Super Byke Championship
Release Year
TRON light-cycle based game.
(C) 1996 Colin G. Piggot
Following the success of 'Super Byke' on issue 2 of Soundbyte, here is the sequel - Super Byke Championship.
This game represents several months hard work - specifically on the sound to allow 16 bit soundtracks, plus other samples in surround all while the game is running!
I hope you enjoy playing 'Super Byke Championship'. As always, I appreciate any comments.
Colin Piggot.
Super Byke Championship comes on two disks - the main disk and the zone disk.
Boot up the main disk, after loading and listening to the title music you can select what type of game you want to play:
Fl - Continuous - no lives, you just keep on playing
F2 - 10 Lives - you have ten lives, ideal challenge if you don't have plenty of time to play!
When selected you will be asked for a zone disk, insert it and press any key.
The zone disk has 3 different levels (each with their own 16 bit soundtrack!). Press the appropriate key.
The zone disk's are:
CLASSIC - the same game zone as the original 'Super Byke'.
PIPES - lots of pipes and debris, quite challenging.
SNOW - a wintery game zone, the easiest of all three .
At the start of each round you are shown where you will begin - Your byke will flash and be surrounded by two circles so you can see clearly where you are.
You will be told (yes - speech!) to start your engine, by pressing a direction the round will start and you will zoom off in whatever direction you pressed.
Controls are joystick or 6 - left, 7 - right, 8 - down, 9 - up, 0 - engine.
Other keys: F7 - pause, F8 - pause, F9 - reset computer.
The round ends when there is only 1 byke left - either you or any of the three
computer controlled bykes. You die when you crash into anything - either scenery or a trail from any byke. Whenever a computer byke crashes and you are still alive you will gain 1 point. You get a bonus point if you survive the round.
By pressing fire or 0 you can use your engine enhancement. (see later)
Sound during the game comprises of the zone's 16 bit soundtrack, other sound effects and speech saying if any bykes crash or if you use your engine enhancement.
After each round, you will be shown your points. These can be used to buy engine enhancements. If you already have an enhancement, you will be shown how many charges it has left.
4 points will buy TURBO - each use gives 2 seconds of extra speed.
8 points will buy BRAKE - stop for 2 seconds
14 points will buy Jump - each jump moves you a short distance, enough to jump over a byke trail.
20 points will buy POWER JUMP – a large jump, enough to clear bits of scenery.
Each enhancement has 5 charges when bought. To buy, press the appropriate function key, or press fire to go on.
If you are playing a ‘10 lives’ game you will be shown how many lives you have remaining.
By pressing F9 at the points screen you can end the game and go back to the first menu.
Have fun!
Other Notes
The 16 bit soundtracks play through the front and the speech and sound effects through the rear channels (if using 2 sets of speakers this will be be surround - if not all sound would of course come from the front). If you only have 1 set of speakers and are curious to know what exactly you would hear behind you (or if you want a break from the game zone's soundtrack) connect your speakers to the REAR socket of the Quazar Surround.
The software and documentation are copyright and are protected by both British and International law. Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained herein, nor the product described, may be adapted or reproduced in any form.
(C) Copyright 1996 Colin G. Piggot.