Nev Young

Big Nev.
Coder, Hardware Guru and a thoroughly nice chap.
First came into contact with MGT through Format after buying a DISCiPLE interface for my ZX Spectrum. As a software engineer and systems tester I used my knowledge to debug some of the many irritating bugs in the disciple, and later PlusD, ROMs.
Wrote a couple of simple utilities for my own benefit and was persuaded by Bob Brenchley to start SD Software (he thought of the name) to sell them. Later wrote the help page for Format for a couple of years. Nearly went bankrupt after funding the production of UNIDOS, written by Steve Warr, for the disciple and PlusD when a major flaw was found with the first shipping that required almost all ROMs to be replaced, free of charge, when a fix had been applied. SD Software supported several independent coders, on a royalty per sale basis, until it folded due to lack of sales, when it was sold to Format, who ran it until its demise.
Had some great times down at MGT in Swansea during the design and testing of SAM where I annoyed Dr Andy Wright by breaking his ROM as I tested them to try and debug them. I don’t think we did too badly. That’s how I got my hands on Prototype number 3, SAMP003.
Main contributions to the SAM were the design and production of the SD IDE hard drive interface, based on a design for the spectrum by (can’t remember). I wrote HDOS to drive the interface. Again almost went broke due to a recall required to have extra chips fitted. Never did manage to break even on that project. The SAM community preferred the ATOM and so when the sources for HDOS were lost due to a PC crash I just gave it up.
Also designed the initial PCBs for the ATOM and the SAM CLOCK, yes it did exist, I still have the prototype somewhere, along with several hundred blank PCBs that I never got paid for. Also took charge of the production of SAM ROMs for West Coast Computers as I had the hardware to do it.
I know secrets, but I can’t tell, because those I know things about, know things about me as well.
Has returned to his childhood hobby of amateur radio (M0NFY) and electronics construction. Can often be found in uk.rec.sheds. Owner of a great many Raspberry Pi's. Hangs out at ALUG and 2600 meets.
Where are they now?
Now very old and retired from the race of rats. Passing time peacefully in Norwich with his partner Lorna. Maintains a small number of websites and mailing lists for local charities.
Started to downsize my home due to very poor health. This involves passing on all my Spectrum and SAM stuff from the attic.