?), I discovered that the item was actually posted on the 10th of October, and had obviously been nabbed by the post office, along with my issue of FORMAT! Bloomin' cheek! Needless to say, I went and complained to the post office who gave me the money for a new one, and I have finally got it! Now I do hope they haven't pinched my copy Letter from Stewart Skardon of FRED! If it turns up after I post this letter, then I apologise for being a pain in the bum, but some of us need a good read to keep us sane. My course at Uni is driving me insane. I've got 10 essays to do for Friday the 13th of January! Sounds a bit ominous to me! Right, I think I have waffled enough now. Just one thing, I have vowed that I will be going to the next Gloucester show (April!), so I'll hopefully see you there. In the mean time, I am working on an update to my Document viewer for FRED, mainly updating the printer options! Good bye for now, STWEART SKARDON CA Reply to Stewart Skardon Erm, FRED 51 was a touch late, wasn't it? Don't worry about moaning, I need it. The more people moan, the more I know what I'm doing wrong (it is possible that I'm not perfect). I do have a feeble excuse. I infact did the whole issue in 10 days, not bad going for my first try. You see, I had dozens and dozens of discs to look through, and didn't get these until early November. The disc takes a week at the duplicators, so I was a little rushed. Anyway, I've had plenty of time to get this issue done, so you should be reading this nice and early. I don't have much luck with the post either. Just before I became editor, my power pack blew up. Well, 'blew up' is maybe an exaggeration, but it stopped working properly anyway. I completely lost my picture. Anyway, a quick phone call to Colin Macdonald (and believe me, a phone call to Scotland has to be quick) and he threw me another power pack in the post. He had 2 left, you see. Hurrah! Days later, it arrived. True, I had to answer the door in my boxer shorts to sign a piece of paper, but it was here. I used my knowledge of A-level physics to put the CA Reply to Stewart Skardon plug on, connected everything up and turned on my SAM. The picture was there. However, the sound would not tune in, and all I got was a 'XCXSCXSCSXCSXSCXSCX' sound. I rang Colin up again, and he promptly swore, then apologised. He tested the other power pack, and that one had the same problem! Being the hard working, dedicated person he is (well, I have to say that, he pays me) he asked around on his trip of the UK. At FORMAT, he sent me another power pack. Weeks later, I rang him to enquire where my power pack was. Yes, you guessed it - lost in the post! After several moments of swearing from Colin, he apologised again and sent me another in the post. Probably not the most profitable sale Colin has ever made, but it is quite a nice story to tell. Anyway, what am I doing? Ah, yes, Stewart. Good luck with the coursework (ho ho ho). Is there another show in April? Are you sure? If so, I'll definitely be there. See you then... CA Letter from Ted Edwards A word to Ted first. This was read to me over the phone by Colin Macdonald. If any of the wording is wrong, I apologise. Dear Colin and Colin, Thanks for FRED 51 which came with a reminder that another year has passed and you would like some more money. I consider the £20 well spent and value for money. Whilst the cheque book is out, I might as well give myself a Christmas present, so I'll order Oh No! More Lemmings and Impatience. Incidently (being a fairly keen gardener) IMPATIENS is the botanical name for a flower called Busy Zizzie. Not a lot of people know that. I'd really like to contribute something to your mag, but I'm afraid it'd be beyond me. Have you ever thought of putting in a crossword every month. Surely someone out there could compile one. Ted Edwards CA Reply to Ted Edwards Thanks for the letter Ted. Good to see you're keeping up your FRED sub - obviously a man of the 90's! Thanks also for filling me in on the flower thing. I feel my knowledge is eternally greater now. Incidently did you know that Andronicus Filplantius has a botanical name of Ohnous Moreandus Lemmingsus? Not many people know that either. Can I ask you a personal question? Do you dislike sleeping or something? You buy ON!ML and Impatience at the same time. You'll be up all night for a month trying to complete the darn things. You're very brave. A crossword, eh? That's a bit up-market. Actually, I had a crossword program included a few months back. It's in the Bits 'n' Bobs section of FRED forty-something. Have a look and tell me what you think. I can easily knock up another. Also, what did you think of 'Quiz'? Something like that can be repeated. I look forward to hearing from you soon. CA My, what a big letters section IS THAT IT??? NO MORE LETTERS??? AFTER ALL THE ONES I SENT??? Might as well write to myself then. And you can look at the blank gap below, and think what FRED would look like if you stop writing and programming. CA Letter from the WONDERFUL Colin Anderton Dear Colin, Happy Christmas! You're probably sick of that, after all the letters you've no doubt been sent by nice readers. It's not like they'd be NASTY and not send you anything. After all, how long does it take to write a few lines? No time at all. It doesn't even have to be on disc, as long as it's readable, huh? Anyway, I'm just writing to remind you that Matt Round's letter is in the scrolly on E-tunes. If you remember, it just missed issue 51, and he didn't want it in the letters section if it wasn't in FRED 51. However, it's such a dazzling show report that you decided to put in in the scrolly on E-tunes. It was also a rather convenient way of filling up a long scroller, wasn't it? Anyway, got to go. Good luck with FRED 52, and congratulations for FRED 51. All my love, COLIN ANDERTON CA Reply to the WONDERFUL Colin Anderton Dear Colin, Thanks for the letter. I think your first paragraph was a little misplaced, though. As if those nice readers would forget to write to me. Hah! Yes, Matt Round's show report/letter is in E-tunes. I hope you don't mind Matt, but I felt so guilty for missing FRED 51 that I had to use it. It's still very interesting. More interesting than a scroller that I would have written, anyway. SEE YOU ALL NEXT ISSUE!!!!!! Colin P.S. Don't forget - it's the holidays soon. GET PROGRAMMING! P.P.S. There's still time to order FRED stuff before Christmas! (A rather strange) SAMPaint review by Charles Manson 9:07am Post lady sighted at end of Friday Street. 9:08am Post lady starts deliveries of our road. Palms sweaty. 9:14am Post lady delivers to next door neighbour. Temperature at +2 degrees centigrade compared with normal. 9:15am Post lady props bike up against fence. Need physical restraint to stop me running up the path, shaking her by the elbows and screaming, "Have you got it? Dammit, tell me woman!". 9:16am After fumbling about, the Post lady produces a largish envelope from the recesses of her bicycle. Dull thud as it lands on the doormat. Brief scurry of limbs and a blur of movement as I grab the package and rend it's wrappings from it, revealing a slim and well typographed manual. SAMpaint has arrived. First impressions. Well, it's got slicker presentation than professional oil-spill simulator. And most of the icons are laid out in an easy to use way. Grouped together logically so to speak. The first thing you notice about the package is that it SAMPaint Review quite literally rockets along. Whatever it's having to calculate it doesn't matter. I only wish games programmers could write stuff this attractive and speedy. It has a vast array of functions too... A lot of which you'd never think were possible on the humble old SAM. And a lot you'd never think of. But when you use them it seems such an obvious idea that you are quite surprised that you never thought of it. I could harp on about the effects that can be produced with it. But if you're a subber then you'll have already seen most of them and been suitably impressed. And when you see the speed at which they are produced your jaw will drop. The package also has a very professional feel to it, which FLASH! did not. When you used flash it was very slow and tedious and about as friendly as a life long athiest who's just met Jesus whilst shopping at TESCO's. But it feels as if your SAM has turned into an archimedes upon booting up of the package. It really is that smooth.