Trying to create a SAMDOS boot disk without having a SAMDOS boot disk

Hi all, childhood Sinclair'er here, and have just managed to grab a SAM.

My SAM came with a drive, but no disks. I've been trying to find a way to make a SAMDOS boot disk but am struggling. 

I had rather hoped I could use the External Drive Interface tape image which ostensibly comes with a version of SAMDOS. from your page Have loaded the thing in via my Maxduino, told it I have only one drive, fed in 80 sectors, double-sided and 3ms for step speed, which apparently is stock internal MGT drive. It then prompts me for a disk to format, I feed it one, press Return...

...and it hangs. No disk activity, I can't break into the program. I can NMI-button into the program, but it seems to have crashed to some degree (it seemed to have corrupted the character R!).

Is the EDI tape image specific to that actual interface - is it some "special" flavour of SAMDOS? Is there a "clean" TZX of SAMDOS out there? Or is should what I'm doing work, suggesting there's something else wrong? The drive does do stuff if I shove a disk in after a cold start and type "boot", and I did replace the belt. However, as the disk I'm using is "Windows 3.0 German Installation Disk 1" for an Atari PC, the "19 Loading Error" is possibly to be expected :)

The EDI tape is SAMDOS v1.1 - you need to use SAMDOS2 if your ROM is V2.0 or later!

I can send you a disk with SAMDOS2 written on for the price of postage!