Fred 31
Disk Magazine
Submitted by Dan Dooré on Monday, May 21, 2018 - 17:25.

Release Year
Copyrights Granted
Copyright Provenance
Issue 31
Item | Author | Description |
Menu | Andy Monk | |
Magazine | Fred Phoneline, SC_DTP Announced | |
Letters | Some Nice Interesting Letters... | |
Mog + Dog | Adrienne Nunn | Catch The Cat, Avoid The Poison Bones |
Bofh! | Charles Hawes | Humorous Text |
Life | Neil McClean | Notorious Cell-Evolution Thing |
Spirits | Stefan Drissen | Converted Speccy Demo |
Mc Article | Chris White | Chris White On Structuring |
Mom Demo | Masters of Magic | Typically High Quality Demo From Mom |
Clip Art | Ian Slavin | Selection Of Monochrome Graphics |
Cards | John Eyre | Patience And Whist Card Games |
Turbo Demo | Stevie D Mark Davis | Multi-Part Mc Demo |
Dead Ducks | Dan Dooré | Sick? Us? No Way! |
Jeep | Charles Hawes | Converted Zx81 Game! |
Fader | Neil McClean | Mc Screen-Fading Routine |
Repay | David Joyce | Fixed version Calculate Mortgage/Debt Repayments |
Huge Scroller | Ian Slavin | Screen-High Axe Scroller |
BM Editorial 'Ello. Nice to see you again, and I must say you're looking quite lovely as ever. February's been a busy month here at FRED; Colin's got his new phone line in (and he'll be talking about that a bit later), I've had to spend most of my time carrying out a project for Computer Studies at school, and the first of the year's 18th birthday parties have begun (hurrah!). A lot of you will have noticed that the "Run, Contents, Next" thing is missing from the main menu this month after a slightly less than spectacular debut in issue 30. Colin and myself had assumed that you'd all be delighted with such a system, as it seemed so popular amongst Outlet's readership. Obviously we assumed wrongly, as we received many letters from people who felt it was a complete waste of time. If some more of you get in touch to let us know how you feel about the situation then we should have a final decision for next issue. To have R,C,N or not to have R, C, N - that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler to suffer the presentationless menu, etc etc BM Editorial Some of you may be looking forward to reading Brian Cavers' technical letters section this issue - unfortunately you're going to have to wait another month, because we've haven't received enough of them to pass down to Brian! Obviously there's no point in devoting a section to one short letter/answer, so we've opted to just give the thing a miss this month. Please, please send in any techy queries so that we can include this feature! Thanks for the replies to my announcement last issue that I needed an aerial switcher for my TV. The problem is now solved, I'm glad to say - no more getting entangled in mountains of wires for me! Not until the next time I decide to move my furniture around, anyway. That's all for this Editorial, so I'll just say that I hope you enjoy the issue. Please don't let the fact that I sat long into the night to get it finished on time make you feel bad at all. I mean, I wouldn't want THAT, would I now... BM News Wop Gamma is now, as they say in Broons annuals, "oot", so you can send along your orders for it. If you missed FRED 30, we had a nice little demo of it which you might be interested in (which apparently didn't work on 256K machines. Oops!).We'll have a review of it next month, but just for the moment I can say that it looks great! I personally think it's the nicest looking game yet on the SAM; it looks more like a 16-BIT game than anything seen so far, anyway. There are 5 sets of graphics, 20 different in-game tunes, and a terrifying 99 LEVELS!!! That should keep most of you occupied for a good hour or thirty! As mentioned in last issue's newsletter which subbers now get, Steve's Software is producing a Desktop Publishing package, SC_DTP. Acronym fans shouldn't take too long to work out what that stands for... It's hoped that the package will be released sometime at the end of March, and we should have more details next issue. BM News Not ones to sit about doing nothing for very long, the Masters of Magic have done another game - Exodus. This'll be released by Revelation, and you can see a couple of screenshots in this month's SCREENS section. The game itself involves shooting millions of little creatures (I've no idea what they are - ST owners or something) and occasional sodding great big ones! We'll try and get you a demo for FRED 32, but no guarantees. The Tower, the RPG that FRED Publishing was hoping to release, is now sadly dead. Yup. It has shuffled off this mortal coil, snuffed it, kicked the bucket, popped its clogs etc etc. You can now get back issues of OUTLET from us, for the reasonable price of £3.50. The SAM issues are numbers 32 - 65 inclusive, so if you want to stock up on every SAM Outlet ever released you can now do so for the humble price of... um... ahh... £119. Oh. Should I maybe say the NOT so humble price of £119. Tell you what; if anyone orders all 34 back issues, we'll chuck in 10 FREE DISK LABELS!!! Wahey!! BM FRED Offers Always on the look out for ways to offer a high quality of service with a smile, FRED is pleased to announce that to celebrate, um, it being March (hey - don't knock it!), we can offer a free back issue of your choice with every copy of the fantastic game "Waterworks"! As if last month's brill review wasn't enough to make you buy it, eh? Cripes! (As they say in children's programs when it's not late enough to say (SNIP! - CM)!) HOT TIP: If you order Waterworks, don't select issue 1 as your back issue - it's crap! (In a typically FREDdishly fabbo sort of way) Our other major new big deal type thing is that if you are a FRED subber, you can phone in an order and we'll dispatch the sofware right away! As long as you post the cheque THE SAME DAY, and that's important, we'll send the goods right after the phone call, for the best service possible. This service is limited at the moment to just 2 items of software, but could increase if the scheme is successful. Remember: subscribers only! BM Who's Who There's seems to still be some confusion out there about who is writing what in the magazine, so to clarify things for all you amnesiacs (and the new readers, of course), you can tell who's writing a page by the initials in the top left corner. BM stands for Brian McConnell (my name, believe it or not), and CM stands for Colin Macdonald. So remember; before you write off or phone Colin to ask him why he said thingummy about whatever-it-is, check the initials in the top left corner. Occasionally there'll be other initials up there, but BM and CM are the main ones. Right. That's that sorted out. Now I'll let you have a gander at whatever Colin has written for this issue. Take it away Colsie... CM FRED Phone Line is in!!!! Yes, that's right folks - there is now a dedicated FRED phone- line. The main reason for this was that the house number was constantly ringing with calls regarding FRED, and the number has to be increasingly used for emergencies - so a permanently engaged phone wasn't much use! As of now therefore you should NEVER ring the old number that has been publicised for the last two years - this line has to be kept clear for important personal calls. The new phone-line means that when I'm talking on the phone I can get some work done at the same time - as well as having immediate access to anything regarding FRED if I have to sort out any problems. CM It's the FRED-phone, Batman. If I'm not in to answer the FRED line, there is an answering machine to take messages - just leave a short message and ring back later. So what's the magic phone number? Same code, 0382, and the number is [redacted] ie : 0 3 8 2 [redacted] Please remember, even if you don't get an answer on this number, do NOT call the old number because you will simply be told that I'm no longer available on that number and you should ring the FRED number. CM More SAM stuff!!! Now that ETracker is actually released, and seeing the popularity of it last time, we're bringing back the CREATIVITY PACK!! Costing only £40 you get GamesMaster from BetaSoft (worth £25) and ETracker from FRED (worth £30). So you can write commercial machine code games on GamesMaster, add professional music and sound effects to them via ETracker and send them into FRED for publication and you'll make your first million!! Samples of ETracker music have appeared on FRED for the last 6 months, can be heard on this month's menu, FRED'92 disc, or any of these commercial games : Parallax, Bulgulators, WaterWorks, Craft, SnakeMania and Wop Gamma!! This offer is open indefinitely, and ONLY to FRED or INDUG subscribers. CM More Stuff! As mentioned in last month's newsletter, GM_Software's database and spreadsheet are now available through FRED. Priced at £9.99 each they are not up to professional standards but are more than adequate for your needs (unless you're trying to prepare Robert Maxwell's accounts). Also a recent addition is Tim Humphries MIDI Sequencer (V2). This is the same piece of software sold through SAMCo although we cannot supply the leads. The MIDI Sequencer software costs £34.99. By popular request, we've also sorted out Printer Packs similar to those sold by SAMCo. Thanks to West Coast Computers, the printer interfaces are now available once again and we can supply the printer, lead and interface as