
This is a dice game for up to 5 players (human or computer) based on Dice 10,000.
The object of the game is to get to 10,000 points by scoring as many points per turn and safely banking them.
If you cannot score then you lose your turn and points so consider your risks and when to bank points!
English version and instructions by Dan Dooré
Start by telling the game how many players you wish to have and then choose the player name - if you want a player to be the computer then name it 'SAM' and a random name will be chosen for the game. There is no restriction on who plays so you can have a fully automated tournement!
To roll the dice press R
After each of your throws you can play the following dice to score points:
Single 1 - 100 points
Single 5 - 50 points
Three 1's - 1000 points
Three 2's - 200 points
Three 3's - 300 points
Three 4's - 400 points
Three 5's - 500 points
Three 6's - 600 points
Straight - 1500 points
Dice to play are selected via the number keys 1-6 to match the dice on screen, you can also press A to select all scoring dice in the throw - note that this is how you can play a straight, if you try and select an individual dice then the game will assume you wish to play just that dice, so watch out!
Once you are happy with your play you can either bank the points with B or roll again with R.
* You can only bank points once you accrue at least 350 points in the current turn
* If you have valid dice that score then you must play at least one per throw
* If you play all your dice then you get to have another throw in your turn, there is no limit to the number of throws per turn.
* If you cannot score after a throw then your turn ends and you lose any points accrued