
Word Processor
Review by Steven Pick from the Sam Coupé Scrapbook
How about this, eh? A review of Outwrite, written on Outwrite itself!! (then ported and htmlised using MicroEMACS, but the thought was there - Tim Paveley) This also means, I can show you it’s features, etc! I usually write reviews on a word processor, and to tell you the truth, my word processor was CRAP! Letters were repeated, crap keypress, limited space, etc. Now Outwrite has arrive, we can kiss my problems goodbye, and format the crappy old disk!
I can say that the word processor is well worth the money! Now then - a first! A review done on the software I am reviewing it on!! For a start, there are a huge amount of fonts to choose from, including Amiga, Greek, Gothic, Normal, etc. all of which can be loaded onto the wordprocessor itself. The top of the screen tells you the file length, the page number the insert, wrap, justify and caps status, and column position! By tapping INV, you get 2 Help pages, without you refering to the manual! The function keys play a role as well, F0 tells you the amount of words, F1 justifies the line.
Also there’s word wrap, which I can also demonstrate - Word wrap, allows you to wrap words around lines of text - oops! This is a PC package… er..! I also hate Wordwrap, but this suits all tastes… Also, you can use EDIT as a Function Mode, and tap a key, for Saving, Loading, (Oh, you can also load files from Tasword, and other processors which save code as ASCII (all of em!!!)), Inserting words, Merge text files (pretty damned useful to disk mag editors….), Print the page or file, Quit, Change printer options, Enter blocks to files…. The list is endless, and Outwrite will appeal to all of you SAM owners, whetever it be writing a diary, or a novel!
Area | Score |
Overall | 94% |
Bob Wilkinson is no longer with us. He died in December 2007. As a friend of Bob and supporter of his work whilst creating Outwrite! I (*) believe he would want this word processor to be used by all SAM Coupe users everywhere.
(*) who is I?
I think "I" may be me, Mick Sleight.
I met Bob in 1984 via SUUG, SPECTRUM UNEMPLOYED USER GROUP. We became friends and communicated, via cassette tape, for years up until he died. He was a very good coder, Z80, and wrote quite a number of programmes for the Spectrum, Amstrad and Sam Coupe. He used to send me copies of his coding to road test and Outwrite was used by me to write all my assignments for uni from 95 to 97. He and I worked together on an assembler, singlestep and code to source suite. Bob moved up to PC use in the 90s and eventually found his niche coding for virtual worlds designing buildings etc. I last had an email from him the day before he died. He sent me a link to his latest project, a virtual mansion, outlining his plans for coding the following day. Sadly that day he died. Bob was always my number one shout out when I hit any problems with computing, I miss him now every time I hit a problem.