one single pack. More details on next page. CM Printers The Citizen 120D+ is ample for most needs. It's a mono 9-pin printer. On it's own for £149.99, or with the cable and interface needed to connect it to SAM it costs £175. The Citizen Swift 9 is a 9-pin printer but with a colour facility. It comes with a colour ribbon to get you started. On it's own for £229.99, or with the cable, interface AND colour dump software for just £255 The Citizen Swift 224 is a low-cost, colour 24-pin printer for great output. Comes with colour ribbon for £279.99. Or with the cable, interface and colour dump software for a mere £300. The Citizen Swift 24e is the "creme-de-la-creme" in low-cost printers. A superb 24-pin, colour printer with the colour ribbon for £349.99, or with the cable, interface and software for £370. Send orders to usual FRED address, but we must allow 14 days for cheque clearance so don't expect the usual same-day service! CM ETracker addendum Unfortunately, in the first few copies of ETracker that went out there were a few mistakes in the manual that slipped through. I do apologise for these and hopefully I can rectify these now so that you can even more entertainment out of ETracker : The MUSIC.PLAY file had to be taken off the Program disc at the last minute. However, you're not losing out because the INT.MUSIC file does everything it did anyway. When the manual says to merge the code in the compiler at address 16384, you will have more luck with the number 32768. Just change the number you enter, don't alter the INT.MUSIC program other than the filename of your program. I hope these havn't caused too many problems. Thanks to the numerous people that have phoned up or written in saying how well they're getting on with ETracker - it's always nice to get feedback, please let us know what you think of things. BM Brian Again So now you all now about the FRED phone line. Actually Colin just wanted it so that he didn't have to get out of his seat to answer the phone, the lazy git. After seeing that stuff about printers, I have to say something about the Canon BJ10-ex. That's the one I've got, and as far as text printing is concerned it's amazing for the price. You can usually pick these up for £200 - £250 depending on where you look, but I really can't emphasise enough just how good they are. You can even design your own fonts and download them to the printer, instead of buying expensive font cartridges which other printers need. The printer does come with a considerable number of built-in fonts though, and is Epson compatible. Smart it is. (You'll probably need an Amiga to use the font-download facilities though). Only problem with it is it costs another £50 for an automatic sheet feeder, and it can't use tractor-fed paper. Apart from that though, magic. BM Miscellaneous Stuff Right now the FRED stock cupboard is literally bursting at the seams with Prince of Persia and Footy Director II, so now's your chance to get hold of one if you've unable to do so. I think there's a couple of 256K expansions lying around as well, so it might be a good idea for those of you who still only have 256K to get one. Remember that FRED also stocks many other titles of software, not just its own titles. --+ Celeb Programmer In FRED Shocker! +-- In what can only be described as a quite incredible publicity stunt, we are proud to annouce that we've managed to get top SAM programmer CHRIS "Prince of Persia" WHITE to write this month's Machine Code article! And THAT's something that not every magazine can claim to have! You don't see Chris in minor mags like YS do you? Nope, it's only the best for ol' Chrissy boy: FRED. Next month: Kylie explains the ASIC chip in detail. BM The Great Software Giveaway!! Welcome. Welcome to something extraordinary. Something never seen before. Something that'll blow your mind - the FRED Software Giveaway... Poncy intro eh? Never mind though, I'm sure you're all capable of ignoring something like that. So what's this software giveaway thing all about? Good question and, coincidentally, one which I'm just about to answer. It's a competition (never!) intended to give those of you who were sensible enough to buy either Etracker, Gamesmaster, SCADs, or all three(!) an extra incentive to "get creating". What we want is for you to send in either a utility, a game or an Etracker tune. The tunes must (obviously) be written on Etracker, and the games must be on SCADs or Gamesmaster, but utilities can be written on anything you want (as long as it's on the SAM...!) BM The Prizes! Now things start getting a bit complex (to a mere FRED editor like me, anyway). There are three 1st Prizes, one for each category - utility, game, tune - and three 2nd prizes. That gives 6 sets of prizes. Each set consists of each and every item of FRED software yet released, except the Etracker tune writers who don't get Etracker for obvious reasons. The first prize winners will also get their piece published commercially, and therefore be in line for a large wad of royalties! As well as that, entries which don't win 1st prize will be featured in FRED, and the authors will be appropriately rewarded with either cash or free issues of the magazine. Incidentally, back issues are NOT included in the software giveaway - for a start you should all HAVE most of them! - but the FREDatives, Rachel, and all the FRED games and utilities are all there!! BM A Bit More Info Don't be put off writing a game just because you're not too hot at graphics; we'll be judging the entries on much more than how they look (which is quite important for the music entries!). Originality, effort, depth, these are all things which will be considered, but in the end it'll be the overall impression which decides the winning entry. Joint entries are perfectly acceptable; if you want to get somebody else in to do some graphics for your game or utility, then that's fine, but we will only give one set of software for each winning piece of software. If for some reason you don't want your entry put on FRED, please say so or we'll automatically consider doing so. All entries must be with us by the end of July 1993. BM A Bit More Info If we get numerous brilliant utilities and games - and let's hope we do! - then we might consider commercially publishing more than just the 1st-prize winner's item. Any other pieces published will just miss out on all the software. Hopefully that covers everything. If you do have any queries, though, you know the address to write to. Well, Colin and I look forward to seeing all your games/ utilities/tunes. BM Disk Contents I've had a bit of a telling off for never mentioning the authors of the screens which get included, so from this month onwards screen contributors will get mentioned. This month's selection is from C Dodd, Phil Wilson, Masters of Magic, and Charles Hawes. Mog & Dog is a nice little game for you, based upon that nice harmless pastime, eating cats. Adrienne Nunn is the sick fiend responsible. Great fun. BOFH - The B*****D Operator From Hell! Thanks to Charles Hawes for sending this in - it's brilliant. Read about the antics of the BOFH and laugh yourself silly. Magic. We'll have more of this next month, so don't miss FRED 32. Life Sim by N Maclean is one of those strangely fascinating little programs where you watch cells die and appear depending on their surroundings. You'll like this. BM Disk Contents Unlimited Spirits is another converted Speccy demo. Converted by Stefan Drissen, this was given away on a YS covertape, and was originally written by Vision of TMG Corporation, so thanks to all of them for making it possible. Press SPACE to return to the menu whilst in this demo, by the way. The Machine Code article is of course by Chris White. I know you won't have heard much about him, but we at FRED like to help these obscure unknowns get a little bit of fame every now and again; you know, it does their egos a bit of good. Chris is a programmer, and although you won't have heard of anything he's done, he did do a small game called Prince of Persia. Never heard of it myself, you understand, but it pays to humour these unknowns... MOM Demo - the Masters of Magic return with a demo containing, amongst other things, what I think is the best looking font of all time. Some bad news lies in this demo, so be careful - you don't want to upset yourselves. BM Disk Contents Clip Art is a selection of art from Ian Slavin. Need I say more? Cards contains a couple of card games, Whist and a Patience variant, both written by John Eyre. Both come with instructions. The best I can get in Patience is 4 and 0, so try and beat that... Turbo megademo is a megademo - incredible as it may seem. Look out for some scarily bad jokes!! Thanks to Stevie D and the Medic for this. Bits N Bobs now: There's a huge scrolly from Ian Slavin which you can adapt to your own particular needs, there's a fader program which fades your screens to black, a Jeep game - keep your 4x4 on the road - and a game where you have to kill ducks. very tasteful. Apology corner now - last month's Repay program didn't actually work! We've got it again this month though, so thanks to Dave Joyce for giving us the original AND the working version! BM Le Menu No doubt you were all suitably flabbergasted by another of our nice Machine Code menu programs, again written by Andy Monk who probably