
Release Year
- 6 channel stereo mixers
- 6 frequency generators with 8 octaves per generator, 256 tones per octave.
- 12 amplitude controllers
- 6 noise/freqeuncy mixers
- 2 noise generators
- 2 envelope generators
- capable of outputting 2 independent stereo channels of 3 bit digital output (although the chip has no DMA - sample playback can only be achieved in software or with additional hardware)
The chip can be emulated using SAASound.
SAM Native tracker formats:
Cross platform tracker formats:
- SAmadeus (ZX Spectrum emulation)
- (Web)
More info at
func pin pin func /WR 1 18 Vcc /CS 2 17 D7 A0 3 16 D6 OutR 4 15 D5 OutL 5 14 D4 Iref 6 13 D3 /DTACK 7 12 D2 CLK 8 11 D1 GND 9 10 D0 address function ------- ---------------- 0 data to register 1 register select \bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 reg.\ ------------------------------- 00 | right | left | Amplitude channel 0 ------------------------------- 01 | right | left | Amplitude channel 1 ------------------------------- 02 | right | left | Amplitude channel 2 ------------------------------- 03 | right | left | Amplitude channel 3 ------------------------------- 04 | right | left | Amplitude channel 4 ------------------------------- 05 | right | left | Amplitude channel 5 ------------------------------- 06 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Reserved ------------------------------- 07 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Reserved ------------------------------- 08 | | Frequency channel 0 ------------------------------- 09 | | Frequency channel 1 ------------------------------- 0A | | Frequency channel 2 ------------------------------- 0B | | Frequency channel 3 ------------------------------- 0C | | Frequency channel 4 ------------------------------- 0D | | Frequency channel 5 ------------------------------- 0E | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Reserved ------------------------------- 0F | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Reserved ------------------------------- 10 | x | channel 1 | x | channel 0 | Octave select ------------------------------- 11 | x | channel 3 | x | channel 2 | Octave select ------------------------------- 12 | x | channel 5 | x | channel 4 | Octave select ------------------------------- 13 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Reserved ------------------------------- 14 | x | x | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | Channel frequency enable ------------------------------- 15 | x | x | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | Channel noise enable ------------------------------- 16 | x | x | NG 1 | x | x | NG 0 | Noise generator ------------------------------- 17 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ------------------------------- 18 | | x | | | | | | | Envelope generator 0 ------------------------------- 19 | | x | | | | | | | Envelope generator 1 ------------------------------- 1A | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ------------------------------- 1B | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ------------------------------- 1C | x | x | x | x | x | x | R |SE | R=Reset, SE=Sound Enable ------------------------------- 1D | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ------------------------------- 1E | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ------------------------------- 1F | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ------------------------------- Amplitude register (00h - 05h) ----------------------------- 0 = minimum amplitude (off), 15 = maximum amplitude Frequency register (08h - 0Dh) ----------------------------- 0 = lowest, 255 = highest frequency Octave select (10h - 12h) --------------------------- value Frequency (input clk 8MHz) 0 31 Hz - 61 Hz 1 61 Hz - 122 Hz 2 122 Hz - 244 Hz 3 245 Hz - 488 Hz 4 489 Hz - 977 Hz 5 978 Hz - 1.95 kHz 6 1.96 kHz - 3.91 kHz 7 3.91 kHz - 7.81 kHz Channel frequency enable (14h) ------------------------------- 0 = off, 1 = on Channel noise enable (15h) --------------------------- 0 = off, 1 = on Noise generator (16h) ---------------------- value Frequency (input clk 8MHz) 0 31.3 kHz 1 15.6 kHz 2 7.6 kHz 3 61 Hz - 15.6 kHz (FG 0 is used for NG 0 and FG 3 is used for NG 1 ) Envelope generator (18h - 19h) ------------------------------- bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - ----- - | | | | | | | | | | | +-| 0 = Left and right have same envelope | | | | | | 1 = Right envelope is inverse of left | | | | | | | | | | | 0 = Zero amplitude | | | | | | 1 = Maximum amplitude | | | | | | 2 = Single decay \______ | | | | +-----| 3 = Repetitive decay \|\|\|\ | | | | | 4 = Single triangular /\_____ | | | | | 5 = Repetitive triangular /\/\/\/\ | | | | | 6 = Single attack /|_____ | | | | | 7 = Repetitive attack /|/|/|/| | | | | | | | +---------| 0 = 4 bits for envelope control | | | | 1 = 3 bits for envelope control | | | | | | | 0 = Internal envelope clock (FG 1 is used for EG 0 | | +-----------| and FG 4 is used for EG 1) | | | 1 = External envelope clock (address write pulse) | | | +-------------| not used | +---------------| 0 = Reset (no envelope control) | 1 = Envelope control enabled Reset, Sound Enable (1Ch) -------------------------- SE 0 = All channels disabled 1 = All channels enabled R 0 = 1 = Reset and synchronizes generators
When reset is triggered the sound chip is not disabled by the boot routine for some time so the last loaded values continue to play until the ports are zeroed towards the end of boot.
The sound chip in the SAM Coupé development machine was a AY-3-8912 as used in the ZX Spectrum 128K machine although it was on a different port meaning that emulated games would not play through it.
If you wish to use real samples of the chips waveforms in your own music then you can download this sample pack
LinkedIn has the following profiles indicating they were responsible for the creation of the SAA1099 Digital Polyphonic Stereo Sound Generator:
- Alan Moore - Project Manager and Architect / Designer
The SAA1099 was a groundbreaking low cost polyphonic (6 voice) stereo sound generator.
It was used in many products including early Magnavox video game systems - however it also kick started digital audio on PC's in the Creative Labs Sound Blaster 1.0 product, also used in Game Blaster and Silicon Graphics products. It is still available today over 25 years later (surely a sign of a great product!)
Jon Lamb - Project Leader
Before that I was the project leader on a games sound chip (SAA1099), which sold successfully.
On the SAA1099, during the initial phase I was responsible for about one third of the chip design again.
- Shaun Durnan - Design Engineer
Indicated as creator on Alan Moore's project.