produces more music now than PWL (and it's much better as well!). If you can write a menu of any sort, please send it in, as we can never have enough of them! The same applies, as ever, to other material; screens, E-Tracker Tunes (of which we've kind of run out this month, which is why there's no ETunes section), utilities, games, megademos, anything at all which has a reasonably wide ranging appeal. No scrollies written exclusively in Arabic please! Unless of course they've got nice graphics in the background plus a decent tune playing along; the we can all just pretend to not be bothered about not being able to read the thing. BM Credits Editor: Brian McConnell Invaluable Contributors: Stefan Drissen I Slavin David Joyce Banzai Andy Monk Stuart Creegan Charles Hawes Stevie D Masters of Magic Adrienne Nunn Medic John Eyre C Dodd Chris White Darren Hubbard Phil Wilson FRED Publishing Phone:- [redacted] [redacted] >>> Music + Wrestling >>> . BM Music Welcome to our Dinosaur Jr special! Not only the album but the live show as well! Oooh, you lucky lucky people you! We've also got a rap review of '92 by Stuart Creegan. Not my type of music, but I suppose somebody somewhere must like it..? Dinosaur Jr - Where You Been? Ahh, a lovely album. Something's persuaded J Mascis to get a bass player, and the extra quality in the music is amazing! A ten-tracker, I was quite surprised when I found this lasted about 50 minutes; a very respectable album length. This is a much more acoustic album than their last couple, and only a ccouple of songs really have any pace to them. All the songs are nice and atmospheric though, and really get you. A few more pacy songs would have been nice, but this still oozes quality - 8 out of 10. Just the thing to listen to after a concert, which brings us nicely onto the next item... BM Dinosaur Jr - Live! Before I begin, can I just say that nobody won the competition set a couple of issues ago about coming up to me at the concert and saying the magic words. Which was a shame, as I looked forward to seeing some of you there. I did see lots of people being beaten up though, which was strange.... Colin has told me that a couple of you have phoned him and said that you were at the concert - it was brill wasn't it! Oh, that Freak Scene encore was something else... Well. It seems I've successfully taken all the suspense out of the review. Never mind. The day started at about 11:00 am - I got the morning off work due to a convenient dentist's appointment (I usually start at 6:30...). So after I got dressed at about 1:00 pm, it was off up town to get the bus through to Glasgow. When I got up town and met a couple of friends we all remembered suddenly that the bus didn't leave until 5:30 pm! Oh, darn. Naturally we decided to obtain some refreshments... BM DJ - Live Refreshments - bad move. 5 minutes after getting on the bus, I had a distinct feeling that a toilet would be convenient. After half an hour of that, things were getting kind of serious, so when the bus stopped at Perth I asked the driver if he could stay stopped for a couple more minutes. His reply? "There's one at the back of the bus" Oh. Right. And there was as well, which was a bit embarrassing. Wasn't my fault though - how am I supposed to see a toilet that's lower than the level of the seats? Anyway, the rest of the journey went smoothly, watching Return of the Jedi. After getting off the bus and waiting for what seeming like a fortnight in the freezing cold (with only a T-shirt for warmth), we got in. The only good DJ T-shirts were £18, so I didn't get one. Now onto the music!!!! BM DJ - Live The support bands were Bettie Serveert, who were class, and Come, who weren't really class at all. Bettie had a good set of songs which were loud enough to enjoy, but quiet enough so that tunes were very obvious. Perfect for a support band. The crowd weren't too animated for them (ie standing still, watching), but apparently that's the way it goes for support bands. I'll need to get the BS album sometime... Come were a bit crap. I don't why, but I just didn't enjoy them at all. Maybe it's because of the two really weird girls standing next to me who kept putting each other's hoods up and down!! It got quite worrying, actually. Onto Dinosaur Jr then. Fantastic. From the moment they came on the whole audience was jumping and swaying like mad, and it was difficult to stay upright! It was unbelieveable when they started playing "Start Choppin'" - a tad wild! - and "Get Me" was superb! BM DJ - Live Most of the songs were plainly recognisable but I really couldn't put a name to them. I can definitely remember Just Like Heaven and Keep the Glove (which is BRILLIANT!) from the Fossils CD. The highlight of the evening, no doubt what-so-ever, was Freak Scene. It was MENTAL! Loud, crazy, and perfect. I'll never forget just standing there singing along to:- Sometimes, I don't thrill you, Sometimes I think I'll kill you, Just don't let me f**k up will you, 'Cos when I need a friend it's still you... Amazing stuff. 10 out of 10. Next month sees reviews of another few new albums, including the God Machine. The next official FRED-attended concert will be the Lemonheads at the Barrowlands, Saturday April 10th. Be there!!!! SC Rap Review of '92 by Stuart Creegan ---== Best Albums ==--- House of Pain - House of Pain :- Everlast recreates his image from a pristine model type to a rough street hoodlum with his raps based around his greatness and his Irish origins. DJ Muggs (from Cypress Hill) and DJ Lethal create the thumping back beats while Everlast and Danny Boy's rough lyrics complement each other excellently. Tracks worth noting include "Jump Around", "Shamrocks and Shenanigans" and "Put On Your S**t Kickers". Highly recommended. Da Lench Mob - Guerillas in the Mist :- Ice Cube's proteges come correct on an album of their own (although Cube does make an appearance on almost every song!). Aggressive gangster lyrics with a positive message. Da Lench Mob have assumed a decidedly Islamic viewpoint about whites (that they're all racist devils!). Class tracks - Buck the Devil, Who You Gonna Shoot Wit That, Freedom Got An Ak, and the title track. SC Review of 92 Das EFX - Dead Serious:- Debut album from the newest members of EPMD's Hit Squad. Rappers Dray and Skoob create an original rhyming style on this album to great effect. The Brooklyn duo toos words at each other and scramble lyrics around to produce a unique sound. The beats are reminiscent of EPMD; loud and lazy. Best tracks include "Jessummen", "They Want EFX", and "Mic Checka" although every track is excellent. The only disappointment is the short length - 40 miutes. Eric B and Rakim - Don't Sweat The Technique :- Rakim returns after the reasonably good "Let The Rhythm Hit 'Em" of 1990. This latest album really packs a punch. It caters for a wider audience than their previous albums, but this doesn't detract from the quality of this production. DJ Eric B has musically surpassed himself, still using the jazzy samples and loops, but now incorporating hard beats and basslines as on "The Punisher", "Know the 'Ledge (Juice)" and "Pass the Hand Grenade DH Darren Hubbard's Wrestling Video Review Right thats it. I'm not doing any more articles about the WWF - I'm doing video reviews instead. Why? Because of Doink the Clown. If you think that wrestling isn't being taken seriously enough, then take a look at this guy and you'll be right. Another reason, the Royal Rumble preview was printed two months after the event finished! So the news is out of date. Er yes. Video reviews then. I'll comment on the matches, give them the marks then comment on the production quality and give the marks to that too. This month... WWF DAVEY BOY SMITH - BRITISH BULLDOG (Silver Vision £10.99) This tape features the best of the Bulldog's (BB) matches from late 91 to middle 92. Before the tape starts, look for the great Summerslam 92 advert. Superb! Right, the intro by Sean Mooney, who talks a bit about the British Empire before the first match starts. There are five matches in all. But are they any good? Let's have a squaye. (Err...It means look). DH BRITISH BULLDOG vs THE WARLORD Match commentry by Gorilla Monsoon & Booby Heenan. Interesting match this one because they are (were) the 2 strongest men in the WWF. Starts with a few shoves, until the Warlord kicks him in the stomach for the advantage. Whips him to the ropes, tries to kicks him again but BB simply catches his foot and nuts him in the belly. Warlord soons comes back, only to miss a clothes-line, while BB hits two of his own which sends the Warlord sailing over the top rope on his feet. BB slingshots himself over the top rope, only to by caught by the Warlord who rams his kidneys into the ringpost. BB crawls onto the apron, rams Warlord's head into the turnbuckle and delivers a stunning top-rope dropkick (note the high-cross bodyblock which he misses and he snares his doobries on the second rope. The Warlord pretty much takes control here, with a great belly-to-belly gutwench suplex, a fab power clothes-line and a full-nelson for three minutes. BB comes back with a clothes-line from the second turnbuckle, a 7-second delayed suplex and gets a two-count. BB goes for his powerslam but Warlord grabs the DH BULLDOG v WARLORD cont ropes. The Warlord goes for a clothes-line but BB hooks his arms and takes him over for a crucifix for the three-count. Good match, here - 13 minutes - * * * and a half I think. BB v RICK MARTEL Commentry by Lord Alfred Hayes & Sean Mooney. Quite boring for the first couple of minutes - BB grabs Martel in a side headlock, Martel moans a bit about his hair and you can hear the Bulldog's great accent clearly. BB gets Martel in an armbar, a hiptoss, and another armbar is applied. Martel throws him outside the ring, does some damage on the outside, and both go back in. Martel works on the lower back, with a elbow drop and a knee, and gets a two-count. Martel goes for a backdrop, BB kicks him in the head, gives an atomic drop and two clothes-lines until Martel escapes from the ring. Bulldog flings him back inside, shoulderblocks his belly, and does a sunset flip from outside of the ring for the pin. Not so good, quite average actually. - 6 minutes - * * DH BULLDOG v SHAWN MICHAELS Commentry by Monsoon and Hayes. Now, if you regularly watch wrestling, then you may notice comments by Hayes with girls and women in the audience. Two comments by Hayes sum it up. "Sensational Sherri is a lovely looking girl" and "Oh gosh! Look at these lovely looking girls, too." He says at least one of these on every match he commintates. So I don't believe what he says in this little gem...(Monsoon=GM, Hayes=AH) GM: I don't know whether you noticed, but Sherri has a tattoo right on her breast! AH: I don't look at things like that Gorilla! GM: Oh come on. (Camera shot on Sherri) There! Can you see it? You can see it right there Alfred! Ah: I'm not going to be caught looking at Shawn Michaels has made great improvement... Priceless! Oh, the match. Well, a BB clothesline, head-butt. A Michaels crescent kick, backdrop, chokehold and a double axhandle. Bulldog later dumps Michaels' tackle on the ropes, boucing them up and down (Arrrgggghhh!!!) DH Bulldog vs Michaels (cont) Michaels gets disqualified when Sherri tries to choke Bulldog on the apron. Bulldog tries to powerslam her, but Michaels trips him up. Not very good. 8 minutes. * and a half, I'm afraid. Oh! The tattoo bit! * * and a half then! Bulldog vs Earthquake Commentry by Hayes and Mooney. BB comes to the ring acompanied by Andre the Giant, who had trouble with Earthquake, who broke Andre's leg. Bulldog gets the early advantage with 3 clotheslines, 2 dropkicks and a double-axhandle which sends Andre over the top rope. EQ gets back him to hit four bear-hugs and a powerslam. EQ goes outside kicks Andre's injured leg, gets back in the ring, for a elbow drop. EQ runs rope-to-rope for his vertical splash but Andre smashes his crutch against EQ's back. Bulldog gets up, and body slams the 468lb (33 stone!) Earthquake and gets the pin. Alright I suppose. Boring commentry though. Lasts 8 and a half minutes, and I'll give it * * and a half. DH Bulldog vs Irwin R Schyster Commentry by Monsoon and Heenan. Heenan kicks off the match with a few wisecracks about the Bulldog - "Why does Whoopi Goldberg do his hair?" and "Are those beads in his hair or just big dandruff?" Gosh, did my sides split or what! No. Right, two shoulderblocks by the Bulldog then they both trade hiptosses. Within the first 5 minutes too. 4 manuevers in 5 mins? No, sorry. Can't accept that. The next couple of minutes are better through, with an IRS abdominal stretch his finishing move the Write Off and a legdrop. IRS (or Iris as I call him) can't get the pin though. A few minutes later, Iris tries to suplex him out of the ring, but BB reverses it into a 6 second delayed suplex. BB misses a big splash attempt but soon comes back to ram Iris' head into the turnbuckle and to nut 'im 3 times. Iris reverses a Irish whip in attempt, gets his briefcase to smack over the Bulldog's bonce but BB just punches him one in the belly. He gets Iris up for his powerslam, but Iris desparately clings onto Jimmy Hart on the Apron. The ref does a splended overhead kick on Jimmy's hands and BB gets the pin. 13 minutes. Below average because Iris spends so much time outside the ring. * * Final Verdict Presentation quality on the tape is excellent, with no cuts or edits. The camera shots are perfectly okay (including a great camera shot of a Bulldog dropkick off the top turnbuckle onto the Warlord) but the box spoils things a bit by having a stupid and git big grey bulldog on the cover. The photograph on the cover isn't one of his best either. * * * * Five matches, one hour overall on the tape (and a great SummerSlam 92 advert!) I'll give this...* * and a half altogether. Theres gaps to fill! For a mail order brochure of WWF videos write to Silver Vision, P.O. Box 111, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1LE. For a list of more vids, if you have Sky, listen to the Wrestling Radio Show on Euronet at 4.30 pm every weekday or just write to them at: The Wrestling Radio Show, PO Box 137, Aylesbury, Bucks HP22 5FB. I can be reached to answer any questions at 10 Princetown Tce, North Moor, Sunderland SR3 1RL. Next Month: WWF Fan Favourites (if it gets here in time!) P.S. If you're reading this, Ian Macc, you owe me one!
Letters & Reviews
BM Contents 01 - This highly informative (and decorative!) contents page 02 - Letter from Darren Hubbard 04 - Reply to Darren Hubbard 06 - Letter from Matthew Collins 07 - Reply to Matthew Collins 08 - Letter from G Robson 09 - Letter from A Jeenes 11 - Reply to A Jeenes 13 - Letter from F Lewis 14 - Letter from Robert Pain 15 - Reply to Robert Pain 16 - Letter from D Gray Letter from Darren Hubbard Dear Colin/Brian Just a short one (fnarr)... 1.How do you use the smart bomb in Parallax? 2.Can anyone fix the bug in Football Director 2? It won't allow you to play any European Cup final - it just jumps to next season. 3.How do you work the "MOVE" command 4.Any SAM P.D. liberies left? Fastline gone. Contact gone. CMS gone. MOM gone. How about Turbo, I haven't heard from them in ages? 5.How to make FORMATting disks 1% more entertaining. First, reset the SAM and press the break button. Boot up a disk then FORMAT a new one. I'll leave the sheer excitement to you. 6.My ENTER key has snapped off. On closer examination, on my SAM under the enter key there is no small white, crosshead thing keeping the ENTER key in. Can I get one of these small dooberies anywhere? 7.What is my subscription number? I've had three different ones so far - 0421, 0921 and 0956. 8.I've just had a phone call from Electronic Arts (the software company). Apparently, they'll give me £100,000 + Lamboughini Spider if I'll convert "SHARES" to the Megadrive. I declined. 9.Oh blimey. This letter is longer than expected. Perhaps you can span it over two or three FREDs/Outlets if you canna be bothered to answer it in one go (I know I couldn't)! DARREN "BRIND, TROUGLE, SPONKALIKLE, NOTLOB, GOTWAC" HUBBARD P.S. I read the music bit - it's great! BM Reply to Darren Hubbard To take your various points, in no particular order (just to spice things up a little bit): - As far as I know, no there aren't any SAM PD libraries still going. - Formatting disks can be even MORE exciting if you buy another SAM which you can then use to play Dyzonium whilst waiting for the format to finish.... - When my "A" key snapped off, I too noticed that the little white crosshair thing had fallen off. Not to be outdone, however, I superglued the key back on regardless. Of course, it did take a fair bit of effort to separate my fingers after that little escapade, and so it's probably not too advisable. Remember kids, FRED can accept no responsibility for "accidents" which might occur in the implementation of such a remedy, so don't come running to us if you end up more attatched to your SAM than ever before (what a smart little play on words, eh?). BM Reply to Darren Hubbard - I'm glad you like the music bit. This month we've got a nice Dinosaur Jr special - their new album AND the recent UK tour!! - If anybody can fix the bug in FD II, get in touch with FRED. Or, in other words, we can't help you personally. Sorry. - Your sub number is the latter - 0956, Colin tells me (and he should know!). - The smart bomb activates as soon as you collect it, so in order to kill vast amounts of aliens you'll need to collect it just before it floats off the screen (and the aliens arrive). - If you mean the MOVE command in Masterdos, it's explained in the manual, but we'll ask Brian Cavers if he can explain things a little more fully next month. I seem to remember that there was a bit of a fuss about the command not working in SAMDos, if that's the one you're meaning...? - BRIAN Letter from Matthew Collins Dear Fred, Firstly, thanks for the mention in the most recent issue of Fred. Keep up the momentum with the magazine. I thought your big competition was a good idea, and wish you the best of luck with it. Also, the selection of mouse programs on the most recent disk was both entertaining and impressive. My only qualm is with the seemingly endless stream of files under the cryptic headings of "T-TTL" and suchlike. I find it most disappoiting when, expecting some marvel of SAM programming, I meet instead the solutions (or whatever) to the next few levels of some game that is not even in my possession! No - overall, I think you deserve thanks and congratulations, as I am sure a great deal of effort goes into preparing each issue. Matthew Collins ORB Software BM Reply to Matthew Collins Thanks for the information about how to fix the little bug in SPRITEMASTER; I don't suppose we'll be receiving an entry from ORB Software in our big competition..? We included the solutions to TRILTEX simply because such a large proportion of the readers do own the game and there had been considerable demand for the solutions to the levels. Rather than print out hugely complex text solutions it was felt that it would be better to just show people what to do. There are always going to be programs which appeal to some people more than others, which is something which really can't be avoided. I suppose can be a bit annoying having cryptic titles like T-TLL, so we're sorry about that. We'll try to be a bit clearer in future. Of course, you could always buy the game! - BRIAN Letter from George Robson Thank you for your letter with information about FRED taking over OUTLET. I have been an Outlet subscriber for well over two years and was very sorry to hear that they had to finish producing the SAM version. However, I have from time to time purchased copies of FRED and also a copy of Spellmaster, and I will be happy to continue to receive FRED. One query I have regarding FRED: when one has finished with an item on the disc, I find that X or ESC does not always get you back to the main menu, and I have to reset the SAM and re-BOOT. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong, or is it just the case? BRIAN - I'm afraid that you are going to have to keep resetting the SAM and rebooting! Where possible, we do try to have the magazine linked; adding extra lines or two to BASIC programs, changing STOP commands to BOOT commands, and suchlike, but in some cases this is simply not possible. Letter from A Jeenes Dear Editor, I fully appreciate the long hours and hard work which goes into the production of such disc magazines as FREDm but feel that the general tenor seems to favour the younger generation. The only items which caught my interest were the M/C programs. Perhaps I should highlight a few points :- 1. Programs such as Hangman, Snail Race, Bounce and Demos or items involving sprites which climb ladders, jump on lifts and gobble up blobs - more for teenagers. 2. Programs involving the use of the sound chip - I feel that, as good as they are, music lovers would prefer to turn on their Hi-Fi or CD. Others would like to learn the know-how to produce drum, violin sounds etc. to enable them to write their own routines. 3. Selective programs which can only be used by, for instance, owners of a "Mouse". 4. An Editorial more closely associated to computer affairs and routines similar to those produced by Tony Baker for varioues mags., some time ago. These are my personal views but I realise that it is important for you to cater for the majority of your subscribers. I have been a continuous member of Format since its inception, possibly because it deals with the more serious aspects of programming applications. All the best to yourself and your readers, A Jeenes BM Reply to A Jeenes First of all, FRED is actually intended to be a light-hearted affair. We realise that sometimes people prefer more practical programs in magazines, but FRED has been built up on the basis that it is used primarily as a source of entertainment. We do try to keep a balance though, as the regular M/Code tutorials and occasional utilities show. We know that a fair proportion of our readers are a little older than the 11 - 19 age group, and it is often these people who PREFER light-hearted programs; many of our readers are retired and do not wish to learn about their computers, just enjoy them. We like to think FRED can help in this respect, and I think it's a bit unfair to say that once you get past 50 or so computer games lose their appeal. You say that people should be told how to produce their own music - why? Everybody will be listening to CDs... No, I see your point, but the from other letters we get it seems that the E-Tunes section is one of the most popular in the mag! BM Reply to A Jeenes The reasoning behind providing mouse-only programs is simply to encourage people to buy mice, and to provide something for those brave enough to buy them in the first place. I'm sure we can ALL remember what it was like when the SAM didn't get any software support in the beginning... If people would send in computer-related articles then we would gladly print them, but it's really quite difficult to think up topics write about, never mind actually writing them regularly! Whenever something does spring to mind though, I try to include it in the Editorial. Finally, I may as well put in a little reminder that we can only publish what we get sent; if everybody sends in light-hearted demos, then we can only publish light-hearted demos! We do of course welcome programs of any sort though, so if anybody has any "serious" ones, please do send them in! - BRIAN Letter from F Lewis Dear FRED, I am writing to ask you if have seen or heard of a game of Crib or Cribbage for the SAM Coupe. In the SAM Newsdisk number 4 it mentions a game of cribbage coming shortly; since then I have heard nothing mentioned and I was wondering if you could help me find such a game. F Lewis BRIAN - It doesn't take much to work out that if we hadn't heard of a cribbage game we wouldn't have bothered printing this letter. Revelation were planning to release a compendium game with numerous traditional games on it, but we all know about what happened last summer. I believe the New-and-Improved, Whiter-Than-Ever Revelation are still planning to release the pack though, so if you can wait a little bit longer, joy and eternal happiness could be yours! Letter from Robert Pain This is actually my first non-order letter to FRED Publishing. Firstly, I wish to congratulate you on recent releases, most noticably the brilliant Etracker. It is amazing! A small notice to all FRED readers - buy it now, you won't regret it! Even if you aren't too musical (like me) then buy it anyway, you may (or should I say WILL) be pleasantly surprised. Secondly, I want to say a little about the much hyped Waterworks. Is it any good? Well, how can I say no! If you enjoy puzzle games then it is suitably mind-bending to present a fair challenge (it took my entire weekend up just getting to level 20 (but I don't like to brag about that too much)), but if you don't like puzzle games then it can still be fun trying to be cruel to the aliens by drowning them etc. etc. I would give it 9 out of 10 if you enjoy puzzle games, else it is worth about 7. A 2 word summary: buy it!!! After seeing the demo on ish 30, Wop Gamma also looks an exciting release. Robert Pain BM Reply to Robert Pain I don't think there's much I can add to Robert's letter; obviously he has good taste in software, and a very persistent nature! Level 20 in two days!? Lummey! As far as Etracker is concerned - well, you heard the man; go out and buy it now! Thanks for the level codes for Waterworks, but I think it is a little bit early to print them all yet. We may print some of the codes in a few issues time though; who knows? - BRIAN Letter From D Gray Hello FRED readers! I am sending in this letter as a review of BOING! This review is a bit short but I am feeling very decisive on the subject! This is due to a tiny niggle I have against BOING! - have completed it after only receiving it yesterday! BOING! is even easier than Sphera but for those of you who cannot get past level 2 on Sphera this game would be a worth while investment. BOING! has the advantages of; A nice tune, brilliant graphics, good animation, good sound effects and brilliant response on a joystick or keys. The bad bitties about it; Some off music cuts out when you jump etc, not very many puzzles and its 'lastability' is very low for someone like me. That is it for the review, now for some questions: 1 Does anybody know what the torch is for in BOING!? 2 Can anybody get to level 11 or above in Parallax?.....I can't be that good - can I? 3 Does anybody know what 'test mode' does on Manic Miner yet? 4 What Alan Miles doing? - Is he OK? 5 Is the SAM going to be accelerated? 6 What has happened to the SCADs? Thats it from me for now...I will be back. HydreX BRIAN - I can't answer the rest of your questions, but I can assure you that SCADs is doing fine!! You can order your copy right this very minute from FRED if you like!
Machine Code Tutorial Part #22
Machine Code Part 22 Well welcome to Machine Code Part 22 coming to you from Woking. And its not Steve 'Wizard' Talyor, it's Chris White. Yes I am still alive; Colin asked me to run up a tuturial as Steve can not this month. But it looks like it run into a two for three issue. As Steve finally got round to Structured Coding last month I shall continue but this time with structuring a game (and a few basic thoughts about sprite control). And finally with the step by step development of a game. Game Structure. --------------- 99.9% of games will most probably use the following basic outline from development to completion (well, mine do anyway): Front End: This is the first thing the game player will see when He/She loads the game.And should have the following features/options. Players: Selection of number of players (can be 1 to 1 billion if you want) Control: Enabling the player(s) to change from Keys,Mouse or Joystick control Music: Enabling the player to change or turn music on/off Play: Usually upon the player pressing fire/mouse button and will then continue into the game program Sometimes there may be options to view high score tables,see intros,quit etc. These options depend upon the type/stye of the program. Game Time: Upon selection from front end to play game the program should end up here.Then we should go through the following procedures. Initialisation: Here we set up and varables,tables, screens,etc before allowing the player to see the game screen. And also setup inturpts for the options from the Front End Game Loop: In this section we would try to perform the folling list of comands Get Input Status: Get the current input results from the interrupt program. Scrolling: Some games require that the play area be scrolled and it is important to scroll before any Sprite Control is done, else the sprites will wobble about on the screen. Sprite Control: Move Player(s) Sprite(s) with the infomation given from the above Sub-Program + animate if it does. Move + Animate any computer controlled sprites. If any exist, that is. Colision detection. This can be with the following list. Sprite to Sprite Sprite to Background Displaying: After all the player would like to see something every now and then. Test for end: This is when we check to see if the player has lost all their lives,energy etc then we jump to End Game. Or if the game has been completed, then we Jump to Complete Game. If we reach here then return to Game Loop End Game: If we reach here then the player has died or completed the game so do one or all of : Display end of game: Say end of game or something if player has died Hiscore: if avaliable check if reach a place in hiscore and ask for name input. Display Hiscore: Only if you did not do above If you get here Jump to Front End unless there's something else you would like to do. Complete Game: If we reach here have we completed all the game of just a level. if only level complete increase level no and goto Game start. if end of game then show message because its nice for the player to get some reward. Then goto End game. So after all that the basics of the game should look like this (We hope) FRONT END --------- MAIN_START: CALL SETUP_SCR ;Display main screen if any MAIN_LOOP: CALL FLYBACK ;Wait for frame int CALL CHECK_OPTION ;Check for option selction LD A,(FIRE) ;Test for fire pressed OR A JR Z,MAIN_LOOP ;If fire=0 then no JP GAME_START ;Goto game program GAME TIME --------- GAME_START: CALL RESET_GAME ;reset vars for new game NEXT_START: CALL INIT_GAME ;setup screen to new level GAME_LOOP: CALL GET_INPUT ;get control status CALL SCROLL ;if needed scroll screen CALL SPRITE_CONT ;move etc. for sprites CALL SCREEN ;display sprites etc. LD A,(COMPLETE) ;test if completed game OR A JP NZ,COMP_GAME ;end of game reached LD A,(END) ;test if end of player OR A JP NZ,END_GAME ;test for player died JP GAME_LOOP ;go round again COMPLETED GAME -------------- GAME_COMP: CP -1 ;if end the Complete = -1 JP NZ,NEXT_LEV ;else Complete = next level CALL DISPLAY_END ;show end of message COMP_WAIT: LD A,(FIRE) ;Test for fire pressed OR A JR Z,COMP_WAIT ;If fire=0 then no JP GAME_END ;Goto game program NEXT LEVEL ---------- NEXT_LEV: LD (LEVEL),A ;set level no JP NEXT_START END OF GAME ----------- GAME_END: LD A,(COMPLETE) CP -1 CALL NZ,END_MES ;say sorry you died CALL HISCORE END_WAIT: LD A,(FIRE) ;Test for fire pressed OR A JR Z,END_WAIT ;If fire=0 then no JP MAIN_START ;Goto start of program Well thats the basic's of the game out of the way, now as promised a small discribtion of SPRITE CONTROL,(as this is what most people ask me about). First and formost a Sprite needs to have a table of inform- ation which tells the programmer all about the sprite. This can be of any size but it is better to keep it as compact as poss. The list below shows a basic table for a Sprite. XCOORD: DW 0 ;x position of sprite YCOORD: DW 0 ;y position of sprite SPRITE: DW 0 ;frame no of sprite FLAGS: DB 0 ;bit wize state of sprite VAR1: DB 0 ; VAR2: DB 0 ; VAR3: DB 0 ; VAR4: DB 0 ; VAR5: DB 0 ; VAR6: DB 0 ; VAR7: DB 0 ; PROGRAM: DW 0 ;address of control program Almost any form of sprite can use the above table and it is only 16 bytes long. Here is a discription of all entrys: XCOORD+YCOORD: With a Word this allows the sprite to go of the screen if needed and is easily check by testing the high byte of the coordinate. SPRITE: This allows more that 256 different imag- es in the game and give room for smoother animation to be achieved. FLAGS: This is for any of the following statues to affect the sprite: BIT DISCRIPTION STATE 0 Facing left/right 0/1 1 Alive/Died+Exploding 0/1 2 Printable/offscreen 0/1 3 4 5 6 7 VAR1-VAR7: These are spare bytes that may be needed durring development of a game. E.G. Hit count Attack pattern Computer control/player contol PROGRAM: This is the address of the program that is controling the sprite as some sprites only require small amount of checking/ movement etc. E.G. A bullet goes untill off screen or hits somthing. Where as a space ship moves in all eight directions and can hit back- gounds,bullets,ships etc Most of the table will become more apperant when we start the full development of the game. (Which I am still trying to decide which game to do). Now onto the main sprite control program. This is the sub- routine that calls the control programs for all the sprites. Basically what we do is have all our SPRITE TABLES follow each other in memory so we have to start at the first sprite in the sequence and continue untill we have delt with all the sprites and this will go something like this: SPRITE_CONT: LD HL,SPRITE_TABS ;Address of sprite tabs LD A,(SPRITE_CNT) ;No of sprites in game SPRITE_LOOP: EX AF,AF' ;save counter PUSH HL ;save address LD DE,M.XCOORD ;address of copy area LD BC,16 ;bytes per sprite LDIR ;copy them to copy area LD HL,(M.PROGRAM) ;get program address JP (HL) ;and jump to it SPRITE.RET: POP DE ;retrive address in DE LD HL,M.XCOORD ;address of copy area LD BC,16 LDIR ;copy then back to adr EX DE,HL ;replace address to HL EX AF,AF' ;retrive counter DEC A ;and decrease JR NZ,SPRITE_LOOP ;if not zero the repeat RET The copy area is identical to our Sprite info table but has a M. infront of the label this enables us to get a value with out using the Index Register IY and doing things like: LD L,(IY+0) LD H,(IY+1) To get the xcoord of the sprite but now we can do: LD HL,(M.XCOORD) This is quicker and also is easier to understand what is happening when we look throught or debuggging the program. We will look more closely at the precific sprite programs when we are writing the game as the programs vary depending upon the type and action the sprite is performing. Now lets looks a the different possiblitys of printing a sprite (or any thing else) onto the screen. There are several different methods some have been covered on Fred and there are only two requirements to consider when you are writing a sprite print routine: 1:Do we require 100% speed over memory (like Stefan Drissen sprite builder in Issue 29) 2:Or can we sacrifice a small amout of speed for versatlity So lets look at these two a bit mor detail. Option one advantages 100% speed,simplicity Option one disavatages One routine one sprite,two routines two sprites Etc. Can only clip of screen if you have seperate routines to print only parts of sprite. E.G. if sprite is 8 bytes wide and 16 bytes deep then you will need: 1 routine print all 7 routines clip left 7 routines clip right clip top + bottom will take ((16*2)*+(8*2))*8) more routines. Option one result This is perfect for games with little or no animation and the sprites stay within the screen area like: Bats'n'balls Parallax Boing Etc.. But no good for: Prince Of Persia Lemmings Populous XenonII Etc.. Option two advantages Small loss in speed,can store + replace background can clip,not limited to one sprite and uses small amounts of memory. Option two disadvanges Not 100% fast. With respect to Stefan on his EXCELENT Sprite Builder I will only be using Option two for its ease and secondly I hope to teach you how to write your own games, and not just use ever- body else's routines. So as we have explain why I will be using this method,I will now show you some different ways of achiving the required result of displaying a sprite. 1: The plonk on screen method (LDI METHOD) This is simple easy a cheap way of doing this as it erase's what was below (so speed increase for no store/replace of background). but leaves a horrible box around the image. EXAMPLE: LD HL,DATA LD DE,SCREEN LD B,DEPTH DEPTH: PUSH BC ; PUSH HL ;STORE VALUES PUSH DE ; LDI ;*WITDH POP HL ;GET SCREEN IN HL LD DE,128 ; ADD HL,DE ;NEXT LINE MODE 4 POP DE ;GET DATA IN DE EX DE,HL ;SWOP DE WITH HL POP BC ;GET DEPTH DJNZ DEPTH ;DECREASE AND REPEAT 2: The mask using mask table (STACK METHOD) This is great if you area very short on memory and can only store the pixel data of the image, But it is slowish and uses teh stack pointer so inturpts must be disabled, And you cannot use pen 0 in you sprite data as this will let the background show through. EXAMPLE: LD HL,SCREEN LD SP,DATA LD BC,ANDTABLE EXX LD B,DEPTH DEPTH: EXX ;REPEAT FOR WITDH COUNT/2 POP DE ;GET TWO DATA BYTES LD C,E ;SET UP MASK TAB ADRESS LD A,(BC) ;GET MASK BYTE AND (HL) ;MAKS WITH SCREEN OR C ;MIX WITH DATA LOW LD (HL),A ;PLACE ON SCREEN INC L ;NEXT SCREEN LOCATION LD C,D ;SET UP MASK TAB ADRESS LD A,(BC) ;GET MASK BYTE AND (HL) ;MAKS WITH SCREEN OR C ;MIX WITH DATA HIGH LD (HL),A ;PLACE ON SCREEN INC L ;REPEAT UNTIL WIDTH=0 LD DE,128-WIDTH ADD HL,DE EXX DJNZ DEPTH The andtable must start on a page boundary. What this means is the low byte of the address must be zero: E.G. &8000,&8700,&9800 (all in hex) ETC... and will look something like this DB &FF,&F0,&F0,&F0,&F0,&F0,&F0,&F0 DB &F0,&F0,&F0,&F0,&F0,&F0,&F0,&F0 DB &0F,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;REPEAT DB &00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;*15 3: Mask with data (MIXED METHOD) This method is the best for perfect masking as it enables us to have pen 0 as a sprite colour, But it does double the memory for storing the sprite. You can use the stack pointer with this method like this: LD HL,SCREEN LD SP,DATA LD BC,128-WITDH LD A,DEPTH DEPTH: EX AF,AF' ;REPEAT FOR WITDH COUNT POP DE ;GET MASK AND DATA BYTE LD A,E ;A=MASK AND (HL) ;MASK SCREEN OR D ;MIX DATA LD (HL),A ;REPLACE ON SCREEN INC L ;NEXT SCREEN LOCATION ;REPEAT UNTIL WITDH=0 ADD HL,BC EX AF,AF' DEC A JR NZ,DEPTH ;REPEAT UNTIL DEPTH=0 Or you can do the following method which does not use the stack: LD HL,DATA LD DE,SCREEN LD BC,128-WIDTH LD A,DEPTH DEPTH: EX AF,AF' ;REPEAT FOR WIDTH COUNT LD A,(DE) ;GET SCREEN BYTE AND (HL) ;MASK SCREEN INC L OR (HL) ;MIX WITH DATA INC HL LD (DE),A ;REPLACE ON SCREEN INC E ;REPEAT UNTIL WIDTH=0 EX DE,HL ;SWOP SCREEN WITH DATA ADD HL.BC ;NEXT LINE EX DE,HL ;SWOP SCREEN WITH DATA EX AF,AF' DEC A JR NZ,DEPTH ;UNTIL DEPTH=0 The last method is the most pratical if memory for data allows, And does not use stack, And give 100% perfect mask. **** NOTE **** Through the last section I have stated that it is unwise to use stack. This is only if you wish to have inturpts enables (which the game will have), As when an inturpt occurs it PUSHES onto the stack pointer the current program counter, And if stack points into data then the data will get currupted. (I hope you understood that) Also if you do use stack remmeber to store the stack before you use it and restore when you have finish. E.G: LD (STACK),SP LD SP,WHAT EVER ;DO PRINT OR WAHT EVER LD SP,(STACK) RET STACK: DW 0 Well before I finish the first article a little discusion about Collision Detection. Their are several type that can be used all depend upon speed and accuracy. E.G. Do we need to be pixel perfect (as in check only where the sprite has a pixel colour)- MASK COLISION Or do we only need to check the area of sprite (as in putting an invisable box around it)- BOX COLISION The most common used is BOX colision as this is quick to check and also has a moderate amount of accuracy,Where MASK colision is 100% accurate (if done right) but can be time consuming. MASK COLLISION: The theory behind this is when we mask our sprite mask onto the screen we check if the screen byte has changed. E.G. LD A,(DE) ;get screen byte LD C,A ;store in C AND (HL) ;mask with mask byte CP C ;are they same JR NZ,HIT_PIXEL ;no so hit somthing The only problem is we dont now what we hit, all we now is that a byte after masking does not equal the original byte. So the only games that can use this tecneque are games like Manic Miner where you can only hit things that kill you. BOX COLLISION This is simple,quick and accurate enought to be used in all games except 3D simualtion (but we are not going into that just yet). Basically we get the X and Y coords for one sprite and store them into X1,Y1 , then get the X and Y coords for another sprite and store them into X2,Y2. Now we simply follow the following agarithum: IF X1X2 OR X1>X2 AND X1Y2 OR Y1>Y2 AND Y1
It's backup day today so I'm p****d off. Being the BOFH, however, does have it's advantages. I reassign null to be the tape device - it's so much more economical on my time as I don't have to keep getting up to change tapes every 5 minutes. And it speeds up backups too, so it can't be all bad. A user rings. "Do you know why the system is slow?" they ask "It's probably something to do with..." I look up today's excuse ".. clock speed" "Oh" (Not knowing what I'm talking about, they're satisfied) "Do you know when it will be fixed?" "There're 275 users on your machine, and one of them is you. Don't be so selfish - logout now and give someone else a chance!" "But my research results are due in tommorrow and all I need is one page of Laser Print.." "SURE YOU DO. Well; you just keep telling yourself that buddy!" I hang up. Sheesh, you'd really think people would learn not to call! The phone rings. It'll be him again, I know. That annoys me. I put on a gruff voice. "HELLO, SALARIES!" "Oh, I'm sorry, I've got the wrong number" "YEAH? Well what's your name buddy? Do you know WASTED phone calls cost money? DO YOU? I've got a good mind to subtract your wasted time, my wasted time, and the cost of this call from your weekly wages! IN FACT I WILL! By the time I've finished with you, YOU'LL OWE US money! WHAT'S YOUR NAME - AND DON'T LIE, WE'VE GOT CALLER ID!" I hear the phone drop and the sound of running feet - he's obviously going to try and get an alibi by being at the Dean's office. I look up his username and find his department. I ring the Dean's secretary. "Hello?" she answers. "Hi, SIMON, B.O.F.H HERE, LISTEN, WHEN THAT GUY COMES RUNNING INTO YOUR OFFICE IN ABOUT 10 SECONDS, CAN YOU GIVE HIM A MESSAGE?" "I think so..." she says. "TELL HIM HE CAN RUN, BUT HE CAN'T HIDE'" "Um. Ok" "AND DON'T FORGET NOW, I WOULDN'T WANT TO HAVE TO TELL ANYONE ABOUT THAT FILE IN YOUR ACCOUNT WITH YOUR ANSWERS TO THE PURITY TEST IN IT..." I hear her scrabbling at the terminal... "DON'T BOTHER - I HAVE A COPY. BE A GOOD GIRL AND PASS THE MESSAGE ON" She sobs her assent and I hang up. And the worst thing is, I was just guessing about the purity test thing. I grab a quick copy anyway; it might make for some good late-night reading. Meantime backups have finished in record time, 2.03 seconds. Modern technology is wonderful, isn't it. Another user rings. "I need more space" he says. "Well, why don't you move to Texas?" I ask. "No, on my account, stupid." Stupid? Uh-Oh... "I'm terribly sorry" I say, in a polite manner equal to that of Jimmy Stewart in a Family Matinee "I didn't quite catch that. What was it that you said" I smell the fear coming down the line at me, but it's too late, he's a goner and he knows it. "Um, I said what I wanted was more space on my account, please" "Sure, hang on" I hear him gasp his relief even though he covered the mouthpiece. "There, you've got plenty of space now" "How much have I got? Now this REALLY P****S ME OFF! Not only do they want me to give them extra space, they want to check it, to correct me if I don't give them enough. They should be happy with what I give them, and that's it. Back into Jimmy Stewart mode. "Well, let's see, you have 4 Meg available" "Wow! Eight Meg in total, thanks!" he says pleased with his bargaining power. "No" I interrupt, savouring this like a fine red, room temperature "4 Meg in total". "Huh? I'd used 4 Meg already, How could I have 4 Meg Available?" I say nothing. It'll come to him. "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhH!"
I'm sitting at the desk, playing X-Tank, when some thoughtless b*****d rings me on the phone. I pick it up. "Hello?" I say. "Who is this?" they say. "Its me I think" I say, having been through a telephone skills course. "Me who?" "Is this like a knock knock joke?" I say, trying anything to save myself having to end this game. Too LATE! I get killed. Now I'm p****d! "What can I do for you?" I ask pleasantly - (one of the key warning signs). "Um, I want to know if we have a particular software package.." "Which package is that?" "Uh, B-A-S-I-C it's called." >clickety clickety d-e-l b-a-s-i-c.e-x-e< "Um no, we don't have that. We used to though..." "Oh. Oh well, the other thing I wanted to know was, could the contents of my account be copied to tape so I have a permanent copy of them to save at home in case the worst happens..." "The worst?" "Well, like they get deleted or something..." "DELETED! Oh, don't worry about that, we have backups" (I'm such a s**t) "What was your username?" He gives me his username. (What an idiot) >clickety click< "But you haven't got any files in your account!" I say, mock surprise leaping from my vocal chords. "Yes I have, you must be looking in the wrong place!" So first he spoils my X-Tank game, and now he's calling me a liar... >clickety click< "Oh no, I made a mistake " I say. Did he mutter "typical" under his breath? Oh dear, oh dear.. "I meant to say: That username doesn't exist" "Huh? >wimper< It must do, I was only using it this morning!" "Ah well, that'll be the problem, there was a virus in our system this morning, the... uh... Da Vinci Virus, wipes out users who are logged in when it goes off." "That can't be right, my girlfriend was logged in, and I'm in her account now!" "Which one was that?" He tells me the username. Some people NEVER learn.. "Oh, yeah, her account was just after we discovered the virus." >clickety click< "..she only lost all her files" "But..." "But don't worry, we've got them all on tape" "Oh, thank goodness!!!" "Paper tape. Have you got a magnifying glass and a pencil. SEE YOU IN THE MACHINE ROOM!!!! NYAHAHAHAHAHA!" I'm such a s**t!!
I'm working so hard I barely have time to drive into town and watch a movie before I told people their printing will be ready. The queue's WAAAAY too long to have everything printed (and sorted) by the time I told them, so I kill all the small jobs so there's only 2 left and I can sort them in no time. Then, after the movie, (which was one of those slack Bertolucci ones that takes about 3 hours till the main character is killed off in a visionary experience) I get back and clear the printouts. There's about 50 people waiting outside and I've got two printouts. That's about average for me. I thought I'd killed more though... Anyway, I put out the printouts and walk slooowly inside, fingering the clipboard with "ACCOUNTS TO REMOVE" in big letters on the back. No-one says anything. As usual. . . . I'm sitting back in the Operations Armchair, watching the computer room closed circuit TV, which just happens to be connected to the frame-grabber's Video player (sent off for repair, due back sometime in '94) when the phone rings. That must be the 2nd time today, and it's really starting to get to me! "Yes?" I say, pausing the picture. "I've accidentally deleted my C.V!" the voice at the other end of the line says. "You have? What was your username?" He tells me. What the hell, I AM bored. "Ah no, you didn't delete it - I did." "What?" "I deleted it. It was full of s**t! You didn't ever get more than a B- in any of your subjects!" "Huh?" "And that crap about being a foreign exchange student, that was your girlfriend and we both know it. Your academic records. I checked them, you were lying.." "How did y.." He clicks. "It's you isn't it? THE B*****D OPERATOR FROM HELL!" "In the flesh, on the phone and in your account.... You shouldn't have called you know. You especially shouldn't have given me your username.." >clickety click< "Neither should you have sent that mail to the System Manager telling him what you think of him in graphic terms.. ." "I didn't send any.." >clickety click<...... "No, you didn't did you? But who can tell these days. Not to worry though, It'll all be over VERY soon.." >clickety click< "..change my username back, and..." "b-b-b.." he blubs, like a stood-up date. "Goodbye now" I say pleasantly, "you've got bags to pack and a life to start over..." I hang up. Two seconds later the red phone goes. I pick it up, it's the boss. He mumbles the username of the person I was just talking to, mentions something about a nasty mail message, and utters the words "You know what to do...", with the dots and everything. Later, inside the Municipal Energy Authority Computer, as I'm modifying the poor pleb's Energy Bill by several zeros, I can't help but think about what lapse of judgement - what act of heinous stupidity causes them to call. Then, even later, when I'm adding the poor pleb's photo image over the top of the FBI's online "Most Wanted; Armed and Dangerous, SHOOT ON SIGHT" offenders list, I realise, I'll probably never know; but life goes on. A couple of hours later as I see the SWAT vehicle roll up outside the poor pleb's apartment I realise that for some, it just doesn't. But tomorrow is another day.
It's a Thursday, and I'm in a good mood. It's payday. I think I'll take some calls. I put the phone back on the hook. It rings. "I've been trying to get you for hours!" the voice at the other end screams. "Not, it can't be hours" I say, putting Blade Runner back into it's cover and looking at the back, "it was more like 114 minutes. I was on a long phone call with the big boss, trying to get you users some better facilities" Hook; Line; and Sinker... "Oh. I'm sorry." "That's ok, I'm a tolerant person" I make a mental note to change his password to something nasty in the next couple of days. "Um, I need to know how to rename a file" he says. Oh dear... Hang on, it's payday isn't it?! I'm in a good mood. "Sure. You just go 'rm' and the filename" "Thanks" "No worries" (Now I'm in a REALLY good mood. I think I just might write that script to make saving impossible on rogue at random times like I've been thinking about) The phone rings again. "Hello?" "Hi there" I say "Is this the Operator?" "Yes it is" I say, nice as pie "Could you get my printouts please. I need them urgently, and I printed them over 5 minutes ago" "Your username?" I ask. He gives it to me, and I write it down for later. "No worries at all!" I say, and head to the printers. There's a HUUUUUUUGE pile of printouts there, and sure enough, his is at the top of the pile. I pick it up, split it out of the rest and pour our ink-stained cleaning alcohol all over it, run it over a couple of times with the loaded tape trolley then slam it in the tape safe door some times as well. Beautiful. "Here's your printout" I say "Sorry about the delay, we've got a few printer problems." He takes a look and sh**s himself. "Well, can I print it again?" he asks, worried. "Sure you can" I say "But no promises, the printer's a bit stuffed today" "Well can I print it on laser - is that working?" "Yeah of course , but that'll cost you" I say, oozing compassion for the geek. "It doesn't matter about the cost, THIS IS URGENT!" I slide on back into the printer room and put in the toner cartridge we save for special occasions - the one that prints thick black lines down the middle of the page and is all faint on one side. It took me quite a while to make it like that too. The printout shoots through and I bring it out immediately - I don't want to miss this! "W-w-what's happened to my printout?" he geek-squeals at me. Lucky I wrote that username down - I'm really starting to develop a taste for torture. "Well nothing. I mean sure, it' s a little soiled, but that cartridge has already done 47 thousand pages and been refilled 17 times. It's quite good compared to some we get" Geek pays up and starts blubbing. "Hey now. There's no reason to cry! Have you got a disk with your work on it?" He gives me a box of diskettes and I step inside and run them across the bulk eraser. I come back out again. "Sorry, I just remembered, our machine is on the fritz, you'll have to take these to the other side of campus to the machine there, it'll print them OK, and it had a brand-new toner yesterday." "GREAT!" "No worries. Oh, and hold the disks above your head the whole way there, the earth's magnetic field is particularly strong today." "Huh?" "No arguements, just do it." He wanders off, hands held high. S**t. I hate myself sometimes.
I'm bored senseless, so I pass the time by reading users email. I must admit that today's lot is PARTICULARLY boring, not one good message in all of them. I was expecting at LEAST some veiled reference to a grope in a storeroom, but nothing. So I'm bored senseless by the usual drivel about some relative's surgery and how the weather is over the other side of the world - that sort of stuff. To relieve the boredom, I remove an E-mail party invite from a user's mail and post it under the senders username to on news, and make a note in my diary to be there with my camcorder. Should be a blast! Next in line is the online medical records database, in which the company doctors store the current medical histories of the staff. I scan it quickly for "herpes" and "syphillus" and sell the results to the local scum newspaper. I cover my tracks by adding an entry to one of the doctor's online electronic diarys for yesterday saying "$500, Med Recs To Paper" I think that's all it should take... I move some tapes from the racks to the trolley to make it look like we really use them, then start looking through Archie listings for a hidden x-gif site. I find one then start a batch job running under some user's account to get them all back, charged to him. I make sure he's got enough disk for the job by removing any files not related to the task at hand. Like all those "Doctorate Final Report" papers that have got quite large in the last couple of weeks. I go back to the mail now, as something's bound to have happened. I do a scan on all mail files for the words "pregnant" and "family way", and post them anonymously to the local general interest newsgroup. Then, before anything can happen, the power goes out! The next second, the phone rings. "Hello?" I say, annoyed - the coyote was just about to kill roadrunner again! "Has the comput .." I hang up. This is a matter of life or death. Quick as I can I rip the computer power cable out of the UPS and plug the TV in. Damn! Wylie missed again! Meantime, all the alarms are going off like crazy as the disks spin down, but that's ok, because my Amiga and Terminal are hardwired to the UPS in any case; and I'm at the Beer Factory level in Dark Castle too. The phone rings, so I pull the PABX breaker on the UPS switchboard and it stops. Now to look like I'm working. I break out the puck and the hockey stick and play a little one-on-wall. From the observation window it'll look like I'm being blindingly efficient, as per usual. 10 Minutes later, the power is back and we're two HDA's down, but what the hell, I haven't lost a man, I'm on to the final screen, and there's more cartoons! The phone rings; it's a user. (What a surprise) "Computer Room" I say, being efficient. "Hello, when will the compu..." I hang up. I'm doing well on the screen, all I need do is get past the wizard who throws spells at you and I'm in! The phone rings again. I put it on hands free. "Computer Room" I shout, still deep in the game. "I've lost my files" a user whines over the loudspeaker. "You bet you have" I say, as my concentration lapses just long enough for me to get zapped by the wizard. "What was your username?" I say, all sweetness and smiles. He tells me, I look, and he's right. Shit, and I didn't even do it! Not to be out done, I change his login directory to the null device, set his path to "." and redefine the command "news" to execute a script in his old login directory to send a nasty message to the equal opportunities officer, then delete itself. Now that's trying! ***** ***** ***** ***** That's all from the BOFH this month - we'll have another 5 installments in FRED 32, so don't miss it!